Dating Coaching Program for Men

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I’m Emyli.

What to Expect..

Best-in-class dating coaching program for men who want to master every facet of dating in order to find a girlfriend, wife, or long-term relationship.

I'll teach you how to fill up your dating funnel so you can go on 1-2+ dates each week (with women you're really excited about), which will help you find your forever person, fast.

MegaDating is our proprietary dating philosophy that we’ve used with thousands of men since 2012 to help them find the one. This strategy helps you to diffuse your energy, increase your confidence, and avoid getting ghosted, friend-zoned, or worse… settling for the wrong woman.

Don't see a time that works for you? Fill this out and we'll get back to you asap.

What to Expect..

Best-in-class dating coaching program for men who want to master every facet of dating in order to find a girlfriend, wife, or long-term relationship.

I'll teach you how to fill up your dating funnel so you can go on 1-2+ dates each week (with women you're really excited about), which will help you find your forever person, fast.

MegaDating is our proprietary dating philosophy that we’ve used with thousands of men since 2012 to help them find the one. This strategy helps you to diffuse your energy, increase your confidence, and avoid getting ghosted, friend-zoned, or worse… settling for the wrong woman.

How I Can Help You

I’m here to teach, motivate, and strategize with you.

Through our free content, or my paid 1-on-1 coaching program - we’re here to help you reach your dating and interpersonal goals.

Whether you’re new to dating, looking for love, a marriage, or a simple companion - I’m here to help you reach the highest levels of your potential, even if you don’t believe you can!

With Love,

Is This You?

Are you struggling to get women to respond to your messages on dating apps? Having trouble getting dates offline? Does it feel like it’s impossible to get any dates at all? Are you finding yourself repeatedly in the friend zone with women you’re interested in dating?

Do you find yourself wondering if you could do better than the women you’ve been going on dates with? Are you confused about how to even attract the type of women you’re REALLY interested in? Perhaps you’re tired of the dating scene and ready to find your wife or life-partner once and for all? Maybe you’re starting to think you can’t attract beautiful women because of your background.

Well, I’m here to tell you that you deserve the perfect partner and you can find and attract the woman of your dreams–and we can help you do it.

Is This You?

Are you struggling to get women to respond to your messages on dating apps? Having trouble getting dates offline? Does it feel like it’s impossible to get any dates at all? Are you finding yourself repeatedly in the friend zone with women you’re interested in dating?

Do you find yourself wondering if you could do better than the women you’ve been going on dates with? Are you confused about how to even attract the type of women you’re REALLY interested in? Perhaps you’re tired of the dating scene and ready to find your wife or life-partner once and for all? Maybe you’re starting to think you can’t attract beautiful women because of your background.

Well, I’m here to tell you that you deserve the perfect partner and you can find and attract the woman of your dreams–and we can help you do it.

How it Works

Get Lifetime Access to:

Weekly Coaching Calls

Meet with Emyli every week in live coaching calls to strategize on any step of your dating journey.

Weekly Coaching Calls

Meet with Emyli every week in live coaching calls to strategize on any step of your dating journey.

Private Student Community

Get coaching & support in between the live coaching calls in our private student community.

Private Student Community

Get coaching & support in between the live coaching calls in our private student community.

Online Curriculum & Workbook

Extensive online curriculum that walks you step-by-step through everything you need to know to find the perfect partner for you.

Extensive online curriculum that walks you step-by-step through everything you need to know to find the perfect partner for you.

Private Coaching w/ My Expert Team

Book private sessions with our celebrity stylist, intimacy coach, mock date expert, anxiety coach, or anyone else on our team.
Book private sessions with our celebrity stylist, intimacy coach, mock date expert, anxiety coach, or anyone else on our team.

Recent Video Reviews

Recent Video Reviews

Meet Sumit - Changed My Life!

Meet Derrick (Part 2, June 2023): "Meet My New GF Jamie!"

Meet Derrick (Part 1, Feb 2023): "More Than Enough Dates."

Meet Jonathan (Part 2, May 2023): "Now Married!"

Meet Jonathan (Part 1, Jan 2022 ): "Transformed my life."

Meet Naeem: "Been on 31 dates in 3-4 months."

Meet Darshil - Wish I Would Have Found This Program Earlier!

Community Reviews

Community Reviews


Ever since my 100-date experiment 12 years ago, I (Emyli) have been using a data-driven approach to teach men how to find and court their ideal partner. I also hold a post-bacc in Psychology from UC Berkeley, giving me jedi-mind powers that I use to help men understand what women want.

