40 Best Hinge Prompt Responses for Guys (with Screenshots)

best hinge prompt responses for guys

Before Facebook Dating launched, Hinge was the first dating app that utilized dating prompts.

Dating prompts are questions that users fill out when creating their profiles. They’re pithy, probing, and take the anxiety away from constructing a killer profile from scratch.

Without a doubt, Hinge is the preferred dating app of my clients. Unlike other dating apps, Hinge isn’t designed to addict users. Rather, its slogan, “designed to be deleted” speaks to the app’s ethos. So just how is this app different from others?

Its main selling point is that it will only connect you with friends of your Facebook friends. In this way, every person that pops up on the app has been screened. It plays on the old fashioned way of meeting partners through friends and simply “appifies” the practice -but this isn’t the app’s only boon.

My clients like that the app prods its users into substantially filling out their profiles. They also enjoy the “Your Turn” feature that gently reminds users to respond to conversations that have went dead. The app claims that its feature has reduced ghosting by 25%. And it doesn’t hurt that democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg tells supporters at rallies that he used Hinge to meet his now-husband.

As if all these reasons weren’t enough to convince you to use the app, let’s circle back to arguably Hinge’s most effective feature.

The Benefits Of Using Hinge’s Prompts

Generally speaking, if Facebook copies your idea, it’s probably a safe bet that the idea in question was effective. In this case it’s Hinge prompts.

If the prompts weren’t available, men and women would be left to put together a compellingly written profile with no help. As experience has shown us this will often lead to users refraining from even writing a profile, instead choosing to leave profiles blank. Hinge prods users into filling out a substantial profile by forcing them to respond to at least 3 prompts.

But not any prompt will do. If enough users use the same prompt, the efficacy of that prompt wanes. Try choosing an underused prompt that will elicit a like.

With an arsenal of over 80 shiny prompts to choose from you must be wondering -which prompt should I be using? Let’s run through the best Hinge prompts and prompt responses that offer the highest likelihood of receiving a like.

Best Hinge Prompt Responses for Guys

The best Hinge prompt responses are the ones that elicit a like and a comment. Typically the type of Hinge responses that will get you the coveted like and comment fall into these three categories:

-Witty Prompt Responses

-Genuine/Heartwarming Responses

-Unique Prompt Responses

-Specific Prompt Responses

Let’s run through examples that pertain to each category in order to dissect why these prompt responses are deemed to be of high quality.

Funny/Clever/Witty Hinge Prompt Responses for Guys

Witty Hinge Prompt Responses #1: A Combination of LOL and Intrigue

witty hinge prompt answer

To be famous or rich used to be the standard response to this question. But nowadays, if you don’t have a Wiki page, it’s doubtful that you’re either. This response is classified as witty because the user shows that he’s hip to the times. It’s also original. Too many people would write rich or famous, but this user gives us details. He doesn’t just want to be recognized, but he wants to be recognized to the extent that he has his very own Wikipedia page.

Funny Hinge Prompt Responses #2: Can’t We All Relate

hinge prompt responses for guys

A Hinge prompt response is about building a bond. Everyone, literally everyone shares this silly fear. Being able to build a connection with someone through a simple prompt is powerful and not every user is able to pull it off. When penning your prompt, always try to make your response relatable, but not cliche.

Witty Hinge Prompt Responses #3: If It’s Not Relatable, But At Least It’s Funny

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Of the millions of Hinge users, not a single other person will identify with this risk. But it doesn’t matter. It might not be relatable, but it sure is funny. And while not one other person can claim a similar event as the biggest risk they’ve taken, they sure can resonate with not wanting to eat non-ethical products.

Funny Hinge Prompt Responses #4: When Spam Winds Up In Your Inbox

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For those who don’t know, West Elm is a furniture company that according to one user, won’t stop sending him emails despite his best efforts. This is a lighthearted dare that many people will relate with. Having one’s inbox bombarded with unwanted email is a daily occurrence for thousands. There’s no doubt that this Hinge prompt response will generate a few likes.

Funny Hinge Prompt Responses #5: Typical Sunday

best hinge prompt responses

All users should want to put their best foot forward on dating sites and apps.

The best way to do so is to be genuine, humanize yourself, and talk about real lived experiences. Give her a look into your real life by talking about what a typical Sunday looks like for you.

#6: A Genuine LOL

hinge prompts

We’ve all seen this user before. He’s the guy that you point out to your friends and most likely called an idiot. It’s nice to know that after the fact he realized his mistake and never again publicly shamed himself by wearing flip flops at a bar. This Hinge response works because every female has seen such a man before and can commiserate with him.

#7: Everyone’s Up For A Challenge

how to answer hinge prompts

When it comes to making bets with strangers, you’ll always want to keep these lighthearted. I have no doubt that after reading this, dozens of women made the attempt to lick their elbows. It’s these same women that also liked this guy’s prompt and are now on their way to enjoying a first date full of jokes and elbow-licking.

#8: I Laugh Because I’m Freaking Terrified 

how to answer hinge prompts

There are cute ways to respond to this prompt, and then there are ways that will never make you want to get into the water again. This response is a good one, but it might not convince her to like your prompt. While it’s a fear that many people can identify with, sharing a common fear of something as obviously terrifying as a saltwater croc isn’t the type of commonality that makes people bond via dating apps.

Genuine & Heartwarming – Warm Fuzzy Hinge Prompt Responses

A woman will only go out with you if you can make her feel comfortable. There’s no better way to convey that you’re a non-threatening dude than by penning a warm response. Want a first date -write a heartwarming response that lowers her guard.

Genuine Hinge Prompt Responses #9: Don’t We All?

how to answer hinge prompts

It doesn’t get more basic than this. This guy’s speaking to me. A chill partner that makes dorky jokes is something everyone wants. This user speaks my language and therefore wins a like.

Heartwarming Hinge Prompt Response #10: I Can See It

how to answer hinge prompts

The message this user conveys without explicitly saying it is that he wants a woman that isn’t judgemental. He wants to be in a relationship that is more receptive than it is critical. This response also tells us that the user is down to earth and has enough humility to be able to laugh at himself. He conveys all this while providing the reader with a nice bit of imagery to fantasize about.

#11: TRUTH

hinge prompt responses

Here we have another message that says so much with the use of an image. This guy wants someone that’s humble and realizes that they still have the potential to grow. Asking for help whether it be personal, professional or what have you, is an attractive feature. It means that this person doesn’t let their fear or conceit hinder them from growing as an individual with the help of others.

#12: Get With The Times

hinge prompt responses

Dating a bad boy was so high school. Hinge tends to have an older, more educated user base. That means that female users will be more interested in dating a complete gentleman rather than a callow young 20-something that still blacks out every Friday.

