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Derrick & Jamie (June 2023)

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Featured Review

Mike (Anonymous Name)
Dating Decoded Student

Matt (Anonymous Name)
Dating Decoded Student

Married March -2023 🙂

Dating Decoded Student

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David S.
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David S.
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Darshil A.
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Darshil A.
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In a relationship July 2023

In a relationship July 2023

Dating Decoded Review - Mark

Mark (Anonymous Name)
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Cole (Anonymous Name)
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Cole (Anonymous Name)
Dating Decoded Student

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Cole (Anonymous Name)
Dating Decoded Student

I met Em (virtually) after stumbling across her Instagram page…I had just ended a coach/client relationship that was very disappointing. I booked a VERY inexpensive call with her and was immediately impressed. I know that we went WAY over the normal time allotment for such calls, but Em really LISTENED.

Instead of the typical hard sell you would normally get on such a call, she listened…shared her own experiences and struggles…offered advice (even recommending services totally unrelated to the ones she offers) and just generally seemed like my friend. In fact, that was the overwhelming takeaway i had from that first call–Em immediately felt like my friend…a friend who has your best interests…your REAL best interests…at heart.

I am a difficult student…that’s just a fact. And even after certain breakthroughs, I REMAIN a difficult student. But Em never threw her hands up and said enough. Oh she threw down the gauntlet a few times when I needed it…and held her ground…she’s definitely not a pushover. But she never screamed ENOUGH, even though that’s what I am internally hardwired to try to illicit. And because she never has said ENOUGH to me, I am eternally grateful.

I think Em has great powers of deduction and discernment…she knew from the beginning that i was going to be difficult and need her acceptance…and she freely gave it, even when I tried my damndest to throw it back.

Folks, I could talk a lot about Em and her megadating strategy (brilliant) or her detailed instructions on formulating your dating profile (has made a huge difference for me and my success in dating) or countless other areas where her tireless work and insight make her classes and consultation TOTALLY worth your time and money…but what really makes Em worth it is just Em being Em…one of the finest people I know and one of my greatest (virtual) friends.

Russ J.

Coaching Student

Priced squarely between higher-end subscription services like eHarmony and Silicon Valley matchmakers, Emyli and her team provide a service that most professionals will find affordable and definitely worth the effort. Em’s service can be broken down into these categories:

Her coaching program, which I found well worth the investment. Most single people have spent time wondering why they’re single. After all, your parents, siblings and friends will all smile and say what a catch you are: Emyli won’t. Instead she’ll spend three or four months grinding off your rough edges and building you back up into something that has a chance in San Francisco’s ruthless dating game.

If you want to hear how handsome you are, ask your mom. If you want to know why you keep striking out, ask Em because she’ll tell you…you might end up crying in bed once or twice but she won’t abandon you or sugarcoat things just to keep your checks coming (payment is up front anyway so you can’t rage-quit). In fact her persistence and willingness to do the job without concern for the hours required to do it is what makes this a legitimately five star service. Just be prepared because hearing the unvarnished truth about why the opposite sex isn’t buying into you and what its going to take to make changes can be a brutal experience.

Finally, Emyli and her team work as your matchmaker. If you’re an engineer, or doctor or lawyer, then it is well worth the expense because your time is precious. No one with a serious job wants to work 50-60 hours to make that Bay Area money and then go look at Match or eHarmony for another couple hours…much more economical to pay someone else to do your recruiting, to your specifications, do the preliminary interviews, and only then submit them for your approval and scheduling. More than just matchmaking however, Emyli will continue to train and refine your approach, and her matches, as you progress towards your goals.

I’m now engaged to a girl 15 years my junior who although Em didn’t introduce us, I wouldn’t have any shot at without my coach.

Ted S, Married May 6th 2022
Coaching & Matchmaking Student

Last April after a year and a half of bad dates and experiences, I came to a point where I was ready to throw in the towel online dating. I had success a decade ago when the process was slower and simpler.

