12 Signs a First Date Went Well with a Woman

signs a first date went well

When a woman is really a match for you, it’s obvious right away.

Sometimes it’s hard to explain in words how you know she is different… but you just do.

Is it the way she treated you? The cute way she laughed at your jokes? Those amazing eyes you couldn’t stop staring into?

Whatever it is, within minutes, you can practically check off all the signs a first date went well.

Such a great feeling, isn’t it? But of course, as an expert dating coach and matchmaker, I like to break it down to a science.

So what exactly are those signs a first date went well? And most importantly, how do you recognize them? If you can learn these signs, then you can put your mind at ease and let your confidence grow. You can embrace the last moments of the date, knowing that you have a real chance at something amazing.

Sound good? Let’s dive in.

signs a first date went well

Top 12 Signs That a First Date Went Well

Here’s what I consider to be the top signs a first date went well with a woman. If you see these signs, congratulations… full steam ahead! If not? Better start pumping the brakes.

#1: She Already Agreed to a Second Date

Of course, getting a “yes” to a second date is the biggest sign that a first date went well. But to get that “yes,” you have to do a couple of key things.

First, ask for it!

Guys continue to surprise me with great first date stories that didn’t involve asking for the second date. Some arguments they use include “I didn’t want to put her on the spot” or “I was afraid she wouldn’t be interested and then it would be awkward.”

I don’t think you’re crazy, but here’s what I have to say about it. If you are good at reading body language and non-verbal cues, then you won’t be “guessing” at how she feels. You’ll know that she’s somewhat interested, which means she won’t feel put on the spot. She’ll be excited.

And if she still happens to say no… who cares? If you are MegaDating (i.e., dating multiple women at once) you will not be overly invested in this one woman, so it’s worth taking the risk based on your hunch.

Second, be clear about your second date idea.

Strike the phrase “We should hang out sometime again” from your head forever. No more vague date proposals. Instead, give her a TDL. That stands for Time, Date, Location.

In other words, you want to be sure to include all three of those elements when you ask for the second date. Your date proposal will sound something like this: “That’s so awesome that we’re both into street art. I heard about a graffiti tour happening this Saturday at 1 in the afternoon… want to come with me?”

She has to answer this… after all, it’s a direct question. But if you had said something noncommittal like “we should do this again…” you may not get that second date lined up.

One more tip: Try to have the second date idea planned out ahead of time. That way you won’t be scrambling.

#2: She Looks Back at You After the Date is Over

A simple, yet classic sign. After the date, did she walk away, then look back at you over her shoulder to give you a big smile?

That’s flirtation, excitement, and a huge signal of interest wrapped up into one. Congratulations. On the flip side, if she wasn’t into it, trust me — she’d be sprinting for her Uber.

#3: She Initiates Communication Right After the Date

If she breaks the old “two-day rule,” you’re golden. That’s definitely one of the signs a first date went well. Getting an unexpected text or — even better — a phone call after an awesome date shows that she’s interested enough to show her cards right away.

Why? Women will compete hard for men they feel are worth it. When they sense that you’re a prime catch, the rules go out the window.

When a woman puts herself out there this way, you might think that she’s after you for superficial reasons. But as I always tell my clients, your biggest asset when it comes to attracting women isn’t just your car, job, or bank account. It’s your confidence level.

Why? Men and women still rely on primitive instincts to assess their potential partners. Many of us don’t like to admit it, but as women, we tend to prefer men who make us feel safe — and the best way to do that is to come across as focused, ambitious, and straightforward as possible. That’s the recipe for confidence.

If you don’t have this confident vibe down yet, that’s okay. A few weeks of MegaDating will take care of that. But once you do, expect many more of your first dates to be texting or calling immediately afterward. (Don’t worry, you can thank me later.)

signs a first date went well

#4: You Really Want to See Her Again

Also, when looking for signs a first date went well, pay close attention to how you feel. Are you satisfied that the date is over, or are you kind of bummed? Do you feel like you’re pretty much burnt out on the conversation or could you talk for hours more?