Another point that must be noted is that each prompt is bait. Every prompt response is its own unique bait that attracts a certain audience. The prior prompt is really only trying to attract women that like good dudes. Be aware of the audience you’re targeting with each response.

Genuine Hinge Prompt Responses for Guys #13: Moms Would Approve

honest hinge responses

Position yourself as the guy that she’d want to bring home to her parents. In other apps such as Tinder, such a line might not work. But this is Hinge, the app that’s designed to be deleted. Positioning yourself as a good dude that’s simply looking for everlasting love will get you the kind of feedback you desire.

Unique Hinge Prompt Responses

Unique Hinge Prompts #14: Make Her So, “That’s So Cool”

Stand out. Whether it be Hinge, Bumble, or Happn, this is your mission. There are thousands of other dudes meandering around the app attempting to steal her attention away from you. Do you know how you win her over? Telling her that you used the rest of your student loan money on a Hawaiian vacation post-graduation is one way to do it.

#15: Edgy

best hinge prompt responses

Tell her who you are.

If you’re a fantasy flask fiction writer or love to rock climb every Wednesday, let her know. Those are humanizing details that paint a clear and fun picture of who you are and what you bring to the table.

Interesting Hinge Prompt Response #16: Wow.

This person is a different breed. With 1 in 5 Americans currently labeling themselves as smokers, it’s safe to say that many more have at one time puffed a cancer stick. Never indulging in a poison that knowingly gives us cancer, despite many millions still doing it is impressive and for many is worth a like.

Unique Hinge Prompt Response #17: Keeping It Real

unique hinge prompt responses

Too many people treat dating like a full-time job. Sure if you’re MegaDating you’re dating various women at the same time, but prolific dating doesn’t mean that you’re allowed to be blase with the process. You should only go on a date if you’re excited to meet the person on the other side of the screen. Not fully committing to open up to the person across from you is a waste of both yours and her time.

#18: Let Us Fantasize

We know this isn’t true, but we appreciate the fantasy. How awesome would it be to go on a first date abroad? You can use these whimsical responses only if the woman reading it knows that they’re hyperbolic prompt response.

#19: Who Doesn’t Want To Know This Person?

interesting hinge prompt responses

Even if the female user doesn’t find this guy cool enough to date, she’ll at the very least want to mine him for his knowledge. Pitch yourself as a cool guy that every woman would want to meet. When responding to a Hinge prompt always use positive language that makes you seem like the life of the party rather than a dull guy that likes to spend his Friday nights binging The Office.

Specific Hinge Prompt Responses for Guys

You’re not going to attract every single woman on the app. Hell, if you could would you even want to? Hinge doesn’t have filter options like other apps. This means you’ll have to use Hinge prompts to tailor your message to specific types of women. With specific responses, you’re not trying to attract as many women as possible, rather you’re zeroing in on a unique user that you have a greater likelihood of connecting with.

Specific Hinge Prompt Responses #20: Grab Your Passport

With this message, you’re appealing to the type of person that wants to quit their job and travel the world. The keyword in this prompt response is “excessive.” In this day and age, everyone likes to travel -or at least they say they do on their dating profile. Without the word “excessive”, this profile would be dull. Excessive traveling tells the female user that you aren’t content with just spending a week in Cancun every other year. This response also works because it’s a status symbol.

#21: Does It Get More Specific Than This?

specific hinge prompt responses

This is the type of profile that will gross out the majority but will appear super attractive to a select few. And for the author of the prompt, that’s just fine. I recommend making one prompt in your profile, super-specific. The fact of the matter is that you aren’t compatible with everyone. There are only so many people that you can see yourself dating.

This user wants to spend his free time geeking out on thermodynamics. This is a specific hobby that only resonates with so many women. He knows this but isn’t willing to settle for anything less. Honestly, even women that might not be interested in the aforementioned things might be attracted to the profile because it makes the user seem like a nuanced and unique individual, something that most profiles fail to portray.

#22: Make Us See It

The more boring response to this prompt would have been, “A fun girl that likes to dance.” This user doesn’t settle for non-specifics, instead, he tells us in detail what he’s searching for.

Specific Hinge Prompt Responses #23: Nope, Nope, Nope

If the previous message can be praised for its detail, this one can be admonished for doing the exact opposite. What would a better version of this response look like? “Most things” is an image that’s difficult to wrap one’s head around. Even if the user wrote, “billiards, bowling, and teeth brushing” it would have been a more compelling response than “most things.” The specifics is how you’ll set yourself apart from the competition.

#24: Umm… Duh

You get what you put into the app. If this is all you wrote, it’s doubtful anyone genuinely fun will respond. What does a fun person look like? Do they skydive, go to baseball games, or ding dong ditch their neighbors? Spell out what fun means and that person will appear with time.

#25: This Is How It’s Done

This guy’s practical and sage. A quality first date should end with a TDL for a second date. This is exactly the response that women want to hear.

New Hinge Prompts That Receive The Most Likes & Comments

Last year Hinge released a list of new prompts that receive the most likes and comments. 

These are the most liked and commented of the new posts. If you can come up with a response that suits these prompts, it’s these Hinge questions that you should be posting.

If you can’t come up with something witty enough, go ahead and steal what we wrote.

Plagiarizing for love, who woulda thought?

Let’s go!

#26: Name Drop Keanu!

hinge prompt responses

Two truths and a lie is never a bad call, especially when you’ve lived a pretty kick-ass life.

Even if you don’t think you have the craziest of truths to tell, comb through your head for a minute and think. No doubt some crazy stuff has happened to you that you can use as a conversation starter.

That’s why this prompt is the best. It invites the reader to guess what’s true and false and then have a conversation about it.

#27: Tell Her About Your Tribe

we'll get along if

Not everyone knows about Serial (if you’re one of them you really need to stop everything you’re doing and listen up).

But that’s okay.

Because your goal isn’t to attract every single woman on Hinge, only the ones you’re most compatible with. If you’re a huge true crime lover, broadcast that fact. Chances are other fans of true crime podcasts will like you for it.

#28: Tell Her Exactly What You Want

hinge prompt responses

What we see is that the most playful and direct prompts receive the best responses. The ones that literally give you the keys to the user’s heart (*foreshadow alert) receive the best responses.

Just be honest and specific when responding to this prompt.

Worst case someone decides to pass on your profile because you two aren’t compatible… or is the best-case scenario?

#29: When In Doubt Just Tell Them How To Win You Over

hinge prompt responses

You want to give someone the key to your heart.