Thomas offers a male perspective as he puts to use what he learned as a single man in SF for 10 years. Thomas is now my husband and the father of my son. Today Thomas helps students find their Emyli. He’s also an expert at approach and in-person dynamics.

Brooke is your new mock date expert. She gives men the chance to finally ask a woman what they honestly thought of them after a date. Brooke holds a BA in Psychology and is a practicing occupational therapist who knows a thing or two about communicating effectively.

Renee serves as our anxiety coach and licensed therapist, boasting an MS in Neuroscience and mental health counseling. Her objective is to equip you with powerful coping mechanisms, cultivate resilience, and nurture a constructive mindset, empowering you to approach dating scenarios with confidence and grace.

Audrey our multifaceted dating coach, mock date specialist, and leader of the onboarding team, brings a unique blend of expertise to the table. Once the girl next door, now your trusted date specialist, she’s dedicated to assisting you in your quest for a lifelong partner. With a deep understanding of modern dating dynamics, Audrey guides men in navigating the complexities of communication with women within this ever-evolving dating landscape.

Darshil is our confidence coach and NYC local NYC dating coach. Formerly a student, his mastery and application of emlovz material, coupled with his active participation in the community, caught the attention of the emlovz staff. He has swiftly emerged as an indispensable source of knowledge, support, and expertise for fellow Dating Decoded members eager to craft their own romantic narratives.

Hailey is your new style guru. As a Parson’s grad and celebrity stylist, Hailey knows how to help men make the best possible first impression. Let her raid your closet as she shows you how to look incredible for that hot date.

Tilly is our sex & intimacy coach. If lack of confidence, low libido, or guilt and shame around your sexuality are the cause of your bedroom woes, (the hot, wild intimacy you never have any more, or the transition into parenthood that sucked your libido dry), you need Tilly. She’s the world’s leading expert in helping men & women experience epic pleasure in the bedroom and beyond.

Mia knows better than anyone the importance of looking good online. Once she takes one look at your social media she’ll have you not slide but strut into DMs like it’s no one’s business.

We’ve assembled a team of the best dating coaches in America. We’ve helped thousands of men find super-compatible partners and guess what, you’re next!

A dating coach for men is a dating expert that will help you achieve your romantic goals.

But as you’ve seen, emlovz isn’t just a single dating coach, but a community of coaches that will help you identify who you’re attracted to, attract compatible women online and IRL, MegaDate, go on amazing dates, and most importantly, find a lifetime partner.

I’ve been a dating coach for guys ever since I completed my 100-date experiment in 2012. Since then I’ve been strategizing with men like you every week on how they can attract their ideal partner.

emlovz isn’t just one person, it’s an entire team of dating consultants and experts working relentlessly towards one goal: finding you an unbelievable partner.

Our dating coaches offer perspectives from both male and female points of view. Our coaches are also millennials as well as Gen-X and Gen-Zers. We know how to help you speak with women regardless of their age, background, or love language. We’re both online dating coaches that will teach you the way of the swipe, but also teach you the IRL dating skills you need to know.

Our program, Dating Decoded includes:

  • Live Weekly Coaching Calls Twice A Week
  • Mock Dates
  • Robust Online Curriculum
  • The emlovz workbook
  • Private Coaching Sessions with anyone on our team
  • Accountability Buddies & Full Social Network

  • But perhaps most importantly, we won’t abandon you after a set period of time like other coaches. Enrolling in Dating Decoded means you’ll have access to our program (and coaching) for life

    We’ve spent over 10 years refining our program to help you go from a dating novice to a confident man so popular with women he’ll have to turn dates away.

    Upon joining Dating Decoded, you’ll seamlessly connect with a vibrant social network comprising hundreds of other students. In addition, you’ll have the opportunity to join an accountability pod in most major metros, where our students gather for real-life meetups and support. As you can see, we’re not just a program….but a massive network of high achievers.

    We’ve worked with men from 18 to 80 years old. You can master dating at any age, as long as you’re willing to put in the hard work and have the right coaches to guide you. Our program is designed to help men of any and all ages, so long as they’re interested in finding a long-term partner.

    We give unlimited profile reviews (at least one a month) as dating is an experiment, you’ll have to optimize as you go. Tweaking a profile every few weeks will help you appeal to the type of women you most want to attract.

    We’re not about single sessions – we’re in it for the long haul. That means creating a meaningful and lasting transformation, not just dishing out some quick tips so you can get a couple more Tinder matches.