Upon my divorce, I found myself into a different dating world. I am now in a happy relationship and a lot of that I owe to the course that I took with emlovz.

If you are skeptical, I don’t blame you. I have studied dating advice for about two decades and found that most of it is bad. I did not want to hire someone for that exact reason: lack of trust. I recommend that if you are interested, at least schedule a consultation with Emyli to make up your own mind. I also found that this program was a lot more affordable. Many of the other dating coaches I found seemed to only cater to the ultra rich.

Some of the benefits that I found working with her is that she will push you to go out and be active. She is not afraid to brainstorm and offer constructive criticism. Unlike many of the other programs I’ve taken, I feel like Em actually cared about my success and was willing to tailor her program to my needs.

The only warning I have is that you need to give the program time to work. It didn’t happen over night, but after time I was able to diagnose some dating issues and look at dating and relationships a little differently. Less than a year ago, I was ready to give up. Now I am in the happiest relationship of my life. The mind is the trickiest thing to overcome.

emlovz graduate
Coaching Student 

I had just gotten divorced, I was petrified of dating, and was already in a relationship that was not good for me. I was so averse to the entire idea of dating that I was ready to entirely give up and join a monastery.

I started looking around for dating consultants, and found Emlovz. It was a lot of money – but not nearly as costly as a bad relationship. At first I was skeptical that the concept of “megadating” was for me. My idea of dating was more geared toward serious relationships, the idea of having many of them was scary.

Emyli was patient and her lesson plans helped me to zero in on the attributes that I was looking for in a romantic partner. Her materials were sound and she was flexible – focusing on the areas where I had the most questions. Meeting virtually was super convenient – since I live in the South Bay and served the purpose well. 

She helped me with everything from dating photos and apps to scripts for the dates and how to narrow the list of candidates. Her dating formulas for the first, second and third dates helped me to see how it was easy to meet people through the apps and evaluate them without risking a lot of time, money, or hurt feelings……

In the end, I ended up evaluating 15 romantic partners (which is more than I ever thought I would) before I found someone that I am quite happy with. With all of the comparison points, it was easy for me to decide which person was the best fit for me and I am truly happy with the result.

I highly recommend her services – it was highly educational and effective!

John M.
Coaching Student

Emyli was worth every penny. If all I learned from her were the first two lessons…… it would be worth every penny I paid for the program.

Specifically, her take on what photos you NEED on your profile and how to message girls is incredibly powerful. You also learn how to gauge if they are the right photos and get real responses and ratings on your pics.

I tried online dating twice before and got zero response from the attractive women. Even when I could get numbers and dates in real life from much better matches. Online, it is a bit of a game. It doesn’t really matter who you are in real life… have to know how to express that online, and it is not always intuitive.

Szilard S.
Coaching Student

I’m so glad I went through your program. While I didn’t find the woman of my dreams in your program, the experience set me up for success when I did meet her.

If I hadn’t dated all those women, I would have been stumbling to date my now fiancé. She also wouldn’t have stood out as the exceptionally rare gem that she is if I hadn’t had all those experiences, both good and bad!

Thank you for putting together such an amazing playbook. There’s something magical that happens when a good woman is in your corner.

Jim P, (Engaged 2021!)
Coaching Student

Hi Em! It’s been a few months since I finished the program and I thought I would give you an update. Recently I had a short relationship with a woman I met on Tinder that went to my college.

We recently decided to not go further because she has been incredibly busy and we were not certain if we really were committed for a long term relationship.

Nonetheless, it was a great learning experience and it definitely improved my confidence with women going forward. The skills that I learned in the course definitely helped me, it would not have been possible without it.

Since then I have taken a short break from dating since I will be graduating in May. I am moving back to Long Island to take a gap year, and I plan on applying to law school and hopefully go away for grad school, particularly Albany or Boston.

I am also gonna reach out to some of the guys I met in the program so I can have some help getting used to dating in the real world. 