This just makes the courting phase that much easier. Should someone like or comment on this prompt, ask them what the key to their heart is. Use their answer to inform your first date TDL.

#30: If She L-O-Ls You W-I-N

hinge prompt responses

Is it true? – I hope not.

What it is however is funny, and humor is rarely if ever a bad thing on dating apps.

#31: Go Big

Sell her on what a future with you could look like. An ambitious and grandiose Hinge prompt answer like this one will shock her into attraction. She’s been waiting for a fun guy like yourself to liven up her dating life.

With a prompt like this it’s best to go big, but then reel it back by offering to start with something more reasonable such as getting a drink.

#32: List Out What You’re Into

Talking about unpopular opinions and inviting her onto a first date is a great way to quickly segue into a TDL.

Dating apps aren’t meant for dating. They’re meant for quickly building a superficial connection and pivoting into the real world as quickly as possible. A good prompt response will already have her thinking about going out in person.

#33: The Best Way To Ask Me Out

best hinge prompt responses

Paint her an image while showing her who you are. Show, don’t tell is sage advice when writing a prompt response.

#34: The Best Spot In Town

best hinge prompt responses

Puff out your chest and show her that you know the best spots in town for various cool dates.

Use this prompt to pitch an amazing first date.

#35: What I Order For The Table

best hinge prompt responses

Use this prompt to bond with her over food.

Everyone is a foodie nowadays. List out your favorites so you two have an easy topic of conversation to bond over.

#36: Tell Her How You Get Down

best hinge prompt responses

Unlike in other apps like Bumble and Tinder you can’t link your Spotify account to Hinge.

This is a shame.

Talking music is a great way to quickly form a connection. But not to worry! You can always list out your favorite bands right here.

#37: Podcast And Chill

best hinge prompt responses

Maybe podcasts and hiking aren’t everyone’s ideal way to wind down – that’s okay. You’re not here to cast a wide net. You only want to attract like-minded people. With that in mind, don’t be afraid to talk about your obscure interests.

#38: Daww

best hinge prompt responses

Talk about your ambitions. Talk about what makes you unique, what gets you hyped, and about how you want to change the world.

#39: Only Happy Tears

best hinge prompt responses

It’s okay to open up (a little bit) and be a little vulnerable. Especially if doing so basts you in a positive light like the prompt above does.

#40: Jam Out!

best hinge prompt responses

Turn your relationship into a song.

What song would it be?

The Worst Type of Hinge Responses

We’ve outlined the good, the acceptable, and the spectacular.

Now it’s time for a bit of the opposite.

To become a master online dating you have to not only have a detailed understanding of what greatness looks like but of what utter disaster looks like as well.

The following types of Hinge Responses should be avoided at all costs if you ever intend on meeting a lovely lady from Hinge.

The Two Word Response

A two-word response is a great way to ensure that you’ll forever be alone.

Don’t get me wrong, being succinct is crucial on dating apps where women spend on average 3-5 seconds before making their decision. Thing is, if you don’t stand out you’ll get swiped aside.

Put effort into your responses. Create first, second, and third drafts before posting. Thousands of women will see your profile. That means every new woman that views it grants you a new chance to make a first impression. Take advantage of this by putting a bit of effort into your profile, or you’ll receive no likes.

The Cliche Response

Cliches are rampant on dating apps. It’s not only cliche sayings that are highly visible but cliche likes and dislikes.

For example, how many times have you heard of someone boasting about their love of tacos on Hinge? At this point broadcasting your love of tacos has become as cliche and hallow a response as when people answer the prompt, “I’m looking for…” with “someone fun.”

Saying you’re looking for fun on a dating app is like saying you’re looking for ice cream in the freezer — what else could you possibly be looking for?

Ditch the cliche and instead put as much detail into your response as possible. Instead of saying that you’re looking for fun, why not tell us what fun looks like to you? Is fun rock climbing Joshua Tree or doing a polar plunge in the Hudson?

You may fear that providing specifics will cancel out a lot of women. If she isn’t into diving headfirst into the Hudson in January you fear she may turn you down.

Here’s the thing, you can’t win them all over and you shouldn’t want to. You should only be trying to attract women that you’re attracted to. Using specific answers on your Hinge Responses filters out women that aren’t right for you.

When in doubt, specify, make her see who you are.

The Hyper Sexual Bro Response

Damn girl, you make that n-95 look like an n-100.

Sure it’s funny, but will it help you get a woman, meh probably not. Unless the response you’re responding to is, “What’s your favorite pickup line?” this is a response best swallowed.

Being overtly sexual is the best way to make women scatter like a flock of seagulls after hurling bricks of fudge at them. It might also get you shadowbanned. Women like sex too, they just don’t care for the overt overtures online.

A Hinge Response isn’t the right place to talk about your penis size, make jokes about sex, or proposition someone. Unless you’re a urologist you probably shouldn’t be talking genitalia (and even then).

Don’t start turning up the heat until you two are on a date IRL. Until then keep talking about who you are – except if who you are is a dick, don’t talk about that.

Best Hinge Prompt Responses for Guys: Wrap-Up

Hinge makes filling out your dating profile easy with prompts. But prompts (and your lineup of Hinge photos) only act as the wingman. To reel in a keeper, it’s up to you to pen a compelling response.

If you want more ideas regarding how to craft a quality response as well as what to message girls once you match, check this out.

If you’re committed to finding a worthy romantic partner, you may need more than a badass Hinge profile.

You might need more than dating apps.

What you might need is a badass coaching program. That’s where my team and I come in.

Dating Decoded

Interested in learning how we here at emlovz can help you?

We teach our students the shortcut to finding their ideal match by MegaDating. MegaDating is our dating philosophy and it shapes everything we teach here at emlovz. Simply put MegaDating is dating prolifically with the specific goal of going on 20 dates in 90 days. This will give you ample women to compare and contrast so you can refine your not only your dating skills but who your ideal partner is.

To teach you how to quickly find highly compatible women in just weeks and become the most eligible bachelor in town you’ll have a team of romantic experts, each skilled in their own unique area to support you.

Our Team

  • Emyli (me), co-founder, curriculum developer, head coach, and I host two coaching sessions every week
  • Thomas, co-founder, and coach. He’ll lead the biweekly Man Cave event where men come together to talk dating, bond with one another, and support other single men
  • Cat, Brooke, and Audrey are mock date specialists. Go on a practice date with them (and receive feedback) before your next date
  • Hailey is your new stylist. She’s worked with celebs from every industry and is now about to raid your closet
  • Tilly is our holistic sex & intimacy coach. She’ll help you get the most out of your sex life so you and your partner are happier between the sheets
  • Aundrea is an award-winning fitness coach. Are you ready to eat right and build muscle?
  • Mia is our social media expert. Revamp your Facebook and Instagram profiles with her help and start meeting women online

Our Community

And look, we realize that the single life can be difficult. If accepted into our coaching program, Dating Decoded, you’d be joining a community of supportive men and coaches who are there to listen, support, and encourage you as you navigate the single life.