You might be used to giving excuses to end first dates quickly (which I do recommend so that your first date is no longer than an hour). But ideally, this should feel a little uncomfortable. If you’ve made a real connection, you’ll end the date secretly wanting more. And that’s probably because you feel like you can be your authentic self around her. You can definitely build on that.

One word of caution, though: Even though you want to see her again, don’t bombard her with texts or voicemail messages right after the date. Let things breathe, because maintaining mystery is super important if you want to build sexual tension. She’s not going to stay interested if you seem clingy or water everything down with meaningless text conversations. So rein in the texts, and just set up a second date using a TDL.

#5: You Want to Take a Break From Dating Apps

Yes, sometimes this happens: You meet a woman so amazing that you consider shutting down your dating app profiles on the spot! Even though 52% of single men are on them, you’re ready to break from the trend. While first dates like this are rare, consider them huge signs that a date went well.

Of course, I don’t recommend that you actually do that. Assuming that you’re MegaDating, you need to have regular dates over a decent period of time so you can compare your prospects more clearly and not get what I call “One-itis.” Remember, no matter who she is, there’s always more fish in the sea!

So curb your urge to shut down your entire dating presence just because of this one date. It’s too early to call… but nevertheless, wanting to take yourself off the market is a positive thing!

signs a first date went well

#6: You’ve MegaDated 15 Women and This One Seems Different

First, a note on MegaDating: It not only helps you build self-confidence and sharpen your dating skills, but it also gives you time to explore what’s out there discover what you really want in a partner.

Usually by 15 dates or so, you start to get an idea of the type of person you click with. The best part is, you’ll know this based on real-world experience with women in the dating market right now — not on fantasies or assumptions in your head. So once you’ve been on 15 dates, if you meet someone who stands out, that means a lot more than it did before.

Don’t get me wrong: That doesn’t mean you should give up the search immediately. But you should recognize that because of MegaDating, your judgment is much sharper. So don’t pass up this opportunity.

#7: You’re Both Willing to Give Up a Weekend Day to See Each Other Again

This is a biggie. We’re so overworked and stressed these days that weekends are precious. But if you genuinely want to spend your valuable weekend time with this woman you just met… well, you may be on to something good.

Still, you should stay true to your MegaDating strategy (because you never know what will happen). So, consider stacking dates on that weekend day. That means, if you’re meeting up for a hike in the morning with her, you might also schedule a late lunch with someone else that same day. It will keep your confidence high and help you keep things in perspective. If she really is the one, there’s plenty of time to close the deal!

#8: It Feels Like You’ve Known Her Forever

Being able to really open up and be vulnerable with someone you just met is a huge sign that a first date went well. So do you feel like you’ve known her forever? By that I mean, did the conversation flow without awkwardness? Were you able to be silent without feeling awkward? Do your perspectives on things seem to match up perfectly? Did you chat for a long time before you parted ways?

That instant feeling of familiarity is what you want. It could even be a sign of a deep spiritual connection, like a soulmate. Follow the feeling and watch to see how it unfolds.

signs a first date went well

#9: You Feel a Slow and Steady Good Vibe

A lot of us think love should be fireworks and roller coasters. But I’d argue that’s not actually love. Chasing overly intense feelings doesn’t often end in sustainable relationships. While it feels great to lust after someone or get so excited that you start obsessing, that actually may be a sign that you’re headed in the wrong direction.

A better sign of love is the “slow burn.” That’s when you feel warm and happy but not overwhelmed with extreme emotions. When you feel attracted in this way, it’s not only a sign a first date well, but that you have chemistry together that can last a long time.

#10: The Date Didn’t Feel Like Work

Did you immediately vibe with this person?

Was the conversation easy, organic, and felt nothing like a job interview?

Look the last thing someone wants to do after getting after work is more work. 

She’s looking to distress. She wants to have a good time. If you can create a fun, relaxing, disarming, and enjoyable experience, then that’s a surefire sign the date went well.

But how do you know she felt at ease with you?

Did she…

  • Laugh a lot
  • Joke with you
  • Open up and share with you
  • Tell you she felt like she knew you
  • Touch you

These are all great indicators of interest.

#11: You Two Felt At Ease

Maybe you’ve dated a few women and never feel at ease.

