15 Examples of How to Get a Woman’s Phone Number on Tinder, Bumble, or Hinge

how to get a woman's phone number on tinder, hinge, bumble

Probably one of the hardest things about dating is figuring out how to get a woman’s phone number on dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, or Hinge. There are lots of ways to ask, but which approach will give the best impression? Obviously, you don’t want to seem overeager. And you don’t want to come off as demanding.

A lot of guys let themselves get paralyzed by this and they put off asking for her number. Wrong move. Sure, it’s good to be thoughtful about it — but don’t delay too much. If you don’t ask for her number soon enough, other guys will.

Remember, the goal when using any dating app is to meet her in real life, not message over and over again. So once you get to a point in your messaging where you feel like you’ve developed some rapport, it’s time to take things offline.

Here are 15 examples of how to get a woman’s phone number on Tinder, Bumble, or Hinge.

It pays to be clever, so don’t be afraid to let your personality show!

1. If I had your phone number, we could forget we ever met on Tinder. 🙂

The “secret” of dating apps is that the majority of people can’t stand dating apps. In fact, according to Survey Monkey, 59% of women and 55% of men have a “very negative” or “somewhat negative” opinion of them. For a lot of people, dating apps can even start to feel like a chore (until they take control of the process and start MegaDating).

So, being honest about this is actually a great way to bond with people. Be upfront about the fact that these apps are cringey. She’ll likely agree and realize that she’d much rather be interacting with you some other way… like in person or over the phone. Suddenly, giving you her number will feel like a good idea.

2.  If I had your number, I wouldn’t have to be reminded that I’m using a dating app to message you. 🙂

Saying this implies that you think she’s high quality — and that messaging her on a cheesy dating app is less than she deserves. Deep down, this might mirror how she feels. A lot of women hate to be on dating apps is because they start to feel objectified. (This can be true especially if they don’t take the initiative to message men first — so if you’re wondering how to get a woman’s phone number on Bumble, where they do message first, maybe skip this one.)

So this approach acknowledges how cheesy the dating app environment is and lets her know that if you had a better way to talk to her (cough) you would.

3. Shoot me your number so I can text you right before our date to confirm. 🙂

Or another variation of this might be, “Send me your phone number just in case one of us is running late for our date.” Either way, the point is: If you’ve already set up a date, then don’t hesitate to ask for her number! Assuming this is an actual date that includes a TDL (time, date, and location) then asking for her number makes sense.

Just stay true to your word and don’t start over-texting her in the days leading up to the date. After she sends her number, the best thing to do is just simply text, “This is Johnny :)” Then only text again to confirm details of the date. After all, you want to maintain a sense of mystery and save most of your conversation for the time you spend in person because it’s more effective that way.

Also, making this a statement instead of a question (shoot me your number) demonstrates that you’re confident (pretty much the biggest turn-on for women) and are leading the interaction. Finally, telling her that you’ll confirm shows that you’re trustworthy and fully intend on showing up for her.

4. I don’t check this app very often. Do you have a phone number?

A statement like this gives her a sense of urgency. If she doesn’t take things offline, then she may lose her chance with you. Making yourself seem too available can backfire because it can make you seem like you’re lower-value. If you let her know that you have better things to do than to check the app all the time, she’ll probably feel compelled to offer her number if she’s attracted to you.

Why risk losing a good thing? If you want to know how to get a woman’s phone number on Tinder, nudge her a little so she puts some skin in the game.

5. Is this the best way to get a hold of you?

If you’ve been flirting back and forth, and you feel like she’s high quality and want to approach things conservatively, a question like this can work. It subtly stops the momentum of the conversation and forces her to think about whether she wants to take things further.

If she does, she’ll offer her number. If not, she may say “yes” and continue to message you. At that point, you’ll know how interested she is. Just beware if she says “yes,” because she may not have any serious intentions of meeting you. Eventually, the conversation has to move off the app if you want to ever have a face-to-face interaction.

6. Should we take it to the next level?

This one can be risky if you haven’t established a few back-and-forth messages first. But if she’s into you, she might respond with something like, “LOL.” Then you can say, “Not that silly, I meant you sending me your phone number :)”

It’s a cute and clever way to ask, which will kind of smooth over the awkwardness. It’s also a great way to build sexual tension between the two of you. Obviously, you haven’t even met, but if you find each other attractive online and seem to converse well, then a little flirting won’t hurt.

7. I noticed you listed your fears on your bio. Wanna know mine? Getting lost in your Match list before getting your phone number.