Our program offers every student a lifetime membership (as if you’ll need it) so the support won’t stop until you’ve found your ideal partner.

If you’re ready to find your forever partner, book a Zoom session with our team today. Together we’ll talk about your dating history, your goals and show you how our program, Dating Decoded, can help you find your ideal partner.

Learn how our students have already improved their dating lives.
best hinge profiles

As you can see, our methods work. We teach our students real skills they can apply to date compatible women.

best hinge profiles

171 of the Best Hinge Answers for Guys Who Want More Dates

best hinge answers for guys

Are you using Hinge? If you’re single, you should be. Hinge is a dating app that offers a variety of different features to connect people who may not cross paths otherwise.

Unlike competing apps like Tinder that simply allow you to swipe left or right to make a connection, Hinge lets you show interest in a variety of ways. It also includes features like profile questions to allow you to showcase the best parts of your personality. And if you want to attract high-value women, you want to have the best Hinge answers around.

Questions range from things like “go-to karaoke song,” “worst roommate story,” “we’ll get along if,” and everything in between. Some people can easily come up with answers to these profile questions. But if you feel like you need some inspiration when it comes to crafting the best Hinge answers for guys, I’ve got you covered.

I recently created my own Hinge account for research purposes and canvased a plethora of male profiles. Below are 171 answers for you to consider for your profile.

Once you master the “answers” portion of Hinge, make sure you check out my other Hinge articles regarding commenting & choosing the best Hinge pictures for your profile.

Best Hinge Answers for Guys

Whether showcasing a great sense of humor, killer creativity, honesty, or a bit of each, the following reign supreme as the best Hinge answers. Each of these responses is guaranteed to capture attention (positive attention, that is) and coax tons of high-quality single women to match with you.

New Hinge Prompts

Hinge is always adding new prompts.

They want to give their users the best possible chance to make a connection on their platform. With that in mind, they recently added a whole bunch of new prompts.

Here are some of our favorite prompts and answers.

Best Hinge Answers #1: Daddy Jokes

best hinge prompt responses

Too many people take online dating seriously. Lighten the mood by telling her your best Dad joke.

New Hinge Answers #2: Pass The Mic

best hinge prompt responses

Let her know that you’re a man who loves to do things.

You don’t spend your Fridays at home on the couch. You’re a man about town, who loves to enjoy himself.

New Hinge Answers #3: The Last Time I Cried Happy Tears Was…

best hinge prompt responses

Show her your softer side.

Do you have a moment like the one above?

If so, show her that you have a vulnerable and loving aspect to your personality.

New Hinge Answers #4: Love and Support

best hinge prompt responses

Hinge has recently introduced a genre of self-care prompts.

Some of them are quite heavy prompts, but that doesn’t mean they require heavy answers.  Bring levity to the equation by not being too serious with your Hinge prompt answers.

New Hinge Answers #5: Talk About Hopes and Dreams

best hinge prompt responses

You can talk about your hopes and dreams without coming off like a douche. Here’s an example of how it’s done.

New Hinge Answers #6: Green Flags You Love

best hinge prompt responses

Green flags are much more about who you are and your values and interests than about hers. Most women won’t align with all your green flags. This is a chance to tell her what is most meaningful to you in a relationship.

New Hinge Answers #7: An Active Couple Is A Happy Couple

best hinge prompt responses

Let her know what you’re all about.

List out your favorite activities and what your ideal first date looks like.

New Hinge Answers #8: Man’s Best Friend

best hinge prompt responses

Man’s best friend just does it better.

Whenever possible, get her talking about her dog. If you two can bond over your animals, she’ll forever want to talk with you.

New Hinge Answers #9: My Self-Care Routine Is…

best hinge prompt responses

When in doubt, list it out.

Give her plenty of things to latch onto and talk to you about.

New Hinge Answers #10: Dating Me Is Like…

best hinge prompt responses

Be honest with her.

What can she expect if she starts to go out with you?

Best Hinge Answers #1: Karaoke + a Grand Romantic Gesture

best hinge answers for guys

I absolutely love this answer because it makes me think of this scene from 10 Things I Hate About You. 


Trust me when I say that women will immediately think of this scene if you list this as your go-to karaoke song — and anticipate your reenactment. Moreover, the fact that this guy makes sure to “scream the I LOVE YOU BABY bit” tells me that he’s outgoing and doesn’t take himself too seriously.

Exhibiting these traits makes you seem more desirable because you’re showing that you know how to have a good time and acclimate to different situations.

Best Hinge Answers #2: Getting Caught in the Rain

best hinge answers for guys

Not sure if this guy likes Piña Coladas, but he certainly likes being caught out in the rain. More importantly, he takes to rainy days with gusto. While many of us want to curl up in a blanket, order takeout, and binge watch old episodes Parks and Recreation (AGAIN) on Netflix, this guy is too busy burning calories to let a gray day get him down.

I like this response because it shows that this guy likes to stay active, is sociable (he’s nodding to passersby as he runs) and also knows how to stay prepared, i.e., he’s sure to keep his iPhone safe and sound while getting in the zone.

Best Hinge Answers #3: Favorite Mistake

best hinge answers for men

I chose this as one of the best Hinge answers because:

-It shows you that some “mistakes” can lead to amazing experiences, which is why you shouldn’t live with regret

-It’s extremely intriguing

This answer leaves you wondering exactly how the mistake happened and, more importantly, what happened during the trip that made him happy he went. When you respond to Hinge profile questions, make sure to not give too much away when it comes to cool stories.

Holding back a bit when it comes to details encourages women to match with you in order to get the rest of the story.

Best Hinge Answers #4: What Happens in New Orleans…

best hinge answers for guys

Let me just say that New Orleans is one place where an answer like this is appropriate, regardless of whether or not you like to party. If the travel story in question involved Utah or Connecticut and a night out left this guy with an ambiguous piercing, I’d be concerned her simply has a drinking problem.

But because he enjoyed a time at a city that basically encourages round-the-clock drinking (and was there during the Super Bowl no less), this answer simply leaves me intrigued and eager to learn the rest of the story.

Best Hinge Answers #5: A Great Date Idea

best hinge answers for guys

This guy describes an awesome date idea for his “simple pleasure.” By doing this, he’s painting a picture in the minds of potential matches of what a date with him might be like.

And, honestly, how can you go wrong with music, seafood, and good beer by the water?