Yet for some reason things are different around this one. You can relax, crack jokes, and really show her who you are. If you struggle to do that around other women, but can around her that’s great news. Even if you’re not certain she was into you, the fact that you felt comfortable and confident means you boosted the odds she enjoyed herself and is into you.

Not A Spoiler: Women love confident, happy, and easy-going men. If you’re nervous, reserved, and awkward she’ll feel that and get turned off.

Get in the right frame of mind before a date by working out, going for a run, listening to music, power stretching, chatting with a friend on the phone, or letting go of date expectations.

#12: Make The Date Playful

Ditch the cafe or sit-down restaurant.

Get up and moving. And no, that doesn’t mean you two have to race go-carts or bike around a park to make a date playful (although those are great ideas). It can be as simple and easy as grabbing a gelato and going for a walk or doing an activity you both are into.

Signs a First Date Went Well: Wrap-Up

Obviously, there are many signs that a first date went well, so I could go on and on. But I think these are the most important.

The more of these signs you notice on your first date, the better. But again, that doesn’t mean you should throw caution to the wind.

I see lots of guys get excited about a first date, only to ruin their chances by acting in ways that eventually push women away. Of course, they don’t mean to. Some misunderstand what it truly means to be an “alpha” male and exude confidence in a healthy way. Others have anxious attachment styles and can’t help but overtext, killing mystery way too soon. And some have no idea how to structure a first date so things can progress.

I work with my male clients on issues just like this. To be honest, I recommend coaching to anyone.


Because even if you are put in front of the most perfect woman for you, that’s no guarantee the first date will go well — or if it will get to a second date. It still takes skills to make that happen.

The good news is, all of these skills are coachable. You can learn to become the kind of guy who confidently moves things forward with women who are worth the effort. Eventually, you won’t have to worry about signs a first date went well. Instead, you’ll know.

Dating Decoded

Men are struggling with a loneliness epidemic.

They have fewer friends than ever before, go out less, and of course, are in few relationships and having less sex than ever before.

This shouldn’t be the case, but it is.

Despite all the apps, more humans than we’ve ever had before, and the ease of communication men are still struggling to find their perfect (or near-perfect) someone.

Dating can seem like a mystery – so let’s decode it with Dating Decoded.

With Dating Decoded we teach men the online and in-person skills they need to find and court their ideal partner.

Let’s break down how we do that.


Many moons ago I conducted a 100-date experiment where I went on 100 dates in a year. 

Through this social experiment, I exposed myself to a ton of men, became a dating expert, and learned what I wanted in a partner. Now I teach men how to do the same.

The best way to quickly become a skilled dater and to find a quality partner is to MegaDate (i.e. date prolifically). Waiting around for something to happen is a losing strategy. That’s why we teach men how to date proactively by mining social networks. We’ll teach men how to find lovely compatible singles via online dating apps as well as IRL.

Meeting people is the hard part. Once you expose yourself to a range of people, the rest will work itself out.

So how do we teach what we preach?

Online Curriculum

All students gain lifetime access to our ever-growing self-paced online curriculum. It’s here they’ll learn a myriad of dating skills.

Here’s just a taste of what you’re in store for:

  • How to take and pick the best photos for online dating
  • Chatting up women online
  • How to ask a woman out online and IRL
  • How to escalate sexual tension on a first date
  • Juggling various women at once
  • How to have better sex

We have dozens of hours of content for you to consume at your own pace.

But we realize dating advice isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal.

That’s why we also offer live sessions.

Live Dating Sessions

Twice a week you and the gang will come together to discuss how your dating life is going. It’s here that we’ll get super granular and personal as we address and provide solutions for your biggest dating obstacles. And yes if need be we can also go over the signs a first date went well.

Co-founder Thomas Anthony also leads bi-monthly Man Cave sessions where our male students (we exclusively teach men) come together to talk about whatever is on their minds. It’s here that you can let out whatever is troubling you in a 100% judgment-free zone surrounded by supportive guys that understand what you’re going through.

Mock Dates

Teaching you how to date without actually dating is like teaching you how to bake a pie without actually baking.

