The Best Hinge Comments for Guys

March 17, 2019

Hinge is the young person’s answer to With possibly the wittiest motto of all dating applications Hinge is “designed to be deleted.” This relatively nascent application prides itself on its ability to creating meaningful relationships. It does this by linking profiles with Facebook in order to showcase only users that are friends with your Facebook friends.

We already know that 39% of happily married couples met their significant other through friends. Hinge takes this love funnel to the next level by cutting out the middleman and enabling friends of friends to get together without the active assistance of a mutual friend. This strategy is paying off, as Hinge is now one of the most popular dating applications in the US.

Being that Hinge is such a unique application, we decided to do a bit of digging and find out what appeals most to Hinge users. To do this we created male and female test user accounts. After a bit of research we came up with some unique findings.

Hinge Results:

  • 70% of men didn’t comment on female users’ Hinge Answers or photos
  • Of the 30% that did comment on answers or photos, only 5-10% of messages were deemed creative or witty
  • Dearth of active users

What this means for men is that the competition isn’t too fierce. 90% of men are letting female Hinge users down.

What you’ll find below are some of the best Hinge comments we found while exploring the annals of Hinge on a research expedition. Below you’ll find images of “Hinge Answers ” written by women…..and their excellent comments provided by male users.

In order to match with another user you have to like either one of their photos or answers. To connect, you must somehow receive a like in return. However, when you like an answer or picture you have the option to tack on a comment. A witty Hinge comment exponentially increases the odds of receiving that coveted reciprocal like.

The following is a list of the wittiest Hinge comments for guys we found during our research project. Once you’re done reading this article, don’t forget to check out our Best Hinge Answers for Guys (to help with your profile).

Best Hinge Comments for Guys

#1 Challenge Her

This Hinge photo suggests that the female user is a seasoned Scuba diver. She most likely knows what the most common scuba injury is. Broaching a passion of hers will most likely lead to a response especially if she feels the need to address the faulty information she’s been provided. The takeaway from this comment is that it both challenges her knowledge and addresses a topic she’s passionate about.

#2 Knowledge Is Sexy

If she speaks 5 languages she’s probably into smart dudes. Opening a conversation with a factoid pertinent to her profile is never a bad move. And yes, Chick Fil A does actually stand for grade A meat. Well done sir.

#3 When Talking About Nudity Is Patriotic

Hell yeah I remember that day. China v. USA World Cup 1999 and it all comes down to penalties. 90,000 screaming fans at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena and Brandi Chastain steps up to the dot to take the final PK and smashes it into the upper 90! Wow, wait do I even like soccer? If even this moment can make me nostalgic, imagine what it’ll do for a hardcore soccer fan?

#4 Comment On Her Answers

Commenting on a picture of hers is easy. Men naturally gravitate towards pictures. Rarely is it that someone comments on a Hinge answer. This user stands out by not focusing on the superficial features of a Hinge profile and instead comments on a Hinge Answer. The comment receives brownie points because it informs the user of some pretty important information.

#5 Safety First

This comment does two things. One, it harps on the importance of seatbelts -which according to the stat, save lives- and it pokes fun of the Hinge user. This photo is a bit of a waste. It doesn’t offer male users much to work with and certainly doesn’t highlight the physical beauty of the user that posted it. So like any seasoned flirter on a dating app, the male user has a little fun with his new romantic interest by gently pointing out what’s wrong with the photo in question.

#6 Show Her K9 Friend Some Love

Julia always receives comments on photos of herself. She’s inundated with, “Hey there cutie” and “Dammmn girl.” She was in need of a refreshing comment and this is it. Instead of another vapid comment making note of her physical appearance, this male user realized that the way to her heart was through her dog. Does getting a dog’s nails trimmed really increase posture, who knows, who cares? Julia’s just stoked to receive a novel comment. The only downside of this comment is that it’s not 100% grammatically correct. Make like an editor and double check your comments before pressing send.

#7 Wait, Really?