Best Hinge Answers #6: Andy and April = Relationship Goals

best hinge answer for men

If you’re wondering why this is listed as one of the best Hinge answers for guys, look no further than the video here.

Best Hinge Answers #7: Wait…What??

best hinge answers for men

I don’t know how you manage to do much of anything during a drunken stupor, let alone move to a different country, but I would match with this guy based solely on a desire to get some details.

Best Hinge Answers #8: Ambition FTW

best hinge answers for men

I really like that this guy is talking about a variety of fitness goals. Physical health is an extremely important part of overall wellness and self-confidence. Staying active can help you feel more confident in the dating world, make you more appealing to potential partners and also help you craft compelling date ideas.

I created a dating blueprint for the first three dates (more about that in a bit). For the second date, I always recommend doing something free and physical in order to escalate sexual tension. By talking about fitness goals and interests, this guy is likely to attract women with shared interests and won’t have a problem coming up with some awesome physical date ideas.

Best Hinge Answers #9: Social, Fun, and Competitive

best hinge answers

I love it when a man is social, competitive, and likes to have a good time.

Best Hinge Answers #10: LOLs But Also Aws

best hinge answers

What woman isn’t going to fall head over heels for a guy that treats her like she’s in a Nicholas Sparks movie?

This response is brilliant.

If stopped after the first two lines it’d be far too cheesy. The last two lines inject a bit of levity into the comment. One of my students actually used this prompt and has already seen a couple of women like it.

That’s the thing about a Hinge profile. Users can like a specific part of your profile. They can like a photo, a prompt response, or your bio. Knowing which part they like makes an organic conversation super easy.

Best Hinge Answers #11: LOLs But Also Aws

best hinge answers

Make your responses interactive just like this one.

Ask her a question.

When it comes to Hinge she can actually like your prompt response AND respond directly to your question.

This increases the odds she’ll actually like and respond.

Some other questions might be:

  • What’s your dream vacation? If it’s the same as mine I promise we’ll go this summer
  • Messi, Ronaldo, OR Mbappe? This is a make-or-break question…
  • Favorite Christmas movie (**change depending on the season)? Go!

After you two have matched it’s a good idea to continue to ask her questions about herself and her likes.

Everyone’s most favorite topic is themself. She’ll dig the convo and you’ll learn more about it by simply asking questions.

Best Hinge Answers #12: Your Dream Gal

best hinge answers

Talk about your ideal partner.

Be as detailed as possible while painting a picture.

Don’t just list out traits like so many users do.

Drum up a scenario and talk about how your ideal partner would behave in said scenario.

Another example of this would be responding to this prompt with the following…

It’s a Sunday morning and we’re making pancakes with Ella Fitzgerald crooning in the background as we feed our Pitbull bananas.

Best Hinge Answers #13: Who Is The Best Host Of All Time?

best hinge answers

Sure this is a bit nerdy and even obscure.

Not everyone will know what Jeopardy is or care about the new host.

But that’s the point.

Finding a fellow Jeopardy lover on Hinge is like finding all three Daily Doubles.

You want to attract people into the same things as you are. So talk about your obscure interests even if it’ll repel the majority of female Hinge users.

Best Hinge Answers #14: Who Is The Best Host Of All Time?

best hinge answers

I dare you to touch this one!

Controversial opinions are gravy because far too often men try not to ruffle any feathers on their profiles, this isn’t Tinder after all.

Writing your most controversial opinion (but one that won’t get you banned from the app) is a solid way to get the convo started. This is a cute little controversial opinion and one that will have women on both sides responding.

Best Hinge Answers #15: Aren’t You Sweet

best hinge answers

Be different.

If that means inviting her to an ice cream date rather than grabbing a drink at a crowded bar so be it.

Flex that sweet tongue of yours.

Best Hinge Answers #16: Get Primal!

best hinge responses

Pick up lines are kinda lame.

So try out a new flavor by asking her to give you her best line. This isn’t a prompt every woman will respond to, only the boldest and witty.

But that’s perfect as it weeds out the less adventurous and humorous women.

Nailed it.

Oh and by the way, I’m placing you on the endangered list… because you’re one of a kind.

Best Hinge Answers #17: Be Honest… Kind Of

best hinge responses

Honesty is a rarity online.

Just make sure it doesn’t scare her away.

Best Hinge Answers #18: Don’t Even Need To Call Glass

best hinge responses of all time

What’s your unusual skill?

Tell me about it, or rather tell you next date about it.

Best Hinge Answers #19: So Simple She Just Might Get It

best hinge responses of all time

When in doubt just list out a bunch of stuff you’re into.

As long as those things aren’t Sunday Football, Tacos, and The Office.

Avoid being basic at all costs.

Dating Decoded

Interested in learning how we here at emlovz can help you meet women both online and in the real world?

We teach our students the shortcut to finding their ideal match by MegaDating. MegaDating is our dating philosophy and it shapes everything we teach here at emlovz. Simply put MegaDating is dating prolifically with the specific goal of going on 20 dates in 90 days. This will give you ample women to compare and contrast so you can refine your not only your dating skills but who your ideal partner is.

To teach you how to quickly find highly compatible women in just weeks and become the most eligible bachelor in town you’ll have a team of romantic experts, each skilled in their own unique area to support you.

Our Team

  • Emyli (me), co-founder, curriculum developer, head coach, and I host two coaching sessions every week
  • Thomas, co-founder, and coach. He’ll lead the biweekly Man Cave event where men come together to talk dating, bond with one another, and support other single men
  • Cat, Brooke, and Audrey are mock date specialists. Go on a practice date with them (and receive feedback) before your next date
  • Hailey is your new stylist. She’s worked with celebs from every industry and is now about to raid your closet
  • Tilly is our holistic sex & intimacy coach. She’ll help you get the most out of your sex life so you and your partner are happier between the sheets
  • Aundrea is an award-winning fitness coach. Are you ready to eat right and build muscle?
  • Mia is our social media expert. Revamp your Facebook and Instagram profiles with her help and start meeting women online

Our Community

And look, we realize that the single life can be difficult. If accepted into our coaching program, Dating Decoded, you’d be joining a community of supportive men and coaches who are there to listen, support, and encourage you as you navigate the single life.

Our program offers every student a lifetime membership (as if you’ll need it) so the support won’t stop until you’ve found your ideal partner.

If you’re ready to find your forever partner, book a Zoom session with our team today. Together we’ll talk about your dating history, your goals and show you how our program, Dating Decoded, can help you find your ideal partner.

Learn how our students have already improved their dating lives.