This sort of reminds me of an old-school-pickup-line which kind of gives it a romantic tone. If she likes you, it’ll come across as endearing. You’re also reminding her of one brutal fact about dating apps, which is how cluttered women’s inboxes can get. What you’re saying here isn’t wrong — if she doesn’t make a real connection with you offline, you might get buried. Instead, you’re inviting her to take action and show her interest.

8. I really want your phone number. 🙂

Being direct never hurts, especially if you’re a man trying to stay competitive on a dating app. Instead of wondering how to get a woman’s phone number on Hinge, for example, you can just roll the dice. Tell her you want her number and see what happens.

Notice you’re not saying “give me your number” as a command. You’re simply expressing how much you’d like to get to know her offline. If she’s the type of woman who appreciates confidence (and again, most women do) then you might be surprised at how often this can work.

9. I’d love to take this offline and call you. What’s your number?

Has she said that she likes to talk over the phone before meeting in person? Then make it clear that you’ll be actually calling and not texting. Telling her you’d like to give her a call can also especially work well with women over 40 who value phone conversations more than text messages.

In this case, you might even say something like, “I’m old fashioned… can I get your phone number?” If you know that she prefers to talk on the phone for any reason and don’t say you want to call her, then you’re making a mistake. She may even assume that you’re afraid to get on the phone or are otherwise immature. Don’t let her paint you with that brush.

10. I’m headed out of town but I’d love to take you out when I’m back. What’s your number?

This is a great line because it establishes a few things. Number one, saying you’re “headed out of town” tells her that you’re not overeager. It also shows you have a life and responsibilities, and that you’re level-headed enough to make solid plans.

Asking for her number with that kind of lead-in shows her that you’re not willing to drop everything for her, but do value her and want to prioritize spending time together. It will also subtly activate her natural desire to compete for your attention, since although you’re telling her you’re interested, she’s obviously not #1 (yet).

What If She Says No?

Obviously, when you’re figuring out how to get a woman’s phone number on Tinder, no particular approach is a sure thing. No matter how you ask, she might say no to your request for her number. But that’s where you can get even more creative. If you want to see if there’s a chance she’ll change her mind, then take one more shot at it with one of these lines.

11. Are you the 1% that hasn’t purchased a cell phone yet? 🙂

First, a joke like this simply keeps the conversation going. But especially if you’ve been messaging back and forth already, making a gentle jab like this also challenges her to give you a reason for not sharing her number.

You might be pleasantly surprised when she tells you her phone’s being worked on right now and that she might be getting a new number afterward. Even if she does stick to her guns, she may tell you why she’s not interested, which is important feedback for your dating strategy.

12. I’m in sales so I know how to deal with rejection. 🙂 It’s just that I don’t log on to Tinder very often.

Saying something like this will take the pressure off the situation and let her know that you’re not expecting anything serious just because she gives you her number. It also reminds her that if she doesn’t take a step forward by moving the conversation offline, then you’re willing to walk because you don’t routinely communicate through the app.

Of course, you’re not saying this in a mean way — but it’s straightforward enough to give her the message that she needs to step up. The pressure may be enough to make her change her mind.

13. I had a Hinge stalker too. 🙂 Trust me. I won’t bombard you w/ texts…

In today’s world, just explaining that you’re not a psycho can go further than you think! In all seriousness, women experience all kinds of potential “suitors” in the online dating world, and many of them are downright scary. She might have her guard up because of a bad experience. You might take a guess that she’s being extra careful, and ease her mind about that.

Getting over-texted is kind of the nightmare we all want to avoid. Another variation on this line might be, “I promise to only send you one message right before our date. :)” This makes it clear that you want to get to know her and don’t intend to do it entirely over text.

14. 🙁

A simple sad emoji tells her, “It bums me out that you’re not interested but I’m not going to chase you.” With such a brief (but still heartfelt) response, the ball is back in her court. It could spark a desire in her to explain or reconsider, since you’re leaving an awkward silence that she might feel obligated to fill. Even if she doesn’t, you’re not diminishing your worth by begging or otherwise saying something defensive.

15. No problem. The thing is, my thumbs are broken so I can’t text. Tell you what… if we talk and you don’t like me, you have the right to hang up and block me at any time. No hard feelings.

Obviously the broken thumbs part is a joke, but a follow-up like this reminds her that there’s no harm in a phone conversation. It also tells her that you have no intention of being a clingy over-texter. It puts everything back into a healthy perspective so she can see that maybe she was being a little rigid about dissing you right away. And, it makes you sound rational and pretty low-risk.