You’re not really learning if you don’t go through the motions.

But going on that first can be absolutely terrifying, even if you’ve gone through our program, Dating Decoded.

That’s why we offer students the chance to go on mock dates with our coaches, Audrey and Brooke. Whether online or in-person (depending on where you live) you’ll be able to go on practice dates with our specialists. Here you’ll be able to put to use what you’ve learned in a safe environment. Not only this but at the end of the date you’ll receive detailed feedback. You’ll learn what was working and what could use improvement.

signs a first date went well

Online Community

Going it alone can be a drag.

That’s why we’ve built a community of men in your exact position. Our community is supportive because we’re all in the same boat. It’s here you can bond with other members both online and IRL, strategize by sending pictures of conversations in the group and getting near-instant feedback from members and coaches, and where you can find an accountability partner who will team up with you throughout the process of finding a partner.

Dating Decoded VIP

We realize that some students want that little bit of extra help to get ahead.

That’s why we offer Dating Decoded VIP.

When you’re a VIP you’ll receive six 50-minute sessions that you can use as you wish.

Here are just a few ways you can use these sessions:

  • Style session with Hailey where you’ll find your new look
  • 1-on-1 chat with the coach of your choice
  • In-depth online dating profile review
  • Sex coaching with Tilly Storm where you’ll learn how to have the kind of sex you most desire
  • SM optimization with Mia – optimize your IG & FB
  • Personal fitness planning and meal planning with Aundrea

Find A Date This Friday

Quickly turn your dating life around when we team up.

In as soon as a week you could see yourself nabbing a date for Friday night.

We’d love to learn more about you and see if you’re a fit for our dating community.

Let’s talk via a 1-on-1 Zoom and learn more about each other.

How to End a First Date with a Woman You Want to See Again

how to end a first date

First dates can be pretty awkward, especially when winging it.

From learning how to keep the conversation going with her or how to make her laugh, to figuring out how to end a first date with plans for another one in the near future–it’s always better to be confident and prepared.

In this article, we’re talking about how to end a first date with a girl you’re interested in. It’s one of the most important components of first dates that gets surprisingly little attention, so read on and get some tips on what to do.

Preparing To Say Goodbye: How To End A First Date

As a dating coach with more than 10 years under my belt and the creator of Dating Decoded an online dating program for men, I know a lot about the struggles men face when dating.

One of the issues I saw frequently during my 100-date experiment (read about that here), was a failure to successfully end a first date. I was often in shock at how dramatically my opinion of a guy could change after saying goodbye–even after feeling chemistry with him throughout the date.

The goal here is to make her feel happy and excited to see you again, which can seem a lot harder than it actually is.

If you end things abruptly, or without sufficiently expressing your interest in seeing her again, it can work against you. First impressions are lasting impressions, after all, and your first date with her is one long sweet and sugary first impression that needs to end with a cherry on top. 

That said, preparation really is key. You certainly don’t need to plan every detail of your first date–there is something to be said about spontaneity and sex appeal. But being prepared can help to eliminate first date anxiety and facilitate your progress towards a happy, healthy relationship with her.

There’s a lot more to it than just saying goodbye, especially if you want her to fall for you!

how to end a date with a woman

Set Your Second Date In Stone

Before you end the first date, make sure you’ve already made plans for a second one with her. Generally speaking, women love it when a man commits to something. Even when that something is as simple as setting plans for a second date.

We here at emlovz use an acronym called a “TDL” when setting up a second date while on a first date. A TDL stands for the Time, Date, and Location of your next date. So for example, if you’re wrapping up a first date with a girl you like you could say something like this to her:

“I had a really great time with you today. Next Saturday at 1pm there’s a super fun monkey exhibit going on at the California Academy of Sciences. It could be another cool date with me 🙂 What do you say I pick you up around noon?”

Do you notice the TDL in the example above? 1pm is the time, Saturday is the day, and the California Academy of Sciences is the location. Try using this technique and you’re sure to improve your second-date conversion rate.

What’s so important about a TDL is that you’re asking her on a date you know she’ll love. So I ask you, what is she into?