Funny Hinge Answers for Guys

Women love a guy who has a good sense of humor. The Hinge profile questions allow you to showcase your wit in a variety of ways and I suggest you attempt to tickle some funny bones whenever possible.

Take a look at some of these funny Hinge answers for inspiration. And if you’re looking for more examples, check out my other article on the Best Hinge Prompt Responses for Guys.

Funniest Hinge Answers #1: The Highest Bidder

funny hinge answers for guys

Sometimes you can make an impression with as little as three words.

Funniest Hinge Answers #2: Tinder

funny hinge answers

Going the tongue-in-cheek route, I like that this guy used a competing dating app for his punchline. On a side note, if you’re looking for other sites/apps to meet more women, check out my article here: List of Free Dating Sites and Apps.

Funny Hinge Prompt Answers #3: An Epic Visual

funny hinge answers for men

Research shows that nostalgia can boost mood and decrease stress. If you can incorporate a bit of nostalgia (i.e., this millennial anthem from 1999) in one of your Hinge answers, you’re likely to get some attention.

Funny Hinge Prompt Answers #4: Literally…

funny hinge answers for men

Sometimes the most literal responses are also the funniest.

Funny Hinge Prompt Answers #5-7: Outer Space 3x!

funny hinge answersfunny hinge answers

funny hinge answers for guys

This wouldn’t have become one of the funniest Hinge answers if the guy hadn’t repeated this basically three times. To be honest, the strategy of answering with “outer space” three times over is way funnier than it has any right to be. I don’t know why I spent a good 30 seconds laughing at this, but here we are. Hence, this guy gets a place on my list.

Funniest Hinge Answers #8: This Guy Wins

Mic drop. This guy freaking wins. Clearly a twin, this guy went all-in with the “worst roommate story” and I’m pretty sure he’s getting a plethora of matches based on this answer alone.

Funny Hinge Profiles #9: It’s Not Fun, But It Is Funny

funny hinge answers

At the very least you need to stand out.

You’re competing against thousands of other men that don’t pretend to care about writing a witty prompt answer.

Investing just a little bit of your time creating something memorable might be enough to get a like.

Creative Hinge Answers For Guys

Whether it’s filling out a dating profile, approaching a woman in the real world, or coming up with a date idea, it’s important to think outside of the box.

Moreover, when it comes to answering Hinge profile questions, the last thing you want to come off as is boring. These guys brought their creative A-game when answering the Hinge profile questions. Take a look!

Creative Hinge Answers #1: Best Bucket List Ever

Scuba diving and skydiving could both be considered common bucket list items, but this guy takes it to a whole different level. I’m not even sure why New Zealand would be considered a prime location for jumping out of a plane, but I’m intrigued enough to ask.

Creative Hinge Answers #2: But…How?

creative hinge answersHow did you fit in there, even as a child? And what do you mean “before it was cool”? Is hiding in a refrigerator commonplace or did I miss that rite of passage growing up?

Regardless, I’m once again intrigued and leaving a woman curious is a prime way to get her to match with you.

Creative Hinge Answers #3: Truthfully, This is Awesome

creative hinge answer for guysHonestly, all of the things listed in this guy’s “two truths and a lie” are at a level of awesomeness where I won’t be disappointed no matter which is a lie. And that is exactly how you should treat responding to this type of question.

Creative Hinge Answers #4: Mind = Blown

creative hinge answers for guysThis is officially the best super power ever and I am anxiously awaiting Marvel to catch onto this and make Subatomic Particle Man a thing.

Creative Hinge Answers #5: WTF?

This creative Hinge answer made me not only match with him, but quickly comment on what exactly he meant by this!

Clever Hinge Answers #6: Good Question

This guy is clearly trying to create some leverage and is showcasing that he enjoys museums. But the interesting thing here is he ends with a question that only museum lady-buffs might know the answer to. I like this because if a woman truly knows this answer, then the museum-interest-commonality might spark a nice first date with her.

Creative Hinge Answers #7: Really, Why?

This makes me want to know more. And I think a lot of American women would agree with me.

Creative Hinge Answers #8: A Life on the Slopes

Who doesn’t love a hot ski instructor who enjoys life. Enough said.

Creative And Best Hinge Profiles #9: Some Powers Are Worth Flaunting

funny hinge answers

It takes the average person 7 minutes to pick a show to watch on Netflix according to Nielson.

When you’ve got nothing else in the bank, tell her about your DL superpower.

Can you fall asleep anywhere, eat anything, always arrive exactly on time, or know the perfect song to play for any occasion?

Tell her about it.

Creative And Best Hinge Profiles #10: A Little Luck To Save The Day

best hinge profiles

Many men would answer this Hinge prompt seriously.

They’re looking for x, y, and z and in the meantime, they’re turning most women off.

She doesn’t care about what you’re looking for, she cares about what you bring to the table.

The least you can offer is a bit of wit and humor while searching for your keys.

Creative And Best Hinge Profiles #11: Tailor Your Answer To Your Area

best hinge profiles

Tailor your answers to your area.

If you’re in NYC — Brooklyn specifically — you’ll understand this answer.

If you’re in SF write about SF things, DC, write about DC things, and so forth.

Creative And Best Hinge Profiles #12: The Remix

best hinge profiles

Single guys have a tendency to respond more or less the same way to every Hinge prompt.

They answer seriously, write only a few words, and refuse to surprise the women reading their profile.

You’re not one of those guys.

You dazzle, throw curves, and make her want to read your entire profile.

It’s just what you do.

And if that’s not what you do, feel free to steal one of these Hinge answers.

Honest Hinge Answers for Men

Honesty is the best policy in all facets of life, dating being one of them. You can’t have love without trust, which is why you should practice honesty 100% of the time when it comes to romance.

However, there’s no need to get super vulnerable on a dating app. You want to keep it light on the outset while remaining genuine. These guys do a perfect job of showing off their best traits honestly and also incorporating some humor into their answers when appropriate.

Honest Hinge Answers #1: Tell Me More

honest hinge answers for men

Once again, here’s an answer that leaves singles intrigued and wanting to learn more. I also like that this guy mentioned that he did a solo trip because it shows fearlessness and independence.

Honest Hinge Answers #2: Self-deprecation FTW

honest hinge answers for men

I’m sure that what he lacks in grace, he makes up for in humor. Self-deprecating humor is extremely charming if you utilize it the right way, which this guy does.

Honest Hinge Answers #3: Not All That Irrational

honest hinge answers

Depending on how many pointy objects this guy ends up around after drinking one too many, this fear is kind of legit…

Honest Hinge Answers #4: A Vicious Cycle

honest hinge answers

Isn’t this answer all of us on a Saturday?

