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Good Morning Texts to Your Crush That Lead To Hugs, Kisses, & Brunch

Good Morning Texts to Your Crush That Lead To Hugs, Kisses, & Brunch

Looking for a few good morning texts to your crush? Look, every interaction in a new relationship feels like it’s makes it break.

A misplaced hand could mean being ghosted and a well-constructed text could be the difference between spending Friday night watching the game home alone or out dancing salsa with that hottie from Tinder.

The stakes are high and as such you have to tread carefully.

Being that it’s the 21st century, much of your communication will take place via text.

You know that and that’s why you’re here.

You don’t know what a good morning text to your crush looks like and have spent too much time looking at a screen that looks like this.

 good morning text to your crush

That’s honestly a good sign.

Too many guys are all too willing to shoot over vapid texts that do nothing to move your relationships forward.

They’ll prematurely shoot out texts that look like these:

“Hey cutie”

“I dreamnt of you last night”

“I wish you were next to me right now”

“Hey sexy **dick pic”

Pro Tip: Women like penises… just not in the form of a dick pic early in the morning.

You’re here because you want to learn how to send quality good morning texts to your crush.

We got you.

First, let’s talk theory.

Good Morning Texts To Your Crush: Bird’s Eye View

Speaking as 1) a dating coach that’s helped hundreds of men find love and 2) a woman, I can tell you that bombarding a woman with texts between dates isn’t a good idea.

If she’s your crush — and not your girlfriend or hubby — I can rightly assume you two are still in the early stages of a relationship. The “oh my god I just met this hottie from Bumble I can’t stop thinking about her” stage.

The last thing you want to do is to stamp out the mystery by conversing via text.

Texting is superficial, boring, and takes away all the fun.

Learning and bonding via text is like having someone tell you what your present is before opening it.

Like sure, you’re still stoked to have received a The Office themed candle from Etsy but the experience would have been 100x better if you had waited to open the gift yourself.

Each Text Should Have A Purpose

With that in mind, each text you send should have a goal.

And that goal is to never engage in a protracted convo via text.

Instead, every text you send should be a message that you can’t convey in person.

Each text should also work towards asking her out.

The last thing you want to do is spontaneously send her a text without thinking about why you’re sending it.

With that in mind here are examples of the best good morning texts to send to your crush.

Examples Of Good Morning Texts To Your Crush That You Should Steal

1. Wish Her Luck

“Today’s the day to kick-ass. I’d wish you luck on your presentation but I know you’ll kill it”

I’m not sure if you’re aware but women love when they’re listened to.

Has she recently stressed to you that she has some big event coming up that she’s worried about? If so, shoot her an uplifting morning text that shows your support.

If you want to try to parley this into a date, add, “When all goes well we should meet up for a drink to celebrate.”

2. Plant That Seed & Watch It Grow

“Hey Sam, it was a pleasure spending time with you. I still can’t get over that we’re both bouldering buffs. We’re gonna have to hit up a V6 real soon.”

Did you go on a date with her yesterday?

If the date went well you don’t have to wait three days before contacting her again.

Dispell any worries she has by shooting her a text the day after telling her that you had a great time and that you hope to see her soon.

But be specific.

Recall a connection you two shared during the date and leverage that connection to suggest going on a date involving said shared connection. In this hypothetical case, the guy broached bouldering and suggests that they go on a date soon enough.

If a first date goes well you’ll want to use a TDL at the end of the date. However, that’s often easier said than done as coming up with a dope TDL during a date is fairly difficult.

After a date, wait a couple of days before asking her out again.

And remember, use a TDL.

Speaking of which…

3. Ask Her Out With A TDL

“Good mornin’ Sally. How do you feel about taking a leisurely jaunt around Calf Pasture Beach tomorrow at 7? I know the best spot to watch the sunset/just copped a six of the best sour around.”

That my friend is a TDL.

TDL stands for time, date, location.

It’s what you should use when asking out a girl you met on Tinder, a bar, a party, via text, or in person.

TDLs are so effective because they’re tangible (they’re also a type of a good morning texts to your crush).

This is a date request she can see, feel, and envision.

Most men ask out women like this: “Hey Luisa, wanna go out sometime?”

That’s an offer to go out in the ill-defined future. It’s a nebulous date request. Even if you ask her this, you’ll eventually have to follow up with a specified date request.

