60 Best Tinder Openers Lines for Guys That Work

November 10, 2023

Looking for some of the best Tinder openers for guys? If so, you’ve come to the right place! During my 100-date experiment, I assessed tons of online dating profiles by using a variety of websites and apps.

As a dating coach, I understand that it’s important to keep on top of dating trends and changes in the dating apps I used when I was still single. For that reason, I decided to do a little investigative research by creating a new Tinder account.

Using this profile, I was able to find and assess a plethora of Tinder opening lines for guys and determined which ones were the best. You. Are. Welcome.

Below are 45 of the best Tinder openers lines I received, along with some helpful tips so that you can experience the most success possible while using this app.

Best Tinder Openers Lines For Guys

#1: A Funny Photo

Humor is always a good thing. This guy put a creative and funny twist on the typical “Hi” or “Hi, how are you?” by including this wonderfully ridiculous image (for more tips on photos check out my other article on the best tinder pics for guys). 

#2-4: Find Shared Interests

This guy showed that he took the time to actually look at my profile and made note of a shared interest we have — deep dish pizza with ranch. Now, if I was a single woman, this guy could have really hooked me and gotten me to go on a date with him if he had suggested a cool pizza place that serves awesome Chicago-style pizza.

Here’s a couple other tinder opener examples you can use that use this “shared interest” strategy:


#5: Get a Little Controversial

When I say “controversial,” I obviously don’t mean using a Tinder opener that is laced in profanity or overtly sexual (women get plenty of that already, trust me). But challenging a woman in a playful way like this guy did is great. Saying, “You’re cute. Are you friendly?” shows a flirtatious touch of apprehension that encourages the woman responding to be playful as well. This can help create chemistry online that can be enhanced when the two of you actually meet in person.

#6: Animals Make Everything Better

I already included that I want bulldogs in my profile, so this guy can rest assured I’m a dog person when messaging me. Including a question about dogs — or other cute animals — is always a good way to stand out when throwing out an opening line. And this guy made his opener super cute and humorous with the whole “hot dogs” thing. 

(Yes, I know I’ve used this opener twice…it won’t count towards the total :))

#7: Safely and Effectively Escalate Sexual Chemistry

A lot of guys on Tinder will come at women with one of a few versions of these opening lines:

  • “DTF?”
  • “I’m here for the weekend. Come to my hotel?”
  • “For the love of everything, will you do me?”
  • “LET’S F***!”


Don’t ever assault a woman’s phone with an explicitly sexual opening line. In fact, just refrain from asking women you’ve never met or barely know to have sex with you. Period.

This guy played his cards right by mentioning something fairly intimate — spooning — that is innocuous at the same time. He also used humor, which is great.

#8: Using Memes and Gifs Can Be a Creative Way to Open

You don’t want to make your entire conversation one that is done through memes, Gifs, or emojis (trust me, people out there try), but using a meme like this is a great way to create a memorable first impression without having to think too hard about it.

Note: If you scroll down to #20…you’ll see this guy’s super creative way of sending a second message after I didn’t respond his opener above.

I would have responded, if I didn’t have a BF.

#9: Ask Open-Ended Questions

This guy did everything right by showing that he read my profile. He also is relating to my interest in comedy by mentioning some bits from his favorite comedians, including one from stand-up comedian/LEGEND John Mulaney. (Sidebar: If you haven’t seen this bit yet, stop cheating yourself and enhance your life.)

He also made sure to ask me an open-ended question about my plans for the weekend in order to keep the conversation going. This guy has game, so make sure you take note of his strategy.

#10: Use This Formula

When it comes to Tinder opening lines for guys, it’s really helpful to use the following formula:

Relate + Add Value + End with a Question = A Practically Guaranteed Connection

This guy used this formula in a very strategic way:

  • He related to my mentioning that my favorite type of pizza at Capos is “so good.”
  • He added value to this by mentioning that he used to live in Chicago, which is the birthplace of deep dish pizza.
  • He tied it all together by ending with a question about other good pizza places that we both live near.

#11: Relate, Relate, Relate

Here’s another one that used not one, but TWO things in my profile to relate to. Remember, finding shared interests is the first step in building trust and rapport, which can get you on your way to developing a long-term relationship with someone.

#12: Challenge Her if There’s Radio Silence

Obviously, I wasn’t going to do too much in the way of responding to these Tinder openers for men since I’m in a committed relationship and signed up for Tinder for the sake of research (once again, you’re welcome). But my radio silence after these opening lines provided the guys with an interesting test — and this is one guy that passed the test with flying colors, so take note of his strategy here.