Overall, things are going well and while I still have some anxiety about dating, I am definitely in a much better place then I was when I first started the program.

Coaching Student

Nowadays, online ‘shopping’ certainly applies to meeting and dating new people, too. But, with respect to online dating, you can’t just shove something into your cart and head to check-out. In fact, it’s sort of the opposite: you head on over to the dating site of your choice, check-out something (women in my case) and hope they shove you into their cart.

But, alas, most of the time they leave you hanging on the proverbial online discount rack.

So, I decided to try honing my online dating skills. Enter Emyli… I signed up for her 12-week course. I imagine she was wondering what she had gotten herself into after our first week. But she persevered.

Through her insight and knowledge, she helped me come to a much better understanding of how best to navigate my way through the seemingly cruel underworld of online dating. She also taught me the importance of the ‘TDL’. (If you are not familiar with that acronym, you’ll need to contact Emyli – no spoilers here!)

How is online dating going for me now? Well, in a few months’ time, I have met over 50 women and have had multiple dates with some. But nothing has stuck. However, through it all, I have continued to be Master of my Domain….

Don H.
Coaching Student

Thank you so much, Emyli, for your time, care, concern and insights over the last number of months. It has been a real pleasure chatting with you. I have very much enjoyed our time together.

Hopefully I will demonstrate that I have learned a few things from our virtual talks, the relationship academy lessons and your weekly emails.

Justin K.
Coaching Student

I’d like to reiterate that your course is invaluable. After 13 messages I got 5 replies, 3 dates on the book, and 2 phone numbers.

All from 2 days of texting. This is me being 4 months out of practice!

Thank you!!!!!!

Charles H.
Coaching Student

Emyli & emlovz have been so helpful and beyond amazing in my dating journey. I learned so much from her during our sessions and felt much better prepared to handle all sorts of dating situations.

I applied what she told me and it definitely gets awesome results. She answered all my questions in-depth and helped me develop a better understanding of women, relationships, and the dating world.

She gives you super great insights and make you think from a different perspective. Also, she has such a good heart and really cares about your success.

Her principles have been leading me toward a relationship with a special woman right now. Highly recommend her for your dating needs. Thanks Emyli for bearing with me.

Shawn P.
Coaching Student 

“Hi Em…, I just am flying back from a 4 day date in Arizona. I’d say at this point I’m off the market. 

I will 1000% say that I would not have had the confidence to pursue this woman had I not gone through the process of dating/engaging with 20 dates.

That exercise allowed me to see how I interacted with others, see how I felt, and by my 2nd/3rd date with the woman I’m with now, just kinda laid out who I was and what I could/couldn’t do.

She just leaned in and said great. As for what we can and can’t do, I would say take the limiters off, shoot for what you want. Just the fact that we are all investing in this as a process separates us from 99% of the guys out there. Introspection and desire to learn are sexy af…;)

Andy F. (In a Relationship, Summer 2022)
Coaching Student

For the first time in a year, I had an amazing date and it was my first set up! For starters, I had a personal coaching session with Em before the date. She opened my eyes and gave me some pointers that made dating actually enjoyable! I hated dating and saw it as a necessary torture – but she helped me realize how to better approach the date and it paid off! 

The actual date itself was incredible because we had so much in common. He was engaging and we share core beliefs. Unlike painful Match dates, the conversation flowed and he was incredible fun to talk to. I am not doing this dating thing alone anymore! Em’s team are experts in their field and I am thankful to have them in my life.”

Matchmaking & Coaching Student

Just want to thank you for your course and give some update on results. I am developing relationship with a girl who I met during your course. It’s been 8 months.

I had some interesting period in the beginning when I decided to break up with her and then we restored relationship after two weeks. I think the break up was because I expected to do 20 different dates.

I met her too fast, after dates with 4-5 girls and worried that I am missing out on better girls. Now I think it just luck. It can be even on a first date. The main thing it to get these first dates and make it in right way to create a fundament for strong relationships. You helped me with that..”