Women love being asked out to specified dates because it not only makes it easier for them to accept or decline, but it shows initiative and an investment of consideration.

If all she can talk about is her dog on a first date, naturally you should ask her out to the dog park or to talk a walk with your pooches on a second date.

A TDL should follow a few rules:

— Make it as convenient as possible (day time, near her work or home, an activity she likes)

— Make it specific, include a time, date, and location

— Choose a date activity she can get excited about

Awesome date idea + convenience = a yes.

4. The “Emergency” TDL

“I just woke up with a strong urge to gourge on waffles and thought who else likes maple syrup more than Buddy the Elf and drinking mimosas in the morning… let’s go!”

Show some urgency.

Most of the time when we ask someone out it’s for a date that takes place in a few days.

That’s not the case here.

This is the perfect Sunday morning text to your crush.

Chances are she already has plans, BUT if she doesn’t what women in the right mind would turn down a spontaneous brunch invitation.

When in doubt just use the magic word… mimosa.

 good morning text to your crush

5. The Cliffhanger

“Maria! I have a problem and you’re the only one that can help me.”

This early morning hair riser is bound to get a response (but if it doesn’t HUGE red flag).

What you decide to do when she does respond is up to you.

I’d advise asking her out. You have her attention, her heart’s pumping, why not capitalize by asking her out?

Ideally, the date you ask her on is a spontaneous one that takes place the very day you text her.

When she responds asking what’s wrong you can say: “Two NYCFC tickets fell into my lap for the game today and I need someone that’s willing to scream as loud as me to go with… that’s where you come in.”

6. Stay Suave Young Padawan

“Hey there. Just thought I’d offer up my services as a professional troublemaker in case you’re looking to get into some trouble later.”

Unless she’s familiar with your humor, she’ll probably be a bit puzzle — yet intrigued.

Trouble is ambiguous, sexy, and alluring.

Just be sure to have a kick-ass date idea when she asks you what you had in mind.

Need a little help coming up with a slamming date idea.

We’ve got amazing date ideas for those living in San Francisco, NYC, Austin, San Diego, and various other US cities.

7. The Accidental Text

“Hey man I have the selzers, see you on the boat in a couple hours. Be sure to wax that wakeboard.”

Every woman wants to know that the man she’s dating has a life of his own.

The last thing a new flame wants is a clingy guy willing to wait on his hands on knees for her every text.

Rather, she wants to date a guy living a life so cool that she has to be a part of it. She wants her new crush to go to ball games, dance classes, trivia, play sports, and have a vibrant social life.

There are plenty of ways to boast about how awesome your life is — primarily via IG. But another way of doing so is to shoot an “accidental” text talking about your plans for the day.

Should she herself show interest in your plans feel free to invite her (just make sure your plans are real).

8. Good Morning Texts To Your Crush: When You’ve Already Got It On

“Just wanted to wish you a day as big and beautiful as your butt!”


Hey once you’ve turned that corner don’t be afraid to be generous with your spice.

9. Just Be Honest

“I’m not gonna lie I’ve spent all morning (the seven minutes I’ve been awake) trying to think of the perfect way to ask you out. But instead of using the entire day to come up with the perfect text (and risk not actually going out) I think I’ll just go with old faithful and leave you this beach meme.”

good morning text to your crush

Sometimes the best good morning texts to your crush are honest ones.

We all know dating can be terrifying, time-consuming, and awkward.

When in doubt shoot your shot and see what happens. Also, it helps to be upfront. We’re all nervous about dating, making it known that you put thought into asking her out will make her say, “awww” and then agree to go out with you.

Trust me, I too am a victim of the honest awe-inducing TDL.

10. Tell Her What She’s Missing

text to your crush

“You should be here right now”

Send her a photo of whatever awesome thing you’re doing right now.

Maybe it’s playing tennis, watching the sunrise at the beach, or eating some bomb triple-stacked pancakes.

Whatever it is, make her a tad jealous of whatever you’re up to.

If she wants a piece of your awesome life all she has to do is ask to join you. After she messages back that she’s super jealous, tell her of your plans later and let her know she can join if she desires.

Good Morning Texts To Your New Flame

As you can see, each text is leading her somewhere.

Each text provides her with some value that you can only give her via text.

When in doubt simply ask her out using a compelling TDL.

This Oscar-winning, Quentin Tarantino-directed video below will show you how it’s done.

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