You should be able to know enough about her likes and dislikes even before the first date takes place. Gather info from her profile as well as from the brief conversations you’ve had so far.

This is a Tinder profile I just happened upon.

how to end a date with a woman

It may not say much but we’ve got enough to work with.

This woman is clearly into classical music and spiritualism. With that in mind, you could most likely pitch a date involving yoga, tarot card reading, meditation, a picnic, seeing a classical music show or anything else in the musical/spiritual vain, and she’d probably be stoked to join in.

While chatting via Tinder ask her about her likes. This is recon you can use to help create an amazing second date TDL, one you can ask at the end of the first date.

Some other second date TDL examples using the profile above might be:

There’s a ballroom dance class this Thursday at 7 at Bel Air. Want to show me your moves?

Hey, so I had a great time and would love to see you again. What do you say to flexing it out at my friend’s yoga class this Monday at 8 at Dew Yoga?

So you’re awesome and I want to see you again. How about a sunset picnic at Water’s Beach this Tuesday? The weather’s going to be perfect.

If you’re free this Thursday we should hit up the arcade at A Million Points at 7, I bet you can’t beat my Pac-Man score!

I should say something about second dates.

If you’re following the MegaDating blueprint you’re going on active second dates. Active second dates will get the blood moving, boost sexual tension, and are just super fun.

I mean seriously, would you rather go on yet another coffee date or split a bottle of wine while walking the water’s edge at sunset? And remember to have a date plan before the first date even takes place. If you want, amend your date pitch, but be sure to come prepared.

If you’re at a loss for second-date TDL ideas check out our master list of second-date ideas. 

What Your Competition Does

It’s important to note that a lot of guys keep it casual when asking to see a girl again. They say things like “we should get together again sometime next week”, or “I hope to see you again soon”. Interestingly, while this may seem like “making plans” to you, it comes across as unmotivated or not genuine to women, who would love to hear something more specific.

Ask her out on a specific day, at a specific time, to do something specific. Set the date in stone, or at least make an attempt to do so. Even if her response is noncommittal, you’re earning points for trying. When she gets home, she’ll realize she’s wanted. 

Kiss Her… Or Not

To kiss or not to kiss… that is the question. Should you kiss her at the end of the date, or not? Once again, this has the potential to get awkward–so having a plan is the best way to go.

The thing about the kiss is what it implies.

If you don’t kiss her, it implies that you see her as just a friend. Don’t let your nerves put you in the friend zone, or give the impression that you aren’t interested in her romantically. I recommend that you do kiss her goodbye, HOWEVER it’s best to stick to the cheek.

If you’re MegaDating you’re going on hour-long first dates. Do you really think you’ll be able to have such strong chemistry after an hour? Look, there’s no rush. 

It’s expected that after an hour-long date, you two won’t be madly in love. Diving head first for a kiss may well throw her off. You’ve spent the last hour slowly rubbing flint and steel together trying to make a spark. Now that you have a small flame going the worst thing you can do is tongue wrestler with her.

Take your kiss on the cheek and walk away a happy man.

Get Touchy Feely

Touching a woman is always risky business. 

Touch her too soon and you’re a creep. Too often, creep. Too low, creep. Being a creeper is easy, being suave and gradually putting your foot on the accelerator takes training.

When on a first date I recommend touching about 3 times.

Let’s break these touches down.

The first touch is easy, it’s when you two hug. Hugs are a must when meeting a woman. If you can’t hug her immediately for whatever reason, when the chance presents itself say something like, Oh so rude of me to not properly greet you (then give a hug).

The second touch isn’t as guaranteed.

Here are a few ways to steal a touch during the date:

  • Guide her through a doorway
  • Gently ‘pull’ her back when at a crosswalk
  • Ask for her hands or touch a tattoo/birthmark/scar of hers
  • Present her with your hands or body part (in the hopes that she’ll touch you)
  • Give her a high five or fist bump (this is the easiest to do)

The last touch should be a departing one.

End the date with a hug or kiss on the cheek.

how to end a date the right way

Pay For The Date

This one is obvious, but it’s a must.

A lot of women will offer to pay for what they consumed (green flag) but insist on paying.

