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How to Touch a Woman To Make Her Want You

How to Touch a Woman To Make Her Want You

Forget about the Midas Touch, what if with one touch you could make a woman want you?

Surely this ability is worth more than gold.

But to learn how to touch a woman to make her want you, you don’t need to fork over a fortune.

All you need to do is absorb the following techniques and then get your flirt on.

How To Touch A Woman To Make Her Want You

Before we reveal how to make a woman swoon simply by touching her, we have to point out the obvious.

Flirting by way of touch only works if she’s into you.

You can have the most sensual hands on Bumble, but if she doesn’t want to be touched by you, your touch will backfire.

Funny how the best way to turn a woman on (via touch) is also the quickest way to turn her off.

If you’re getting handsy too early she’ll never talk to you again. It’s the single biggest creep move to touch a woman when she isn’t interested.

That’s why it’s super important to be mindful of how you’re touching her.

When it comes to touch (especially early on in a relationship) subtle is sexy.

Lucky for you, we know a few ways to touch a woman that will help gauge her interest while making her want you.

Guide Her With The Small Of Her Back

Some touches are outright sexy while others are more practical.

A touch to the exposed thigh is the equivalent of whispering sexy nothings into her ear.

It’s risky but could pay off big time. That’s why such a touch should wait until you’re near certain she’ll reciprocate.

A much less risky yet DL sexy touch, is by guiding her by touching the small (or upper) part of her back.

The lower the touch the riskier. If you just met this woman be sure to keep that hand high. If you two have built a rapport and have been flirting feel free to lower it.

how to touch a woman to make her want you

Maybe you’re wondering when you might use this move. Here are a few examples:

  • When guiding her through a doorway
  • Showing her to your table at a restaurant
  • Guiding her away from harm’s way (whether on a street or away from a hurried waiter that may bump into her)

When using this move just be sure to never approach her from behind. 

There’s something primal that’s triggered whenever humans (especially women) are approached from behind. Make sure this move feels natural, organic, and make sure she sees it coming.

Also, be mindful of how long you let that hand linger. A good rule of thumb is that the less you know about this person the less time you should let your hand rest on her back.

High Fives!

Those initial touches have the potential to be the most awkward.

That’s why you need to throw her a few high-fives.

A high five is risk-free form of touch that just about any woman is up for receiving.

how to touch a woman to make her want you

The best part of the high-five is that it can be given in any context. For example, touching a co-worker on her back could easily be seen as harassment, whereas a high-five is widely acceptable.

Even though giving someone a hand star can be seen as platonic, it still works toward building a bond.

Though the gesture may seem small a high five will still release hormones like oxytocin and neurotransmitters like dopamine. Every time that little cocktail of hormones is released you two become that much closer.

But how do you give a date a high five without it coming off as weird?

High fives are the perfect first-date touch. 

Too many high fives later on in a relationship could signal that you just want to be friends, but on a first date it’s a safe and quick way to bond.

The perfect time to give her a high five is when you two have a strong commonality.

Maybe you learn that you both like the same sports team, went to the same school, or are cracking up over a funny joke. During the aforementioned moments would be the ideal time to slap each other five.

The beauty of a high five is that they’re easy to pivot out of.

For example.

Maybe you give her a high five, then hold on to her hand for a moment and examine her nails. Maybe she has a super cool design or maybe her hands are way smaller than yours. Marvel and inspect them with your hands. Doing so won’t be weird unless you make it weird.

Oh, and keep your comments as non-sexual as possible.

You don’t want her thinking you have a hand fetish.

A Hug Hello, During, and Parting

A hug hello is crucial!

It sets the tone for the rest of the encounter.

Not hugging hello means missing a key moment to spark some attraction.

It may also signal to her that you’re not into her. Make sure you get that hug hello. Perhaps when you first meet, you’re not able to hug her hello (if it’s crowded or if you’re in a car) so hug her the first chance you can.

Say something like,

“Oh I didn’t even give you a hug hello, I’m so rude.”

“Let’s try that again.”

Then hug her.

how to touch a woman to make her want you

A hug to greet her is the simplest of them all, but there are other ways to hug her as well.

During the date if she opens up to you, give her a hug. 

If you make a playful joke and poke fun at her show her you’re just messing around by giving her a hug. 

Or maybe you pull her back from the crosswalk fearing that she’s getting too close to the cars. Give her a hug and jokingly tell her that she can’t get hit by a car until you’ve decided if you want to go on a second date with her or not.

These are all ways to hug her during the date.

At the end of the date remember to give her a big old hug and tell her how much you enjoyed yourself (if you truly did) and that you want to see her again (hint: use a TDL).

Give her a hug that lasts a bit longer than the one you gave when greeting her.

If things went well you can give her a kiss on the cheek or even pivot and give her a smooch.

After you wrap your arms around her, keep them wrapped but pull your head back to you’re staring at her. Perhaps chat for a second and if she smiles at you give her a kiss.

Grab Her Hand Or Gently Tap Her During the Conversation

Capitalize on any commonalities you two have.

If she says she also plays Catan, went to that HAIM concert you wanted to go to, or has to sit in the furthest seat back in a theater grab her hand or touch her to show your excitement, joy, jealousy, etc.

This is a non-threatening way to touch her that also normalizes touch.

Normalizing touch with a series of non-threatening touches is the quickest way to build a bond and accelerate attraction.

While you don’t want this touch to linger, feel free to use it throughout the date.

Lead Her Somewhere

Take her hand and have her follow you somewhere.

Maybe you’re at a bar and you just went to the bathroom. You saw a cool painting, an arcade game, or a cool room that you want to show her. Tell her you found this cool thing and want to show her. Chances are the bar may be crowded so take her hand and lead her there.

Or maybe you saw a pool table and want to play. Grab her hand and say, you’re my partner.

If people are dancing nearby, leave the drinks at the table, tell her you want to dance and take her hand.

These are all perfectly organic ways to make contact.

how to touch a woman on a first date

Where NOT To Touch On A First Date

We’ve gone through the many ways on how to touch a woman to make her want you.

Not let’s discuss major turn-offs you should avoid at all costs. 

To be honest, depending on the dynamic you may be able to touch her wherever on a first date.

But it’s more likely than not that certain areas are no-go zones.

These areas include the…

  • Waist
  • Legs
  • Hair

These are places reserved for men she’s super comfortable with and into.

You probably won’t get there on a first date.

Play the long game and build attraction in a safe way via the touching strategies we’ve gone over.

How to Touch A Woman To Make Her Want You

The initial stages of a relationship are the most fragile.

I’ve designed a dating program that gives men a concrete blueprint to follow in a fledgling relationship.

Via our full service multi-pronged program, Dating Decoded we teach men the ins and outs of first, second, and third dates.

We show you how to create a dating profile that performs in the top 10% of all men’s profiles around your age, chat up women online, meet women IRL, ask single women out with a TDL, flirt on a date, and ultimately make them your GF.

Let’s give you the skills you need to find a date this Saturday when we chat via a 1-on-1 Zoom session.

If you want to know what current and former students are saying about our program just check out our reviews. 

how to touch a woman on a first date

how to touch a woman on a first date

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