Honest Hinge Answers #5: Must Love Tacos

best food hinge answers

Along with pizza, tacos are something that we can pretty much all agree on being awesome, correct? A man who knows to sidle up to the taco bar immediately at a party is a smart man.

Honest Hinge Answers #6: Your Parents Lied to You

honest hinge answers for guys

This is a recent revelation for all of us, which makes this guy’s answer super honest AND relatable.

Honest Hinge Answers #7: When I Grow Up…

honest hinge answers

I have a feeling that this childhood dream came to fruition for this guy.

And speaking of height, I have many male clients that ask me about disclosing height on dating apps. It tends to become a point of anxiety for guys who are on the shorter side (or even the extremely tall side) but it doesn’t have to be.

Want advice? Check out my articles, Does Height Matter to Women While Dating?, Should I Put My Height on Bumble, Tinder, & My Other Dating Apps Profiles?, and 7 Reasons Why You Should Never Fear Dating a Taller Woman.

Honest Hinge Answers #8: Get Specific

honest hinge answers

Pretty much everyone enjoys watching things on Netflix. But if you simply put something like “I like binging Netflix shows,” you’re going to come off as generic. I like that this guy offered a couple specific examples because this helps attract women who also enjoy those shows or something similar.

Connecting over shared interests is the first step in creating a romantic bond with someone, so be sure to find shared interests when from the start.

Honest Hinge Answers #9: We’ve. All. Been. There.

honest hinge answers

Along with slap bracelets, butterfly clips, chokers (wait, are those back in fashion now?) and fanny packs, most 80s and 90s kids can relate to this type of fad. I also love that this guy added a period between each word for emphasis. Grammar is always a good thing when it comes to writing a dating app profile but don’t be afraid to take some creative liberties when it comes to syntax.

Which of These Two Dates Sounds Better?

1) Getting a Titanic Mocha (with a huge marshmallow) at Hollow Coffee or….. running up the sand ladder twice at baker beach?

2) Taking a spontaneous trip to the beach or hiking a mountain and having a picnic at the summit?

3) Asking each other the NYT’s 36 questions to fall in love or playing Scrabble with margaritas in hand?

Believe It or Not, I…

1) …can actually fold fitted cheats.

2) …can speak five languages (and can make any dog sit)

3) …can open a bottle of beer with just my toes.

4) …can binge an entire season of The Office with no shame.

5) …can convince you to delete this app forever after just one date.

6) …once ran into Steph Curry and had the class not to even ask for a selfie (although now I have no proof I met him)

7) …meditate for 30 minutes every day after waking up and before going to sleep.

8) …once cooked mole for my entire family for Christmas dinner even though I still don’t know how to make scrambled eggs.

9) …once crowd surfed at a BTS concert

10) …once stayed up for two days straight learning Mandarin.

Don’t Hate Me If I…

1) Love Drumpf

2) Hate cats

3) Snore

4) Love the Jersey Shore

5) Love Love Island

6) Have a bottled water fetish

7) Only sleep four hours a night

8) Never drank a hot beverage

9 )Started walking before crawling

10) Purposely haven’t watched every Super Bowl since I was 13.

My Mantra Is…

1) Every day in every way, I’m getting better and better.

2) Early worm gets the worm.

3) The planet is fine, the people are fucked.

4) Accept who you are unless you’re a serial killer.

5) When life gives you lemons squirt someone in the eye.

6) Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.

7) Do not take life too seriously, you will never get out of it alive.

8) Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way you’ll be a mile from them, and you’ll have their shoes.

9) Some people never go crazy. What horrible lives they must lead.

10) It will never be perfect. Make it work.

I’m a Regular At…

1) Your Mom’s house.

2) Building small houses.

3) Scoring a perfect score on the SAT.

4) Being better than your last boyfriend.

5) Not spoiling the last episode of Game Of Thrones.

6) Running a marathon. I only finished in just under four hours.

7) Open heart surgery.

8) Washing produce before I eat it.

9) Keeping my shirt tucked in. All. Day. Long.

10) First dates so dope they make your single friends jealous.

Together We Could…

1) Conquer the world without committing genocide.

2) Find a cure to coronavirus.

3) Be the only couple to never have watched Game Of Thrones.

4) Have two kids, buy a modest house, never get divorced, and just, in general, live a pleasant life.

5) Have our own show on HGTV.

6) Get married in a graveyard and tell all our guests to dress up like zombies, then for the reception we’ll scare townsfolk by dancing in the street to Thriller.

7) Move in together thus cutting our rent in half. Think of the savings!

8) Prove to my parents that I’m not gay.

9) Go to one of those escape rooms… that’s it. I just really want to go.

10) Delete this app.

The Dorkiest Thing About Me…

1) I make up my own words in my free time. Ask me what dillywag means, I dare you.

2) I read all the words in how-to manuals.

3) I own Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff gowns and decide which one to wear based on my emotions.

4) I have an intense fascination with snails.

5) I once entered a spelling bee and won! Just kidding, I lost on foreseeable. Can someone tell me what that e is doing there?

6) I once took a vacation so that I could attend the SCRIPPS spelling bee.

7) I floss.

8) Brush my teeth twice a day

9) Wash my vegetables before eating them.

10) When I was growing up I really wanted to be a farmer. I think I just liked saying moo.

I Get Along Best with People Who…

1) Aren’t dicks.

2) Own VCRs.

3) Own bulldogs.

4) Eat deep dish pizza.

5) Watch Forensic Files regularly.

6) Hula.

7) Have less than 1k followers on IG.

8) Still talk to their parents.

9) Don’t ghost.

10) Don’t take selfies at concerts.

If Loving This is Wrong… I Don’t Want to Be Right

1) Or allergic to shrimp.

2) Or lactose intolerant.

3) But maybe I should stop ding dong ditching Drumpf supporters. People have guns nowadays.

4) Unless I’m carrying around my epi-pen!

5) Unless it becomes legal. Then there goes all the fun.

A Random Fact I Love…

1) Competitive art used to be an Olympic sport.

2) An Olympic power walker once defecated while running a race… he still finished (the race I mean).

3) Stop signs used to be yellow.

4) Green Eggs and Ham was written on a bet that Dr. Seuss couldn’t write a children’s book that only used 50 different words. His editor ended up losing $50.

5) High heels were originally worn by men.

I’m Convinced That…

1) Aliens are too busy binge-watching the newest seasons of Earth’s Humans to kill us or take all our resources.

2) Pluto is still a planet.

3) That earth is round. Let’s not even get into this one.

4) We’d make for a killer couple. We could be the first serial killer couple ever.

5) The only person that would love me more than you is your dog.

The Way to Win Me Over Is To…

1) Give me your winning lottery numbers.