There are two goals with every first message. One is obviously to receive a message back. And the second objective is to use that initial message to segue into a conversation. It’s feasible to imagine this dude’s match answering that she didn’t know and that now she’s all the more inspired to take naps. What’s beautiful about a comment like this is that it doesn’t lead down the well trodden conversational path of banal get-to-know-you information.

#8 Take Note Of Her Location

This was a particularly perceptive comment. Let’s assume that this picture was in fact taken in Lake Tahoe. If that’s the case, the author of the comment just earned major brownie points. Most likely the woman in the picture often ventures to Tahoe. Expressing familiarity and interest in one of her favorite places is never a bad idea. It also signals that you both share a commonality -an interest in Lake Tahoe. This gentleman’s already on his way to scoring a date. I just hope that when the time comes he doesn’t forget a TDL.

#9 Get Edgy

This Hinge user is begging to be called out. She’s direct and doesn’t care what anyone else thinks. The suave gentleman who sent her a quality Hinge comment is more than willing to inform her of the person she is. Being that Anubha seems like the confrontational type, she’ll eat this comment up. I just hope this dude’s ready for a direct response.

#10 Best Hinge Comments: Perceptive Fellow

How many other Hinge users would realize where she is? Being able to identify her location means that the man that sent the photo not only likes the Redwood Room Bar, but also that he’s of the same social and financial status. The Redwood isn’t some cheap spot that anyone walks into. It’s a status symbol that he knows where she is. The factoid that he slaps on later is a nice touch as well.

#11 Conversation Starer Right Out Of The Gate

Showing that you’ve taken the time out to read her profile goes a long way. It’s sad really. Hinge requires that users answer a number of questions yet as we’ve seen, male users often fail to read and then address the ample information they’ve been given to work with. This comment perfectly illustrates how each user needs to interact with a profile. Simply, read the profile and then comment on the information. Doing so will ensure that your comment is better than 90% of other users. 

#12 You’re Already A Quarter Of The Way There

Perhaps this comment can be refined a bit so it doesn’t sound like it’s being said by a know-it-all 4th grader, but despite the snotty attitude it gets the job done. Clearly the female Hinge user will gobble up any info John Stewart related. Even if she already knows that he changed his name it’s a great conversation starter that will no doubt lead to vibing out on John Oliver and bashing the Drumpf administration, two topics that are quick to accelerate any relationship.

#13 Make It About Fluffy

For once a man is calling her dog cutie instead of her. She’ll for sure respond to your message if you’re agreeing to talk about her best four-legged friend. Keeping the conversation on topics she loves leads to a higher probability that she’ll keep you around. By the way, even if she hasn’t messaged you back in a few days don’t think that she never will. Hinge has an alert that’s geared towards reducing ghosting that will remind users to re-ignite conversations.

#14 Trivia!

Trivia isn’t just for a Wednesday night out with co-workers. Let’s take a look at the comment above to see how the user users trivia to his advantage. Emily has answered the question, “I won’t shut up about…” by responding with caviar. The male user notes Emily’s love of caviar and decides to test her knowledge on the subject. If Emily provides the right answer this dialogue can quickly turn into flirty banter that ultimately leads to a first date.

#15 Pizza; The Quickest Way To Her Heart

I feel you Shamineh, we all do. While you can’t eat it twice a day you can be sure that when you do feast, you do so on quality pizza. This is what the male user promises when he asks if Shamineh has ever been to Capo’s in North Beach. Capo’s is a swanky Italian restaurant in North Beach that offers up slamming deep-dish pizza. I know where they’ll be going for date-night.

#16 Give Her The Puppy Eyes

Be careful, if you give her license to talk about her little pooch, she’ll do it for quite some time. Luckily, that’s what you’re hoping for. Commenting on the beauty of her dog isn’t dynamic enough of a first comment. Instead offer up a little-known fact that can lead to a full-blown conversation on the awesomeness of America’s most beloved breed; the Golden Retriever.

#17 Anyone Care For A Glass?

Steer the conversation towards topics that she’s interested in. It doesn’t make sense that she’d respond to an out of the blue comment that focuses on a topic of no interest to her. A fun fact such as the one above can be easily segued into a first date or at least an after-work glass of Pinot Noir.