If a girl gives you radio silence or objects to a date, try to overcome her objection two times before giving up completely. This guy tried to overcome my radio silence twice and did so with charm and humor. I’d be willing to bet he got a single woman — or several — using Tinder to respond and go out with him.

#13-15: A Prime Example of Overcoming Objections

Then check out his number drop….

Like the last guy, this one tried twice to overcome my radio silence and even did some research on my profession to inquire about my actual motivations for using this app — props to him!

He threw his number out (along with a smiley-face emoji to exude a positive attitude via text) so that I’d be able to contact him before our chat expired.

#16: Ask a Compelling Question

Spoiler alert: Me and this guy didn’t match before, but kudos to him for trying to keep the conversation going.

He also asked a compelling question to me based on my profession. This is a really good tool to use when you are talking to a woman. Remember that we all spend a majority of our day at our job, and hopefully, that job is something that you have at least some kind of passion for. Asking a woman about what she does for a living and showing a genuine interest will make you stand out.

#17: Relate to Her Interests While Showing Off Your Own

This guy did a great job because he related to my interest in comedy and also mentioned a really cool festival he’s going to. The icing on the cake was noting that Jon Stewart and Amy Schumer were going to be there — two big names that are bound to make anyone take notice and want to know more.

#18: Humor Never Gets Old

Here’s another one that will definitely make a girl smile and laugh. Humor is always a good thing!

#19: A Creative Way to Use Radio Silence

Here’s another great example of someone who is working to overcome my radio silence and using his wit to do so.

Remember that, no matter what, it’s always important to exude positivity when it comes to online dating. There are going to be girls that won’t respond no matter what, and that’s OK. You never know — maybe they’re using the app for research too!

Don’t take it personally and simply move on to the next one. At the end of this article, I’ll offer a key strategy that will make it easier to deal with rejection when it comes to online dating, as well as dating in general.

But until then, be sure that you stay positive and avoid the following types of responses if a woman is silent or not interested in you:

  • “F U.”
  • “Whatever, you’re ugly anyway.”
  • “Why TF won’t you respond to me?!?!”
  • “This app is so lame.”
  • “You’re probably a bitch, anyhow.”
  • “I get so many fly hunnies, FYI.”

Yes, these are things that men actually say to women when they get rejected and NO, you should never strive to be this type of guy.

#20: A Formula for Overcoming Objections + Memes = Awesomeness

This guy used two great tools — funny memes and trying twice to get my attention — in order to overcome radio silence.

#21: Well Played

Some cliches exist for a reason — i.e., women want men who listen to them. This guy is taking an interest in my profession and is also giving me an opportunity to talk about what’s important to me when it comes to finding a partner.

#22: When in Doubt, Include a Cute Animal

Ok, this guy might have just won the award for best Tinder openers for men of all time. Not only did he check out my dating site and mention that he loves the content (THANKS), he noted my love of bulldogs by following up with pics of his own.

I think I speak for everyone when I say that hanging out with these two bulldogs sounds like the best time anyone has ever had in the history of everything ever.

#23: Calling Me Out Without Calling Me Out

This guy is onto the fact that I’m not on here to get dates, but he doesn’t call me out in a weird or aggressive way. Instead, he’s intrigued by what I do and used a question to compel the conversation to go further. Great strategy!

#24: What Made You Swipe Right?

Simple, but it’s an open-ended question that really compels women to answer. When in doubt, ask this question!

#25: Get to the TDL

This guy had a great opener and, had the conversation continued, he was working his way toward a TDL, which is what every guy should do after the first couple of exchanges with a match.

A TDL is an acronym for Time, Date, and Location. It’s what we here at EmLovz use to refer to a date’s call-to-action. When you use a compelling TDL to ask a girl out, she’s much more likely to accept your offer.

For example, this guy could have compelled me to go out with him by providing the following TDL:

“Hey, Em. Have you been to the Coffee Roastery in the Marina? It’s a super cool and eclectic coffee shop. How about we go there to grab a cup of joe on Saturday at 1 pm, date-style? We can also walk up to the Palace of Fine Arts afterward if you want to check out a killer view.”

#26: Use Emojis Appropriately

For some reason, there are guys that use emojis ad nauseam, many of them not making any sense. A stream of a hat, dog, pig, and ghost emojis isn’t going to compel me to continue a conversation with you, but an emoji here and there to add more color to your message will. This guy did a great job infusing his message with a little more personality by using a face-palm emoji.

#27: Short and Sweet

This is another one that’s short and sweet, but also offers a question that would make me inclined to continue the conversation.