Tell her something like…

You took a chance on going out with a total stranger, so this is my way of saying thank you. 

It’s a great line and it’s truthful. If you asked her out you should pay. She didn’t need to spend her cherished free time with you but she did. She put herself out there, made herself vulnerable, and as such you should say your thanks by paying for the date.

Make Sure It Only Lasts An Hour

If you’re MegaDating you’re doing more than simply dating around – you’re adhering to a blueprint.

This blueprint stresses going on one-hour first dates.

This is a must.

MegaDating means you’re dating prolifically. If that’s the case you don’t want to be spending a ton of cash or time on strangers every time you go out. 

Before the date takes place make it known you only have about an hour to see her. This may seem strange to her and even turn her off. But not to worry. You can keep that flame alive by asking her on a TDL at the end of the doubt. This was address any fear that she isn’t into you.

Don’t Text Her Right After The First Date

Remember how I said before that you want to show intent, commitment, and that you’re into her?

Make sure you do all of that during the date, and then give her space afterward.

Don’t call her or text her right after you’ve gone out, unless it’s to see if she made it home safely. Other than that, avoid texting her completely, if you can help it.

Instead, give her some space to reflect on the date you just had. Texting her immediately afterward lowers your value in her mind.

This is especially important if you did everything right during the date. If you had a great time, you want to leave her feeling happy about seeing you again. Of course, if she texts you, text her back something short, sweet, and to the point. For great tips on texting before your first date, read this article here.

Only text her to:

  • Tell her you had a great night and to make sure she got home safe
  • Ask her out on a second date


Want to get better at dating?

Sure you do. The best way to improve is to simply do it.

In our program, Dating Decoded we teach men how to MegaDate (i.e. time various women simultaneously). In other words, the best way to improve your dating skills is to practice, practice, practice.

By putting yourself in the same position over and over again you’ll inevitably improve your dating game.

Dating Decoded

Are you ready to date?

Did this article answer all your questions and equip you with the confidence you need to wine and dine your new flame?

To be honest, probably not.

Dating can be rough.

So rough you might want to enlist an expert to help you out.

We’ve designed Dating Decoded to help men decode modern dating. For all your many questions and doubts we have answers and strategies to help you excel at dating.

We teach men the online and IRL skills they need to find a highly compatible long-term partner.

How do we do this?

We have a four-pronged teaching methodology.

Online Curriculum

This is our self-paced curriculum packed with learning modules covering every dating topic from how to send an opening message online that is guaranteed a response to how to have better sex.

We provide you with a roadmap of how to begin and progress a fledgling relationship. With detailed content covering every topic you’ll need to be aware of our online curriculum is more than enough to get you ready for your first date, but that’s not all we offer in our program.

Mock Dates

Before going on your big date you need to practice. You can read our articles, chat with coaches, and watch content, but what you really need is IRL practice.

Our mock dates coaches, Brooke and Audrey are ready to take you out either online or IRL.

Practice what you’ve learned in a safe environment. At the end of your date you’ll receive detailed feedback on what was and was not working.

how to tell if a woman has a boyfriend

Live Coaching Calls

Twice a week we hold live sessions so our students can ask questions and talk about dating obstacles. It’s here that we’ll get granular and provide detailed feedback.

We realize that everyone’s dating experience is unique and nuanced. That’s why we hold these live sessions. So we can examine your unique experience and address obstacles.

We also hold a bimonthly Man Cave session (only open to men, not me or my female coaches) where our students come together to talk about their struggles in the dating world. Going it alone stinks. That’s why we provide a supportive and judgment-free environment for guys to come together.


Ever Dating Decoded member has access to our online and IRL community. This is a place where coaches and students come together to chat, strategize, and empathize with one another.

Our students will bond with one another online, find accountability partners, and even make plans to meet up in person.

Our program has helped thousands of men. 

It works, but don’t take my word for it. See how the romantic lives of our students have improved after enrolling in our program. If you’re ready to take the next step and score a date for this Friday, let’s chat via a 1-on-1 Zoom call to learn more about each other and see if you’re the right fit for Dating Decoded.