#18 It’s Always Shark Week For Shark Lovers

Who doesn’t want to talk about their hopes and dreams? Skip over the banal get-to-know you blather and get to the good stuff. Get her imagination tingling when you broach a dream she’s always had. This user does it perfectly by steering the conversation towards an awesome topic; cage diving with sharks. Such a first comment can easily transition into the male user sharing something from his own bucket list.

#19 Awesome, But Try To Keep It Light

Don’t get me wrong. Dog comments on pictures of dogs make sense. The only issue I have with this initial comment is that it brings up a fairly sad topic; cancer. Keep the conversation on happy topics during the early stages of a Hinge interaction. An even better Hinge comment would be to have commented on the origin of dogs or how dogs can be trained to do awesome things that don’t involve detecting life threatening diseases.

#20 Make Her Say “O Wow”

A funny little factoid is rarely a bad way to start a Hinge conversation. Just make sure it’s pertinent as the one above is. The goal with any fact sent via a dating application is to surprise her or challenge her knowledge of a subject she’s into.

#21 Great Opener, Just Watch The Grammar

I’m not going to lie, when I first read this comment I had to consult Google. Comments that persuade you to seek confirmation are awesome. Yet as brilliant as the user might seem for possessing such knowledge, he gets points deducted for not writing “you’re” instead of “your”. Edit and even revise each message before sending it. It’s crucial that you make a quality first impression.

#22 K9 Attention

There are two ways the male commenter could have gone here. One was to remark on the activity and the other involves talking about the lovely pooch that takes center stage in the photo. As we see, he went for the latter. As we can see, the female Hinge user obviously has an affinity for her dog. Encouraging her to talk about her beloved furry friend a bit more is never a bad decision.

#23 Only 4 Years Old!

Any comment that makes her rush to her phone and Google something is a worthy message. A 4-year-old baby skydiving is conversation gold. How did he train? Was he scared? How were his parents not throw in jail after the dive? These are just a couple of the ways she might respond to such a thought provoking comment. That’s what makes it one of the best Hinge comments for guys.

#24 Look At That Adorable Face

And with good reason. French Bulldogs are awkward little creatures with major breathing problems. Take a walk around NYC and you’ll actually find a number of anti-French Bulldog stickers on restaurants. But enough with my anti-French Bulldog crusade (although my boyfriend loves them). What makes this comment great is that clearly the owner is in love with her dog and probably believes that the breed deserves to have won a Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show (even if the breed is riddled with genetic issues).

#25 Where Is The Love

Getting deep by digging into someone’s personal mantra is a way to immediately create a meaningful bond. Leap frog the mandatory getting-to-know you chatter by talking about how humans should live their best lives. Any comment that cuts through boring conversation topics is bound to get a response.

#26 It’s Too Easy

The pairing of a fun fact about a doggy never ceases to make the ladies swoon. We already know that women love photos that showcase a man’s love for his dog. It should come as no surprise that having a man show interest in another person’s dog is looked upon with loving puppy eyes. It’s not brain science, just find a way to talk about her favorite things. If one of those things happens to be dogs, then feel free to kick the conversation off with a comment about her pooch.

#27 But Seriously?

Flattery is never about a bad way start a Hinge conversation, especially if that flattery is genuine. Should that flattery be about her dog you’re even more likely to receive a response in a few hours. Are dogs really as smart as a 2-year-old humans? I don’t know, but Google says so. The point is that the conversation revolves around a subject that’s near and dear to the user’s heart.

#28 Stay Positive

It would have been easy to riff together about how useless Pandas are. But do you really want to start a nascent relationship by throwing shade at insanely adorable and defenseless animals? That answer should always be no. Move the conversation to a positive or neutral place by not encouraging disparaging chatter. If she’s talking junk about a certain subject maybe even challenge her dislike by stating a counter opinion.

#29 Really? I Didn’t Know That

Show her that you’re an expert -or at least have an interest- in a subject she’s passionate about. Maybe you don’t have a response to one of her comments or photos off the top of your head. That’s fine. This is what the Internet is for. Do a little research or take a moment to come up with a quality first message. One of the chief benefits of online dating is that you can take your time to create an awesome dialogue.