Coaching Student

So wanted to give a quick update. I did everything we talked about, had the convo and it went great! We both agreed that the more we get to know each other, the more we like each other.

So after some discussion and persuasion on my part, we ultimately agreed that we will continue to see each other, keep it casual, have fun, continue dating other people, not overthink things and just see where things go.

That actually seems perfect. She was really glad we talked about it. Also, she was impressed with me pushing for a conversation and with my communication skills.

Little does she know who I have in my corner! Thank you again for your stellar advice! It was super helpful and I would’ve totally screwed this up without you!”

Coaching Student

I connected with Em while searching for answers via the Internet after a sudden unexpected breakup, and once we started talking I knew that she was different than other professionals out there. 

Em really listened to what I was going through, and her professional knowledge combined with her own unique dating experiences enabled her to provide invaluable insight on my ex which helped me to process and move forward.

If you are looking for someone who actually cares about what you are going through, someone who will take the time to assess your individual situation as opposed to simply trying to apply a formula to your break-up, don’t hesitate to reach out to this caring amazing professional.

Coaching Student

Takes the time to learn about your situation. give honest, constructive feedback. Goal of every session is to provide information that will help build a meaningful relationship (not play games). Tries to give examples for each situation. I recommend.

Tim P.
Coaching Student

Hi Emyli, just wanted to drop a line after our second session to say I have really been enjoying the program so far.

I think this is the most hopeful I have been about dating in awhile, and I know we are still only in the early stages.

Joe C.
Coaching Student

Thank you so much! This makes perfect sense. Unfortunately there really is no more information and I don’t want to try asking this girl either because I don’t want to look desperate.

I have also realized that from every article posted on the site that I have no reason to dwell on it since there are plenty of other women out there! Thanks again for the insights! This has been the most helpful source ever and I’m grateful I found it!!

Michael W.
Coaching Student

I am absolutely loving Hinge in the couple weeks I have been there I have had 3 matches sure one was mostly a scam (the IN one) but the other one was someone I truly enjoy talking to however she want to go slow as she calms “broken” (she on Facebook and I done some digging her name, age and location matches public records (I know total dick move but after my 2year ‘luck’s can you blame me?). This third lady I just matched with is pretty cool too.

It seems like Aphrodite is finally look towards me!! And I don’t even have my new profile up yet. Thank you so very very much Emyli for everything things you have done, for kicking my ass back into believing in myself again.

Much love. (This is Awesome!!)

Josh S.
Coaching Student

I had no idea of all the mistakes I was making before joining the coaching program.

Bryan T.
Coaching Student

Where to start? From her evidence-based approach to dating (read about her 100 date experiment!) to her passion for helping people, her wonderful personality and her huge trove of dating wisdom, working with Em (and her amazing team) over the past few months has been nothing short of one of the BEST decisions I’ve made.

I went from a few dates a year to 25 dates in the past 2 months and on the path to finding someone I really like. Would recommend emlovz to anyone in need of a dating coach and/or supportive men’s group. 

Jon H. (Engaged, 2022)
Coaching Student

Emyli updated my dating skills and within a couple of weeks helped me go from dating apps literally telling me there were no women to match me with, to multiple dates in one day!

She is attentive, great with helping problem solve, and overall has the coaching thing down.

The quantity of tools you get with her program is enough to help even those of us that use spreadsheets for everything. Even with that, it’s not overwhelming. She breaks it all down so you can tackle one issue at a time. She’s put the effort into her toolbox so you can easily make it work for you.

Online dating is hard. We all know that. With Emyli’s help I’ve managed to break everything down into those small steps where wins can be seen, then built on. She provided encouragement when needed, a kick in the pants when needed, and advice that has shown results.