#28: Give Two Options

Notice that this guy noted two different things in my profile — Capos and comedy. When asking questions, it’s good to note more than one interest or do an either/or scenario with a girl. For example: “What do you think was a better discovery — Amazon or avocados?”

#29: Why Thank You

This guy started with a compliment and noted something in my profile. Winning!

#30: Being Bold Can Be a Good Thing

I really liked how this guy was honest about his strategy (putting himself on top of my queue by messaging once again) and added “Trying to get you off of this tinder thing here” lets me know he wants to set up an actual date rather than go back and forth for eternity.

#31: 90s Comedies Are Always a Good Move

I mean, who doesn’t love Dumb and Dumber?

Pro tip: If you use this and she says, “For pleasure,” YOU HAVE TO follow with, “So you’re telling me there’s a chance!

#32: Give Her a Pizza Your Mind

As you can see, this guy both challenges me and also opens the door for the perfect TDL.

#33-35: This Guy Has Everything Covered

Before I could even go into radio silence-mode, this guy hit me with a few different opening lines (separated by spacing) and then started a good TDL with the “Up for a drink?” Then, of course, he showed some good research skills by finding my website and asking if I am actually here looking for a date.

Obviously, I wasn’t, but I have no doubt this guy will find success in the dating world.

#36: Another Short Yet Effective Opener

Notice that all of the questions here — no matter how short — are open-ended, which is more likely to get an answer than a simple “How are you?”

#37: In Cases Where You’ve Got Nothing

This opener shows that — even when you seriously can’t come up with something to say — you can turn your writer’s block into humorous and winning Tinder openers.

#38: You Had Me at Stand-Up Comedy

This is a fun twist on that quotable scene from Jerry Maguire, and it also shows he read my profile.

#39: Safely Approach Vulnerability

I really like this question, because it’s edging toward what could be a vulnerable subject to discuss, but does it in a light way that is still appropriate for online dating conversation. This is a great way to begin to build trust and rapport with someone.

#40: Either/Or is Always a Good Option

As I said before, the either/or question is always a good option when it comes to Tinder openers lines.

#41: Once Again…

This guy is calling me out for being a dating coach and likely (definitely) using Tinder for research purposes. He’s not aggressive about it or rude, and — if I was single — this is something that would get me to respond.

#42: Don’t Shy Away From Inquiries

This guy is showing confidence by asking me about something that other guys may shy away from asking. Don’t be afraid to show women your curiosity when it comes to what is listed on their profile. This type of question could spark a great discussion!

#43: Challenge + Humor + Killer Vocabulary = A Win Every Time

First of all, nice use of the word “evangelizing.” Second of all, this guy used playful teasing about my restaurant preferences in a way that could lead to some awesomely flirty exchanges. And, of course, he’s showing that he checked up on my professional work, and used an extra dose of humor — plus an open-ended question — to really hook me.

FYI, this guy doesn’t need my consulting services, but everyone reading this should seriously take note of this dude’s game.

#44: Make a Commitment to Binge-Watching Her Favorite Show

This is yet another great opener that notes an interest I listed on my profile. The smiley face also adds an extra touch that lets me know this guy is a happy, positive person.

#45: Grabbing Life By the Horns

This is another example of a guy overcoming my radio silence by putting himself out there. He offered his number and also added a “Hope you are having a great day!” to let me know he wasn’t feeling shaded by my silence or taking it personally.

There can be a number of reasons that a woman doesn’t respond to your messages, even if you kill it with a great opening line. Remember to not take it personally and always present the best version of yourself regardless of the situation. 

Also consider updating your bio with a Tinder Text Prompt Response that showcases how you grab life by the horns.

Tinder Opening Line Examples from our Male Test User

#46: Comment on Her Family

Above is a recent screenshot from one of my male Tinder test users. See how he struck a cord by commenting on someone very special to the user – her mom. She then replied to have a little fun for herself, and the banter goes on and on.

#47: Comment on Her Name

You know who everyone loves? Themselves. Take a look at the screenshot above and you’ll see a Tinder opening line example that will get you a response.

What you can’t see in this example is an 11 year age difference between the woman and the man (he’s older). In her bios she mentioned wanting “a meaningful relationship with a mature man.” Researching her name shows real interest – something a younger man would probably not lead with.

#48 Commenting on Her Name Again, It Just Works!

Just like the #47, people simply react to hearing their name. In fact, when we’re only 7 months old, we start recognizing and reacting to our name.

So why not use a tried and true method of getting someone to communicate with you? Makes sense to me.

#49: Make Her Feel Good

It’s important to take a real good look at a woman’s Tinder profile once you’ve matched. In the above profile, the female user showed her life as an adrenaline junkie? In situations like this, use a simple opening line (like the above) that shows her that you took a few moments to look at her profile. As you can see, our male test user was rewarded with a response.