#30 Sarah Palin, Yes Please

I really don’t see how talking about Sarah Palin could ever be a poor topic choice. If you live in a blue state -or even THE United States- it’s likely that you’re not a big SP fan. But even if you’re not chatting it up about her merits as a politician there’s plenty of material to be amused about. This male Hinge user crafts a great comment by not broaching her politics but instead offering up a weird little tidbit of SP trivia.

#31 Well That’s A Relief

Only 70? When you’re deep within murky water this is the kind of stat you want to hear. As someone with an irrational fear of sharks, 70 seems like a nominal number. The kind of number that would almost convince me to get in the water. As a stranger, your job is to get her to feel at home, to feel at ease with being in your presence. A statistic such as this one tries to mitigate any fear she might have about diving. Putting someone in a safe mood boosts the odds of them returning your message.

#32 Dumb And Cute

The skier v snowboarder battle is a cliche that’s been perpetuated in various ski films. The hip, new-age snowboarders against the skiers and the establishment. Addressing such a beef is cheesy but it works. Not only is it cute but the author of the message is also soliciting the opinion of the female user. This makes her feel like her opinion is valid and that’s she’s being listened to. Stoking the confidence of a woman you’ve never met before by simply valuing what she has to say is always a good call.

#33 Ahh Sports Banter

Let’s be serious, no one takes baseball rivalries too seriously. Informing her of your allegiance to the opposition is cute. But the most important aspect of this message worth noting is that you two share a common similarity. Sure both users support different teams but they’re also both baseball fans. Young people are moving away from baseball. Showing her that you’re one of the few good guys left that appreciates a calming 3-hour slug-fest is a sign that you might be a keeper.

#34 Ask Her For The Story

Showing genuine non-sexual interest in a photo of hers is attractive. Here we see a gator in a Hinge user’s drink. Gators don’t just float around in everyone’s beverage waiting to bite off a piece of noses. There’s definitely a story behind the gator. Being perceptive and noting the gator will make her think that you’re an observant dude. Have users invest time into telling you a personal story about their lives. Doing so will only serve to accelerate your bond.

#35 Agreeing With Her Is A Way In

Being too agreeable can land you in the friend zone but as an initial comment it often does the trick. This male user verified that laughter is often the key to a woman’s heart. By showing his smarts he might even merit a response.

#36 A Cheeky Reminder

This comment can go either way. Either she chuckles at her mistake, thanks the male user for his comment and a conversation is born, or she never responds. Pointing out the errors in one’s profile is a dangerous game. When doing so always try to add a bit of wit or a smiley face into the comment.

#37 Show A Little Confidence

There is a confidence sweet spot that every woman is attracted to. Too much confidence and you’ll stray into vain territory. This Hinge comment is the perfect illustration of cute confidence rather than vanity. It’s a witty little comment that will make her giggle. It may not segue into a stimulating conversation but it has made her laugh. Laughter = success.

#38 Appreciate Her Family

If she’s willing to post a picture of her baby daughter it obviously means she’s more than happy to make her daughter a topic of conversation. The woman in the profile is clearly a proud mother. This user constructs a witty Hinge comment by welcoming her child into the conversation. Most men will be turned off by the photo of a child. This user shows that’s he’s willing to date a woman with a child. Obviously he’s checked off at least one of her boxes.

#39 Poking Fun

If online dating isn’t fun, what’s the point? Once and a while feel free to try out an edgy comment by gently poking fun at other users. She’s clearly posing in the photo, but her seriousness is kind of humorous. Let’s just hope the woman’s whose photo it is feels the same way.

#40 Take A Jab At Her Profile

It’s a dangerous game, but someone’s gotta play it. Tossing a little veiled criticism doesn’t always work. That being said, if she thinks the critique was warranted you might just get a response. But keep in mind that with any message you send you’ll want to keep it witty. It doesn’t matter what the heart of the message is, flower it with a bit of humor.