    You tell me.

    Do you have an ounce of hope and 30 minutes a day to put the work in?

    Then yes, dating coaching will work for you.

    Our most successful students are open to trying new things and are coachable.

    That may mean stepping out of your comfort zone. It means really listening and absorbing our advice and applying it over and over again.

    Our techniques have worked for thousands of men, why wouldn’t they work for you too?

    It all starts with a 20-min onboarding call Audrey or another member of our team.

    During this call we’re going to get to know each other better and show you how to get the most from our program, Dating Decoded.

    That means showing you how to access the weekly strategy sessions, gain access to our online community, and show you how to use our online learning platform.

    We use a multi-pronged approach to turn our students into expert daters.

    Here’s how.


    No one wants to go through the dating process alone. So don’t. We have a community full of men just like you. To make being single suck less we set students up with an accountability buddy so you can embark on this journey with someone who knows exactly what you’re going through. We’ll also introduce you to students in your area so you can meet up in person and build an IRL community. Our community is great for sharing wins and losses, bonding, and getting real-time feedback on any dating question you might have.

    Online Curriculum

    We’ve learned a lot since we became men’s dating coaches 10+ years ago. To effectively teach everything we’ve learned, we created an online learning platform that covers just about every romantic topic under the sun. From how to nail a first date so she says yes to a second, to how to have better sex, if it’s something you’ll face while dating we have a lesson about it. This curriculum is self-paced and constantly being updated and added to.

    Mock Dates

    Wouldn’t it be amazing if after a date you could ask a woman what she thought and actually receive honest feedback? That’s where our mock dates come in. After a mock date (either online or IRL) you’ll receive feedback on what worked and what needs improvement.

    Weekly Strategy Sessions

    We know how dynamic and nuanced dating is. That’s why twice a week you’ll have the opportunity to get coaching & feedback directly from me (live, uninterrupted).

    Bi-Weekly Man Cave

    Our Man Cave event is led every other Thursday evening by our co-founder and coach Thomas Anthony. We know how difficult it is to be a single man. You’ve got a lot to deal with. Sometimes you just want a place to vent and share your frustrations with other men in your shoes. The Man Cave is a space where our students can simply talk about what’s on their minds. They can share, empathize, and get in touch with other men in the same position. Men’s groups are proven to reduce isolation, frustration, depression, and loneliness.

    Dating Decoded VIP is for students that want a little extra help. When you sign up for our VIP program you’ll receive everything we’ve already touched and more.

    Specifically, you’ll receive six 50-minute 1-on-1 sessions that can be used for the following:

  • Mock dates with Brooke or Audrey

  • 1-on-1 coaching with Emyli or Thomas

  • Profile reviews with Audrey, Darshil, or Emyli (me)

  • Style session with Hailey

  • Social media optimization with Mia

  • Confidence session or NYC strategy session with Darshil

  • Anxiety session with Renee

  • Sex & intimacy session with Tilly

  • Use these six sessions in whatever way you think would most benefit you.

    That means if you want to go on six mock dates with our dating expert Brooke, go ahead and do so (just don’t fall in love!).

    That’s great news.

    Being afraid of failure means you’re human, great news considering most women are exclusively into humans.

    Being single and actively looking for a partner is a scary process. But what’s even worse than that fear is waiting on the sidelines. Praying to cupid that he’ll spare you an arrow won’t work.

    Realize that on the other side of fear is magic.

    Fear should be used as a trail marker, it’s an indication that you’re on the right course.

    We teach you how to use this fear and have a community of students and coaches you can lean on when times are tough.

    Not trying is just another form of failure.

    If the ultimate goal is to find a romantic partner the only way you’re going to do so is by being willing to fail.

    Think of it like this. The more you fail the closer you come to not failing. The closer you come to scoring a match, getting a first date, and finding a girlfriend.

    You may have failed in the past, but that’s going to change. We’ve helped thousands of men get what they’re looking for – we can help you too.

    While Thomas and I are from the San Francisco Bay Area, our coaches are from all over the USA.

    What matters most is that you find a coach whose work resonates with you.

    Do you think this coach can help you achieve what you’re looking for?

    That’s the only question that matters.

    That being said our students often meet up in person and we also offer mock dates in person depending on where you’re located.

    If this is the case, start by watching our program overview video first. For most men, watching this video is all it takes to determine if our program is the right fit for them.

    You can also take a look at our brochure.

    Click this magic blue link to schedule your intro call with a member of our team.

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