16. I’m old school and don’t have any social media. Is WhatsApp cool with you? I promise to send you some awkward bathroom selfies so you know what I look like.

Don’t be surprised if she says no.

If she’s not 100% comfortable she won’t give you her number. What she will give out is her IG, FB, or Twitter.

These are no-gos. You want to be taken seriously not toyed with. Accept her number or nothing. Tell her you don’t have SM or aren’t a fan and reiterate that you prefer her phone number.

17. I think it’s time we took our relationship to the next level… sending SMS messages.

If she deflects or rejects your request tell her you want to take things to the next level. Then add levity by saying you’d step things up by sending SMS messages.

If she once again deflects, talk to her some more and address her fears before once again asking for her number or asking her on a date.

How to Get a Woman’s Phone Number on Tinder, Bumble, or Hinge: Conclusion

The biggest thing to remember when learning how to get a woman’s phone number on Tinder, Bumble, or Hinge is that things aren’t really progressing until you take the conversation off the app. Constant messaging back and forth, even if you’re flirting, can be fun — but messages don’t mean that she’ll go out with you.

The only way to determine if she’s really interested is to put it to the test and ask for that number. If she doesn’t want to give it, try to figure out why if you can. Many women may tell you why, which will either turn things around completely or simply give you a valuable lesson.

Keep trying until you’ve amassed a total of three rejections. At this point stop investing in someone that doesn’t want to invest in you.

And if it doesn’t work, keep MegaDating, because there’s always someone new out there who may be a better fit for you anyway.

Need help with MegaDating or want to learn more about how it works?

Feel free and book a New Client 1-on-1 Zoom Session with me to learn more.

When it comes to dating, learning to read between the lines is crucial. I help men with their communication challenges in dating every day and have gotten amazing results. I can’t wait to do the same for you!

Best Raleigh Dating Coaches For Men

dating in raleigh north carolina

Take a second to muse on the best cities for singles in the US.

Most likely your mind will fantasize about the sultry clubs of Miami full of voluptuous women and reggaeton or the plastic paradise that is LA.

While you wouldn’t be wrong in categorizing these two cities as single havens, there’s one super underrated city that arguably bests the pair.

To be honest, just a decade ago Raleigh, NC wasn’t on anyone’s radar.

That’s changed as of recent.

Thanks to rapid growth and a vibrant singles scene, Raleigh is now one of the most happening places to be single… if you’re a guy (more on that disparity later).

Considering the swift singles revolution that’s taken place in Raleigh it’s about time that we dig into the dating scene in Raleigh, NC.

Best Raleigh Dating Coach


Just because Raleigh is crawling with single females doesn’t mean men can easily score a date.

Women aren’t going to settle for just any guy, especially one that posts bathroom selfies on their Bumble.

It’s true that the deep dating pool works to your advantage but only if you know how to fish.

That’s where emlovz comes in.

We don’t catch fish but rather teach men how to reel one in on their own.

We do so using our four pillars.


MegaDating is our dating philosophy. This philosophy urges men to date as many women as possible.

Dating a large pool of women will open your eyes up to the many possibilities. The best way to meet your ideal partner is to date around. A less proactive approach encourages settling for the first woman that swipes your way.

By meeting a variety of women you’ll begin to understand your ideal type, never settle, and compare and contrast possible partners ultimately picking someone super compatible.

But dating various women a week isn’t easy.

It requires a dedication to proactively tapping social channels in order to find these women.

One channel we specialize in is online dating.

Profile Creation

39% of all romantic heterosexual relationships in 2019 started online.

Online dating is easy, active, and has a well of single ladies ready to chat it up.

But they’re picky.

And why shouldn’t they be?

Men outnumber women on Tinder 9-1. On Bumble they’re outnumbered 7 to 3.

It’s for this reason women receive 5x more likes than men (and that’s a conservative estimate).

To stand out you need to create a bomb profile, one that shoots fireworks every time a woman views it.

Luckily we can show you how.


A match isn’t everything -in a very real sense, it’s nothing.

A match isn’t a guaranteed date, it’s not even a guarantee she’ll message you.

To pivot your match into a real date you’ll have to engage in some smooth talking.

This is where most men go wrong.

They’ll message hey, hey cutie, hey sexy, or some other banal hey message and never receive a response.

Starting the conversation is the most difficult part. If she responds to your first message, it’s likely she’ll respond to the second and third as well.

So what should you message her?

I’ll teach you in my program, Dating Decoded.

