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8 Signs a Narcissist is Done with You (and How to Recover)

8 Signs a Narcissist is Done with You (and How to Recover)

First off, congrats.

You’re in the process of burning one of the most toxic bridges you’ve ever built.

Whether the bonfire is intentional or not, it doesn’t matter.

The narcissist you’ve been seeing is finally over you, that’s a good thing.

Because even if you didn’t want the relationship to end, you’ll be happy that it did in the long run.

Now normally we wouldn’t have to write an article detailing the signs that your partner is no longer into you, but it’s different with narcissists. They’re difficult to read, mercurial, manipulative, and like 27 other negative adjectives.

With that said it’s not always obvious that they’re no longer invested in the relationship (again, this should make you jump for joy).

To better understand when a narcissist is no longer into you let’s go over the 8 signs a narcissist is done with you.

signs a narcissist is done with you

8 Signs A Narcissist Is Done With You

Ideally, you’re the one that should break things off from a narcissist. But this isn’t always easy. Narcissists have a way of sucking us in with their magnetism and making us feel like the luckiest person in the world.

Here are a few signs to look for to help you identify a narcissist.

But what’s most important now is that things are ending.

If you were looking for an easy way to end your relationship with a narcissist, now might be the perfect time.

1) They Stop Reaching Out

They stop love bombing you.

They stopped making you feel like their one and only.

Hell, they even stopped hitting you up for late-night booty calls.

They may do this at first because they love the image of you crawling back to them, pleasing to take them back.

Let’s not forget that we’re dealing with a fragile ego here. They need validation.

Perhaps they derive so much joy from being yearned for they’re willing to ghost you or breadcrumb you until you beg for their affection.

Or, they’re really just not interested anymore.

It can be difficult to tell the difference when someone has a personality disorder.

Either way you’re in luck and you should take this opening to get out of there.

2) They Humiliate You In Front Of Others

They devalue you and kill your confidence by talking smack about you to others.

If you’ve been with them long enough for them to meet your friends and family, they may have even used their charm to turn your closest contacts away from you. Their charm is seductive, which makes it easy for them to manipulate those closest to you so they can control you. But even this may have stopped once they’re through with you.

It’s sad but most likely this was something they did when they were still into you. They throw shade because they love the power do so provides.

But either way, this is a sign you’re dating an asshole and that you should ditch them.

If you don’t know whether or not the person you’re dating really is a narcissist, ask your friends to help you figure them out. Of course, this could be a tricky proposition if they’ve already infected your friends with their charm.

Try asking friends and family that are about to meet her for the first time to help vet them.

3) They Tell You About Other People They Are Dating or Sleeping With

They want to get a rise out of you but they also just want you to go away so they say terrible things like this to get rid of you for good. They enjoy knowing they have so much power over you to completely destroy your confidence in this way and leave you with nothing. 

This is a pretty clear sign a narcissist is done with you.

Of course, they may still stay with you because in a manipulative sense they’re not done with you.

Romantically they may be over you, but they still want to use you as a puppet.

This is what we mean by, done with you.

4) They Can’t Get What They Want From You

You’ve stopped giving them your time, attention, or money and they’ve realized they can’t get anything out of you anymore. If they can’t get what they want, they’ll discard you.

More than anything they want your unerring affection.

If you slowly pull away they will make attempts to keep you engaged.

They may love-bomb, make snide comments, lash out, or take other actions to keep you from leaving.

But if despite their attempts you continually pull away, slowly but surely your toxic partner will begin to realize there’s no point investing in a relationship that doesn’t provide them with the emotional stimulation they crave.

5) They Don’t Respond To Your Messages

They leave you on read and ghost you unless they’re feeling lonely and want attention or validation. Otherwise, it’s all about them and they won’t give you any more of their time unless they’re getting something they need from you.

Use this opening to invest in someone else.

Maybe download an app, go out with that lady from the party you recently met, or just spend more time with friends and family.

Fill that social void with positive people. MegaDating will show you that you don’t need to settle for narcissists.

6) They Block You

Instead of communicating like a grown-up, they block you with no explanation or conversation.

They don’t want to deal with uncomfortable feelings and therefore find it easier to just block you and move on. 

It doesn’t matter if you two have been dating for months or years. These people lack the empathy to care.

Be thankful this relationship hasn’t dragged out any longer, take it as a sign a narcissist is done with you, and move on.

signs a narcissist is done with you

7) They Stop Following You On Social Media

Or maybe they ghost you and keep looking at your stories.


That’s the thing about narcissists. They’re difficult to understand.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they come crawling back to you after months of radio silence.

This is because they always need validation. If they’re not getting that validation from a new relationship they’ll look to an old well.

8) Nothing You Do Bothers Them At All

Whereas before they might fly off the handle at you over the silliest thing, now they’ve gotten to the point where they’re completely unattached and nothing you do bothers them at all.

They may even tell you that they’ve “never had an issue with you” and “don’t know why you’re making such a big thing of it” to devalue and discard your feelings and emotions, especially after they’ve totally devastated you, perhaps by sleeping with someone else or going from telling you they love you to completely ghosting you altogether. 

You could come home late, talk about other women, or show them little affection and they could care less.

Thank them for all they have or haven’t given you and move on.

Take the hint, take your parents’ hint, and your friends’ hints, and move on.

How To Recover

Take time to consciously grieve what you’ve been through before you start dating again.

I like to give it 2 weeks of being consciously sad, taking time away from my commitments (as much as possible), and really feeling the pain.

This is an important step so you don’t carry the trauma into your next relationship or find yourself choosing another narcissist to replace the one that “got away.”

Use this time to binge shows, eat all the ice cream you want, and do things that maybe you’ve been neglecting.

Get back to the hobbies you love, start running again, cook again, and of course, fill that social void left by your partner with positive people like friends and family you’ve neglected since you started dating.


Once you’ve fully processed, accepted, and released the pain in your body from this abusive relationship, then it’s time to MegaDate.

MegaDating is the act of dating multiple people at the same time.

We encourage clients to do so because MegaDating:

  • Decreases the likelihood of settling
  • Boosts confidence
  • Is a shortcut to finding your forever partner
  • Helps you meet dozens of new women thus increasing the chances you’ll find a super compatible partner
  • Is wicked fun
  • Diffuses energy

MegaDating is critical to avoid getting into another narcissistic relationship because it protects you from putting all of your eggs into one basket too soon.

It allows you to compare and contrast multiple partners at the same time, which helps the bad eggs to surface more easily without you getting overly attached before you can get away from them.

It helps to see how you deserve to be treated by one person and to be able to compare that to the abuse or love bombing that becomes easy to see when you date multiple people in rapid succession. This helps protect you from repeating the cycle of abuse over and over again.

Hire A Coach Who Can Help

Having an expert who is a neutral third party protects you as well because a coach can easily spot abuse before you can as they are not the ones getting love bombed.

Working with someone who has seen the pattern many times before but is free from attachment can help you gain an outside perspective on what’s happening so you can get out before it’s too late. To learn more about how my program can help you find a partner who is kind, caring, thoughtful, and mentally stable, check out my MasterClass or book an intro coaching call with a member of my team.

Our program, Dating Decoded will show you how to MegaDate, meet women online, and how to have amazing first, second, and third dates, while providing you with the skills you need to build and maintain attraction in order for you to find your next life partner or companion.

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