If you’re getting back into the dating game and don’t know what to do; or you’ve been trying to date for a while with no success; or are getting dates but not the ones you want; you owe it to yourself to work with emlovz.

emlovz graduate
Coaching Student

I am a 45yo, average-looking, divorced nerd. I have never felt super confident meeting or courting women. Not to get too deep and vulnerable in a public Google review but to be honest this has been a source of anxiety my whole life all the way back to high school. The process seemed like magic.. sometimes something I did kinda worked but usually, it did not. Or I would not even try because I didn’t think a woman would be interested. Even after being separated for almost two years, I didn’t try dating because I didn’t think I would be able to attract the kind of woman I would want to be with. But I did want to meet someone so I started reading online and found EmLovz.

From the very first conversation with Cat, I could tell Em and her team really, REALLY _cared_. Like, a lot. A lot a lot. Right away, they were so encouraging and convinced me that I could actually do this. They believed in me more than I believed in myself. I was inspired to dig in, join the weekly calls, do all the homework, read the books, re-watch the modules multiple times, and I finally felt ready last week to post my first dating profile on Facebook Dating. That was Sunday night.

Within the first hour, I had already matched with one spectacular woman. I got her phone number Monday and we had a great first date three days later on Thursday. I’ll see her for a 2nd date this week. I’ve only spent an hour with her but I already think she is amazing. I also matched with two other women last week who both seem really great although I haven’t met either yet. I am meeting one Saturday morning and the second wants to meet but is scared about the new Covid variant. Over the weekend, I got an unsolicited message from a woman saying “You’re profile is my favorite”. We can forgive her “your vs you’re” goof and just laugh because my profile is literally just copy-pasted from Em’s template. Yes, I put my own personality into it but I just followed the formula exactly – zero creativity. All I am doing is following the instructions and I am showing up in ways that are far more attractive to women than I would otherwise. I am literally the least likely person that could make this work. Yesterday, I matched with one of the most beautiful women I have ever spoken to in my life. I have no idea (yet) how or why she is single. Within like three messages, she sent me her phone number and we were texting off the dating app. I don’t think this woman would have even noticed the pre-EmLovz version of me. And for sure I wouldn’t have the confidence to send her a message.

I will say it’s pretty scary to be as direct and bold as Em suggests. But it’s only because I’ve never done it before. I got a fourth phone number tonight and it’s starting to get easier and starting to feel a little more natural now with just over a week of practice. I still feel super nervous that finally THIS WOMAN is going to be the one that says like wow you’re way too direct chill out dude. But nope. Hasn’t happened. A part of me wonders how long it’s going to be until they discover that I’ve got no game haha but Em’s blueprints for messaging and 1st, 2nd, 3rd dates are really good and I just follow the instructions. It is often the opposite of what I would naturally do. It’s still me being me but a far compelling and more pleasant-to-date package. I joked with Em over Messenger that I think to myself “What Would Em Do” in the moment and do that.

It’s crazy to think about and I seriously don’t mean to seem arrogant, but I am now at the point where I can decide not to pursue great women because they don’t fit my specific Ideal Girlfriend profile. These are women who I would have previously been stage 5 clinger because anyone would look at them and think they are amazing. But now all that energy and clinginess is dissipated and I can see that they would not be the best match for me personally and my family and my life situation.

Book the Intro call. Em’s program transformed not just how I interact with women but also how I feel about myself. Book the intro call.

Jonathan N.
Coaching Student

Thank you for taking me in the program. I’ve seen improvement, not only in my dates but also I feel better about myself. When we had the first assessment, I was broken, felt unlovable, hopeless, and rejected. 

You believed in me, and that’s what made me be consistent and believe in myself.

When you took me in the program I felt hopeful, lovable, and accepted.

You rescued me, you are my hero.

Coaching Student

The action plan we created together during my first session really paid off! You helped me realize that I had to love myself first and really accept my own unique style.

Well here I am 12 months later, not only engaged (my original goal) but I just got married to the most amazing, beautiful woman!!! Thank you so much for everything. You might not always realize how much impact your words may have but they sure made a difference for me. 

Thank you!

Coaching Student

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