2) Buy me opening day tickets to the Giants.

3) Turn your phone off during our first date. I’m yours.

4) Backpack with me through South America.

5) Introduce me to a chapstick that doesn’t dry my lips out.

I Know The Best Spot in Town For…

1) Salsa dancing.

2) All night Scrabble tournaments.

3) Live bluegrass music.

4) Two strangers from Hinge to fall in love.

5) Drinking absinthe.

6) Not getting murdered on a first date.

The Award I Should Be Nominated For…

1) Is most humble.

2) Probably shouldn’t be announced on Hinge.

3) Is Best First Date.

4) Is Best Procrastinator.

5) Is Sexiest Man That’s Never Worked Out.

I Bet You Can’t…

1) Refuse a second date with me

2) Make a better angel food cake than me.

3) Come up with something better to do this Friday than rollerblade at Pier 2 with yours truly.

4) Beat me at Risk.

5) Beat me at Pacman. Shall we play?

Best Travel Story…

1) At a lucha libre wrestling match in Mexico City I volunteered to get into the ring. The next thing I was kicking giant dudes’ asses that were three times my size. These guys were true professionals.

2) It may not seem like much but on a trip to see Barcelona, I caught a ball in the stands. These balls are super expensive so must be thrown back onto the pitch. But when I threw it back I accidentally hit one of the opposing players. No worries though, I hate Real Madrid.

3) Because of a weird layover situation I spent 24 hours in Paris. In those 24 hours I managed to see the Eifeel Tower, hit to Louvre, walk through the Notre Dame Cathedral, and ate the best beef bourguignon I will ever have.

Do You Agree, Or Disagree That…

1) Hard shell tacos are better than soft shell tacos?

2) Futbol is better than football?

3) Celebrating your own birthday is kind of vain?

4) Hinge is horrible so we might as well go on an awesome first date so that we can finally delete this app?

5) Vegan meat is way better than animal meat? (I’m not even a vegan)

One Thing I’ll Never Do Again…

1) Floss. Man it’s just sooo overrated.

2) Watch the new Fast & Furious. Even though I’ve already failed seven times.

3) Is watch the entire Twilight series in one day. The things we do for love.

You Should Leave a Comment If…

1) You’re into men that have their shit together.

2) You’re into men that no longer live with their parents.

3) You scuba dive and act and don’t even brag about it cause you’re just such a badass.

Unusual Skills…

1) Pinching my nose shut and blowing air so that it comes out of my left tear duct.

2) Include: writing backwards, speaking piglatin, and sneezing without closing my nose.

3) Include: drying my hands with just one spool of paper, and nonconsensual staring contests.

4) Include invariably opening the microwave door before it begins to beep.

We’ll Get Along

Here’s another article for 25 answers to the famous “We’ll get along if” prompt.

After You Match

Using the best Hinge answers is bound to increase your match rates. However, that’s only one step when it comes to turning online connections into real life dates.

After you match, be sure to keep her interest with great conversation starters. Don’t open with “hey,” or “hi” because that’s not likely to lead to much of a conversation.

Check out her profile and ask her an open-ended question about some of the interests she has listed. You could also open with a joke or funny Gif to get her laughing.

Don’t Wait Too Long to Ask Her Out

One issue a lot of people have on dating apps and sites is messaging endlessly without setting up an actual date. When you wait too long, the conversation devolves into nothing and you never get to meet in real life to see if there’s actual chemistry between you and your match.

Allow for a few lines of banter before asking her out on a compelling date with a clear TDL.

What Makes a Date Compelling?

A compelling date is one that aligns with the person’s interests and also introduces them to a new experience. For example, let’s say the woman you’re asking out is really into marine biology. You could say:

“Hey Melissa. I know that you and I both have an interest in marine biology and animals. There’s a rare leopard shark exhibit that’s happening at the California Academy of Sciences. How would you like to go check it out with me this Saturday at 1 pm, date-style?”

This is extremely compelling and also illustrates perfect use of a TDL.

What is a TDL?

A TDL is an acronym used to describe the three critical components of a date request’s call-to-action, the time, the date, and the location of the date.

The “T” in TDL stands for the “Time” the date will take place. When asking for a date, you must give a woman the time you’d like to meet with her so that she knows whether she is available at that time or not. The “D” in TDL stands for the “Date.” When asking for a date, you must give a woman the date you’d like to meet her on so that she knows whether she is available on that date. The “L” in TDL stands for the “Location.”

When asking for a date, you must give a woman the location you’d like to meet her at so that she knows whether or not she can meet you at that location.

Why Does a TDL Work?

Using a TDL when asking for the date assures that you won’t get stuck in limbo between talking and actually meeting up in person. Every client I’ve worked with who wasn’t getting dates before we started working together was failing to use TDLs when asking women out.

Similarly, every client who learned to use and consistently employ the use of TDLs after working with me, has ended up getting more dates with beautiful women–some of them have even gotten more dates than they know what to do with.

What is MegaDating?

MegaDating is a dating process that involves going on dates with several different women at the same time. A lot of people mistakenly believe you should date/get hung up on one person at a time, even if it’s just the first date and the two of you are not exclusive.

When you MegaDate, you see that there is plenty of fish in the sea and that settling isn’t necessary. This allows you to open yourself up to new opportunities and actually enjoy your life as a single exploring different dating options.

MegaDating increases your overall confidence, which makes you more attractive to women and fulfilled in your personal life. When you MegaDate, you diffuse your energy by keeping your social calendar full. You also get to practice your dating strategy consistently and, as they say, practice makes perfect.

This decreases anxiety, allows you to go with the flow, and ultimately find an awesome long term girlfriend to share your life with.

I used MegaDating as my main strategy during my 100-date experiment. This strategy led me to a long-term, compatible partner and it can do the same for you!

Still Need Help? Tired of Dating Apps?

Want more in-depth help when it comes to responding to Hinge profile questions? Would you like individualized advice on navigating your way through the complex world of online dating so that you can crush your goals?

Did you know that hiring a dating coach or matchmaker could speed up the rate at which you find love by over 300%?

Maybe you don’t, but these previous students sure did, and look how it worked out for them.

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First, you find smoking hot dates using our methods, and then this happens…

best hinge answers

If you’re committed to finding a worthy romantic partner, you might need more than a unique Hinge profile.

You also might need more than dating apps to find the right long-term partner.

That’s where my team and I come in.

Watch my webinar today to learn more about my coaching and matchmaking programs.

If this is something of interest to you, book a new client Zoom session with me or one of my other coaches today! During this intro session we’ll discuss your roadblocks, create a strategy, and see which one of our services might be right for you.