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Best Newark Dating Coach for Men

Best Newark Dating Coach for Men

Newark, NJ is a lot of things.

It’s the third oldest city in the states, home of the NJ Devils, has a pretty big-time international airport and as of recently was bamboozled into becoming the sister city of the fake city of Shrikailasa.

newark dating coach

It’s fair to say that Newark has more than its fair share of claims to fame.

But we’re not here to wax poetic about arguably NJ’s smelliest city, rather we’re here to talk about which Newark dating coach is going to make you the talk of the town — in a not conned by some made-up town run by a fugitive kind of way.

But before we make the big reveal let’s talk about why Newark isn’t that bad of a city to be single in.

Dating In Newark

Every year WalletHub creates a list of the best singles cities in the states.

In 2022, Newark landed in the 141st spot.

That’s better than cities like Arlington, TX, NYC, Cape Coral, FL, and Montgomery, AL. In other words, WalletHub thinks Newark is kind of a shit hole. It says quite a lot when cities like Detroit, Baltimore, and Stockton, CA are more single-friendly than yours.

But there’s only so much weight you can place on an annual list ranked by a personal finance website.

The reality is that Newark has more females (51.11%) than males (48.89%). If you’re a guy reading this, you might love Newark. It’s diverse, cheaper than surrounding areas, has a ton of things to do and is super diverse.

And hey, if you can’t find someone to date in Newark (even though you 100% will) you can always hit up one of the many surrounding municipalities.

But again, there’s no reason to look outside of Newark when you have more than 144,000 women to choose from. And sure, finding that woman can be a struggle, if only you had a Newark dating coach to teach you the ropes.

Your New Newark Dating Coach

Where there are singles there are dating coaches.

Generally speaking the more people the more coaches.

When finding your Newark dating coach for men, there are three things that should compel you to swipe right:

  • A bonafide philosophy
  • Teaching methodology that works
  • Badass reviews

If the coach you’re considering doesn’t have those, swipe left.

But with all the coaches out there who should you team up with?

If I’m being completely honest and maybe just a little partial, the answer is…


emlovz is the best dating coach in town.

For over a decade, emlovz has exclusively taught men the ins and outs of dating.

But unlike other coaches that teach a skill or two before leaving you to your devices, emlovz has a bonafide philosophy and program that is available to students for life (not like it’s needed).

Single men come to emlovz after not having been on a date in weeks, months, or even years.

Then in short time, they score 31 dates in 2 months, at least that’s how it was for one of our students:

But what is emlovz all about?

It starts with our philosophy.


About a decade ago our co-founders went on MegaDating experiments.

In the space of a year, they went on 100 dates.

This experiment on dating and finding love was the genesis of the emlovz philosophy.

Far too often are men willing to sit back and wait for something to happen. Every human on earth comes from a long line of partnerships. We’re the result of people getting together for centuries, so it’s natural that we just expect that we’ll find a partner. But as the years go on we become more and more anxious that our time is running out.

The best way to address this fear of dying alone is to go on the attack.

Instead of being complacent, it’s on you to be romantically proactive.

That means going on multiple dates a week, stacking dates, and yes seeing various women at once — in other words, it means MegaDating.

By dating prolifically you’re able to meet more women in a shorter period of time, compare and contrast, avoid settling, refine your dating skills, and find a super compatible partner in record time.

But I get it. Dating a new woman in Newark every week sounds great and all but how do you do it?

In our program, Dating Decoded we teach men how to leverage online and IRL social networks to mine for dates.

We teach men how to meet women at the gym, in co-ed sports leagues, at work, at Meetups, at parties, through friends, and yes even at bars (as a last resort, tho).

But meeting the one becomes more difficult if you’re not also searching online. Meeting just women IRL means you’ll meet one, but perhaps not the one.

But you’ve tried online dating and know how difficult it is. I mean anyone logging onto Tinder can plainly see there are more males on the app than there are at the seminary. That’s why we specialize in helping men stand out online. We know the tips and tricks to make your profile pop.

We also know how to send her a first message that guarantees a response and how to shape a conversation so that it leads to you asking her out with the help of a TDL. After you’ve scored the date we’ll help you set up unforgettable first, second, and third dates. 

To be able to create one of the best-performing profiles online (which we can do) and use it to score dates can seem like a superpower. So how do we equip you with such powers?

How You’ll Learn

With the support of a carousel’s worth of elite coaches and a tribe of like-minded men by your side you’ll learn everything you need to woo even the babiest of Newark babes.

Designed to help men in their 20s to 50s, our four learning pathways help learners of any style learn what they must to find the girl of their NJ dreams.

It all starts with our online curriculum. 

dating coach in newark

This self-paced curriculum is full of hours upon hours of content teaching students everything they need to know. It’s also always being updated. With the help of sex coach Tilly Storm we recently added lessons about the female anatomy, how to have better sex, and foreplay. 

These are all self-paced lessons to help you get started, but to go even deeper you can attend our weekly coaching sessions. Coaching sessions are live, led by our coaches, and are offered twice a week — every week. It’s here you’ll be able to ask questions and learn new skills as we address dating obstacles and offer in-depth solutions.

Once a month students can also attend the Man Cave session, exclusively open to men. It’s here that men can vent their frustrations, talk about what’s on their mind, and bond with other singles guys that know exactly what they’re going through.

All our students are men. This creates an online community full of male students and coaches where we can come together to share wins and losses, hold each other accountable, and quickly share tips and tricks. Every day we see men voice obstacles and have coaches AND students provide solutions in real-time.

The last way our students will learn is via our mock dates. 

We’re not going to teach you everything there is to know about flirting and chatting with a woman without giving you a chance to practice. That’s why we offer students the chance to test out their newly acquired skills. Book a mock date with Brooke or Audrey and get your date on. After the date you’ll receive detailed feedback on what aspects of the date she enjoyed and what areas could be improved upon.

For men that need a little extra help, your Newark dating coach offers men the chance for some 1-on-1 time. Via Dating Decoded VIP men can book 6, 50-minute sessions with our coaches. These sessions can be used in the following ways:

  • 1-on-1 dating coaching with myself or Thomas (the other founder)
  • In-depth profile review
  • Social media optimization with Mia
  • Personal training and meal planning with our trainer, Aundrea
  • Style makeover with our celeb stylist Hailey
  • Mock dates with Brooke and Audrey

But while all this sounds good and all, what do our students have to say?


Let’s be real for a second.

Would you eat at a restaurant with less than four stars on Google? Would you get your teeth cleaned by some dentist with a single three-star review?

If not, then why team up with a Newark dating coach for men who has basically zero online reviews?

emlovz has five stars on Google, 4.5 on Yelp, and a host of positive reviews on our site. 

Before dishing out money to a coach, make sure they’re legit. Learn how they’ve changed the lives of their students and read reviews and success stories like this one.

Dating Decoded

Dating in Newark can be rough.

The city is fast-paced, women can be fickle, and everyone wants to ultimately move out of the city.

We can decode the dating scene and help you find and court the woman you’ve had your eyes on.

Book a 1-on-1 Zoom call today so we can learn more about you and show you how we can help you find a date for this Friday.

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