#41 Movie References

Movie references are great… until they’re not. If she’s into Taken, this male Hinge user is in, if not, better luck next reference. Even if she loves Taken, suggesting that the men in the photo might kidnap her is a risky comment. That being said, risks need to be taken to get the attention of some users. Certain Hinge users might be bombarded with messages from men on a daily basis. You’ll have to channel your inner daredevil in order to elicit the response you’re looking for.

#42 Getting To The Point

Judging from the comment we can gauge that the male user is probably an older man. He wants to know right off the bat if she’s into older man. If she’s not, he’s just saved a bunch of time. This is a classic filtering question. It works to filter women that either are or are not interested in having a relationship.

#43 Pro Tips Concerning Series Binging

What normal person would be bummed to receive an initial message that gives them access to a free TV series? Assuming that the advice above works, the female user must be wondering what other wonderful tips the male Hinge user has in store. Pieces of advice that work make for awesome Hinge comments.

#44 Kick Ass Shared Interests

This male Hinge user already has it made. As we can see he even received a response to his killer first message. Not only does he make it clear that they have a shared interest but that by coincidence they both attended the same Spartan Race. What this successful Hinge comment shows us is that identifying commonalities work as initial messages. There’s no doubt in my mind that these two later geeked out the Spartan Race.

#45 Be Direct If It Means Not Wasting Time

Ain’t nobody got time for games. Putting a photo of you and your ex into your photo queue is a big no-no. It’s possible that she is in fact in an open relationship. With the myriad of people found on online dating application there’s no reason to want to waste your time on someone that doesn’t fit the bill. Being direct might not always be charming but it’s the swiftest way to find out what pages she’s on.

#46 Inject Yourself Into The Photo

Making yourself a part of a user’s life as this male Hinge user does it a great strategy. It may be a little odd that he’s putting words into this little girl’s mouth, but his risk might just pay off. By innocuously inserting yourself into your new romantic interest’s life you’ll be able to quickly create a bond between the two of you.

#47 Make Plans

Offering up something as innocuous as coffee and a walk sounds like a feasible plan. Of course expect a rejection, but if she’s into your profile she’ll be flattered by your directness. Such a comment would show that you’re a sweet and easy going guy who wants to take things slow.

#48 Well Aren’t You Witty

Clearly the woman in the photo has indicated in her profile that she’s a dietician. Yet in the photo we see her enjoying the very food that she warns her clients about. It’s a cute way of making fun of her without criticizing her too sharply.

#49 Confident & Cute

This witty Hinge comment doesn’t waste any time in getting to the point. Clearly one user is feeling the attraction, let’s hope it’s reciprocal. Even if the male user is rejected, being so direct and offering a TDL will most likely lead to a response.

#50 Be Selective

As you can tell, there is no comment in the picture above. From the advice of our longstanding EmLovz test user Rico, he states that: “If a woman creates an answer that tells me she wants a long term relationship, I don’t comment. This is because the average guys on Hinge who don’t want a real relationship will simply bypass this particular answer of hers. If I comment here it might show her that I’m a bit desperate for a relationship. Keep the leverage in your favor guys! Just like it without adding a comment.

Best Most Compatible Hinge Comments

#51: JBW (Just Be Witty)

Each day Hinge will send you a “most compatible” potential match. This is a great opportunity for you to take advantage of the system – because in a way, you’ve been pre-selected in the woman’s mind.

Take a look at the above image. We sent this woman a super funny comment because in her profile she mentioned that her date must be funny. You can see that the comment was actually pointed at Bumble, not the woman herself. This is a clever and tactful way to stand out from other men.

Best Hinge Comments for Guys Wrap

Are you struggling to get likes, matches, and dates from Hinge or other dating apps? If you try the above strategies and you’re still not getting the success you’re looking for – it might be something else.

I help men every day reach their dating goals via 1-on-1 Skype sessions. I’d be happy to help you too. If you’re interested, head over to my calendar and book a New Client Session with me. During our intro session, we’ll diagnose your dating history, talk about your issues with online dating, uncover your interpersonal goals, create an action plan, and see if my 3 month coaching program would be a fit for you!