But take a deeper look into her response. Notice it was 3 lines long? And the test user’s opening line was only 3 words long? This is an ideal situation. You now have the leverage in the early relationship. Use it to throw down a compelling TDL and meet her in real life.

Home-Brewed Tinder Openers

Now it’s time for some of our personal favorites as provided by our students.

These are Tinder openers that our students love to use on women who don’t offer a whole lot in their bios.

Remember, first and foremost craft a message informed by her profile. But let’s be honest, some people just don’t write much or post (personality) revealing photos. When you don’t have much to work with use one of these opening Tinder lines.

#50-60: When You Have Little To Work With And Little To Lose

Hey Steph, tell me something cool about yourself.

Get her talking about her favorite topic of all, herself. At the same time have her show you why she’s worth talking to in the first place.

Yo Jess. Basic or spicy question?

So many guys ask the same old boring questions (or no questions). Turn this into a choose-your-own journey by allowing her to go the basic route or the spicy route.

So Sam… tell me a secret. Something your Mom doesn’t know about you and never will.

Never be basic. Basic men get ghosted. However, spicy men with siracha-hot Tinder openers get their messages responded to.

Stacy! If I gave you the aux cord and told you to play a song to get the party started, what would you play?

This opener is great because it requires little thought for her to answer. Not only this, but it’s a fun question. Guaranteed, she’ll play the song the second she hits send. This question will naturally spark an easy-flowing conversation about your favorite artists. It’s easy bonding.

I just want to be like Kelce and T-Swift. Famous and sexy as hell. You down?

Whenever you’re out of ideas, simply throw out something timely. Right now T-Swift and Kelce are all the rage.

Before you make a phone call do you ever rehearse what you’re going to say? Asking for a friend…

I’ll be honest, I stole this one from NYT’s 36 Questions To Fall In Love. It’s random AF and a banger of a question. It’ll make her giggle and hopefully open up a little bit.

What was the last song you straight-blowed like no one was watching?

This question elicits an emotional response, will probably make her feel good, and gives you insight into who she is. It’s also an easy question to answer as the answer invariably is Good 4 U.

So should I bring flowers or champagne to your parent’s house?

Oh it’s like that is it? You’re damn right it is. Show her you mean business.

What’s something that brings you joy that doesn’t for most people? Like a pet peeve, but it elicits a positive response.

Creative, probing, and hey, it might just lead to an amazing conversation with your future wife.

If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about the future, what’s the one thing you would want to know?

Deep. But hey, emlovz students aren’t here to waste time.

Want More Tinder Openers and Success in the Dating World?

Dating Decoded

Interested in learning how we here at emlovz can help you optimize your Tinder game AND love life?

We teach our students the shortcut to finding their ideal match by MegaDating. MegaDating is our dating philosophy and it shapes everything we teach here at emlovz. Simply put MegaDating is dating prolifically with the specific goal of going on 20 dates in 90 days. This will give you ample women to compare and contrast so you can refine not only your dating skills but also who your ideal partner is.

To teach you how to quickly find highly compatible women in just weeks and become the most eligible bachelor in town you’ll team up with romantic experts, each skilled in their own unique area to support you.

Our Team

  • Emyli (me), co-founder, curriculum developer, head coach, and I host two coaching sessions every week
  • Thomas, co-founder, and coach. He’ll lead the biweekly Man Cave event where men come together to talk dating, bond with one another, and support other single men
  • Cat, Brooke, and Audrey are mock date specialists. Go on a practice date with them (and receive feedback) before your next date
  • Hailey is your new stylist. She’s worked with celebs from every industry and is now about to raid your closet
  • Tilly is our holistic sex & intimacy coach. She’ll help you get the most out of your sex life so you and your partner are happier between the sheets
  • Aundrea is an award-winning fitness coach. Are you ready to eat right and build muscle?
  • Mia is our social media expert. Revamp your Facebook and Instagram profiles with her help and start meeting women online

Our Community

And look, we realize that the single life can be difficult. If accepted into our coaching program, Dating Decoded, you’d be joining a community of supportive men and coaches who are there to listen, support, and encourage you as you navigate the single life.

Our program offers every student a lifetime membership (as if you’ll need it) so the support won’t stop until you’ve found your ideal partner.

If you’re ready to find your forever partner, book a Zoom session with our team today. Together we’ll talk about your dating history, your goals and show you how our program, Dating Decoded, can help you find your ideal partner.

Learn how our students have already improved their dating lives.
