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Who’s The Best Dating Agency in Vancouver, BC?

Who’s The Best Dating Agency in Vancouver, BC?

Vancouver isn’t just a great single city when compared to other Canadian cities.

Canada’s 3rd largest metropolitan area is recognized internationally as one of the best single cities in the world.

According to a 2019 study, Vancouver ranked as the 29th best city to find love on the planet.

To be fair, Vancouver’s dating scene isn’t equally awesome for men and women.

There are .88 single men for every one female. So if you’re a single man on the prowl in Canada, BC’s biggest city is one of the best places to be.

Though this stat poses the question then. If the city is such a dating haven for men, why are you seeking out a dating agency in Vancouver?

Let me take that one for you.

You’re too busy, fed up, tired, or old school to deal with finding a woman for yourself. I hear ya, dating has changed quite drastically in the past 10 years or so. The dating landscape looks completely different than it did just 10 years ago. If you’re not ready to go it alone, why not enlist the help of a dating agency, dating coach, or matchmaker?

In this article, we’ll outline dating life in Vancouver and reveal the best dating agencies in Vancouver.

Vancouver’s Gender Ratio

There are over 2.5 million people that inhabit the Vancouver area.

But out of these 2.5 million people, there are only a few thousand that are eligible for dating. Let’s dig into those numbers.

Half of Vancouver’s adult population is single. Of those single people, we’ve found that there are .88 single men for every single woman.

If you’re a dude you’ve got to be pretty psyched about these numbers. With a male-female ratio such as this one, Vancouver is a dating haven for men.

For those that do ultimately get married, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll stay that way. The city only has a 13.5% divorce rate

Who Exactly Lives In Vancouver?

dating agency vancouver

Vancouver is one of the most foreigner-friendly cities in the world

48% of residents were born outside of Canada. Only Miami, Toronto, and Sydney can boast a higher percentage of foreign-born residents.

44% of residents speak a mother tongue that isn’t English. Some of the most widely spoken languages apart from English are Panjabi, Cantonese, Mandarin, Tagalog, Korean, and Farsi. The main reason of course that so many people speak a Chinese language is because 20% of residents are from China. Another 22% of the residents are from other Asian countries.

Despite being a hustling and bustling city, Vancouver is home to a surprisingly large group of elderly residents. 15% of those that reside in the city are 65 or older. This percentage has been on the rise since 2011.

Romance Score

dating agency vancouver british columbia

In the aforementioned study, Vancouver’s romantic score was given a 7.90 out of 10.

To arrive at this score a host of residents were asked to answer a series of questions concerning romance in the city and respond with a number from 1 to 10.

Questions ranged from how romantic is your city to how easy is it to date in your city?

A key question was, “how open would you be to dating an ex-pat?” In such a multi-cultural city, it’s incredibly important that residents feel welcomed and receptive to dating someone that wasn’t born in Canada. While 7.9 may not sound super high, it actually is one of the better scores when compared to other ranked cities. Vancouver is more romantic than Lyon, Amsterdam, Boston, LA, Sydney, and Mexico City just to name a few.

Online Dating Score

vancouver matchmaker

If the romance score doesn’t impress you, the city’s online dating surely will.

Its online dating score received a 9.2 out of 10. If you’re looking to swipe for love, Vancouver is one of the best cities to do so in the world. It beat out cities such as Rio, Rome, LA, Bogota, D.C., and Madrid.

Speaking of dating apps, if you’re not on them, then you need to be.

Dating apps are nowadays the most common way to meet women. According to a 2017 Stanford study, 39% of couples met via online dating apps that year.

If you’re considering downloading a couple of apps, start with Tinder and Hinge.

Tinder is the app that makes dating via the internet cool for young singles. Popularized in 2012, Tinder took the dating scene by storm, first by converting college-aged kids, then gradually attracting those in their 20s. Tinder is still primarily used by those in their young to mid-20s. It’s no longer chiefly used as a hookup app but is by no means an app to be used by someone looking for a serious relationship.

When Tinder users are ready for commitment, they look to Hinge. Hinge is the only dating app that is “designed to be deleted.” The app uses unique algorithms, specific filters, and other features in order to pair you up with a compatible partner.

Download at least these two apps when searching for love in Vancouver.

So Who’s The Best Dating Agency in Vancouver?

Now that the dating scene has been explained, it’s time to learn about the dating agencies of Vancouver that can help you get the job done. Here are the two that stand out among the rest.

Divine Intervention

What a great freakin’ name for a dating agency.

Divine Intervention is headed up by Susan Semeniw.

DI cares for clients based in Alberta, Toronto, and Vancouver. Basically, if you’re a Canadian living in a major city, she knows the lay of the land and the local dating scene.

She accepts all kinds of clients, but primarily focuses on those that are getting back into dating or just went through a divorce. She describes most of her clients as “successful, attractive, active, well-put-together individuals with discerning tastes.” Susan takes on clients that generally don’t have any issues dating, they’re just tired of not finding a woman of quality. That’s where her matchmaking services come into play.

DI’s dating process involves a 4-step approach.

All new clients will first be interviewed in order to learn more about you and what you’re looking for. Then the matchmaking process will begin, with a team that searches through the agency’s network in an attempt to find women that match your criteria. Once you selected a suitable match the organization will set up the first two dates. After a date comes the post-date assessment. You and your date will learn how the other feels about each other to determine if a second date will take place.


You didn’t think we’d write an entire article about dating agencies in Vancouver without talking about ourselves did you?

Look, clearly we’re biased, but we genuinely think we’re the best dating agency in Vancouver.

Allow me to explain.

We’re not just a coaching service or a matchmaking service. We’re a comprehensive dating agency that addresses all your dating needs.

We acknowledge the deficiencies that agencies that only coach or only matchmake have.

That’s why we cater to all your needs.

Let’s first talk about our coaching services.

Over the course of 3 months, you’ll be a part of 12 online (Zoom) coaching sessions. These sessions can either be private or in a group format. If done with a group, you’ll embark on your romantic journey with a host of other men in the same position as yourself. You and 6-12 other guys will be a part of a group that learns, shares, and grows together. This support system will be your rock moving forward.

Regardless of the format you choose, what you’ll learn will be the same. You’ll learn how to mine dates, how to construct an ideal first, second, and third date, how to flirt, MegaDating tactics, and of course how to find a woman of merit.

But you know what, not all Vancouver men are looking for coaching.

We get that.

Some guys are struggling romantically simply because they’re overworked. Dating around is busy — in particular finding women to date is a taxing experience.

That’s why we also offer matchmaking services.

Our MM services can’t be compared to any other agency you’ve heard of before.

That’s because we don’t pull women out of a hat like so many other matchmakers. We don’t have a database full of women that we recycle as we pair them with new clients.

Instead, we deploy a team of e-recruiters to comb through your metro area in search of compatible women. For a single client, we’ll source about 1,000 candidates, interview 50-75 of them, and ultimately schedule 15 first dates via Zoom. Usually, this whole process takes about 3-6 months.

Can you imagine going on 5 dates a month?

When you team up with us, you no longer need to fantasize.

Connect with us for a 1-on-1 new client session via Zoom where we learn all about your romantic needs and how we can help you accomplish them.

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