But in the meantime base what you write on her profile. Comment on a photo a hobby she’s written about or simply ask her a question about something she wrote about on her profile.

In other words, talk about something you know she wants to talk about.

Dating Blueprint

Once you’ve used a TDL or asked for her number it’s time to schedule a first date.

First dates should be short, sweet, and cheap ($20).

Second dates should be free and active.

If she’s lucky enough to make it to a third date show her how awesome she is by taking her out on a night she’ll never forget.

The first there dates are paramount to your romantic future. One wrong move could result in never seeing her again or worse, being ghosted.

We’ll teach you the ins and outs of the first three dates so you quickly build attraction, chemistry, and decide if she’s worth investing in.

Dating in Raleigh

Why Raleigh Is Epic for Single Men?

Raleigh is one of the most gender-lopsided cities in the states.

How lopsided are we talking about?

There are between 1,100 to 1,200 single females between the ages of 35-44 for every 1,000 single males within the same age bracket.

For this age bracket, this makes Raleigh one of the most female-leaning singles cities in the states.

But what if you’re looking for a younger woman?

Of all the single women in the city, 58% of them are between the ages of 18 and 34. This is the highest percentage in all of NC.

If you’re a man living in Raleigh you struck gold. Many a metro area has a lopsided gender disparity, though few favor women over men. 95% of metros have more men than women. This means that there are a paltry 13 metros across the entire nation where there are more women in the 20-34 age group than men.

Other NC metro areas where women outnumber men are Burlington and Greenville. The former is just an hour outside of Raleigh while the latter is an hour twenty away from Raleigh. If combined these three metro areas might just create the most female-leaning area in the entire US.

It’s good to be a single man in central North Carolina.

High-Quality Dating Scene

According to a few metrics, Raleigh is a quality place to be single.

In 2012, Men’s Health took it upon itself to find the cities with the most eligible women in the US.

Their metrics took into account such factors as: “the ratio of single women to single men, the percentage of college-educated women, the percentage of gainfully employed single women (all from the Census), and the number who work out (Experian Simmons).”

They ultimately found that Washington D.C. had the most eligible women in America. On the flip side, Vegas came in 100th place and were handed the grade of F.

Raleigh however, came in at 8th place with a grade of a B+.

The score isn’t surprising once you realize that Raleigh’s men enjoy a favorable gender imbalance, that the city ranked #1 on Glassdoor’s list of the cities with the best jobs in 2015, that despite being a major tech hub the city is still affordable, that it’s the second most educated city in the states, and that the weather is never too hot nor too cold.

WalletHub also gave the city high marks.

Every year the personal finance website compiles a list of the best and worst cities for singles in America. In this year’s edition Raleigh, NC came in at 39 out of 182 cities. Each city was ranked based on scores in three categories. Raleigh’s highest score came from the “Fun & Recreation” category.

Metrics taken into account to determine the city’s rank for this category were its number of attractions, parks per capita, restaurants per capita, wellness center per capita, walkability, weather, and safety among others.

By all accounts, Raleigh is an underrated singles hub.

With this in mind, it should be rather easy to score a date. So when you do ultimately ask out the woman you met at Tinder or the fox you chatted up at the gym, where should you go?

Best First Date Ideas In Raleigh

At emlovz we advise clients to do first dates differently.

By differently we don’t mean spending $75 like the average man does.

Here’s the thing about splashing the cash on a first date. The person sitting across from you is most likely a stranger. Matching and exchanging a few messages online is probably the entirety of your relationship thus far. This means that when it comes time to meet up, before their ass even hits the cushion you might know that this person isn’t right for you. If this is the case why sign up for a date that will last countless hours and result in a ton of money being spent?

First dates should last no longer than an hour. When it comes to money, no more than $10 should be spent. Adhering to these guidelines will save you time, money, and potentially your sanity.

With that in mind, here are a few exciting first date ideas in Raleigh, NC.

Mountain bike or take a leisurely stroll through Umstead State Park. Being that the park is on the skirts of the city, make sure it’s a convenient enough first date location. Pitching a date idea that takes place too far away from her place of work or home, or occurs at an odd hour is likely to be turned down.

Grab an afterword happy hour brew at Trophy Brewing. Be sure to hit Trophy up in the Spring or Summer as they have a palatial outdoor and rooftop area. This is the perfect after-work date idea because it’s centric and isn’t too normal nor too odd of a first date idea. If you’re worried about spending more than an hour at the brewery, simply inform her beforehand that you have a prior engagement and will have to leave at a specified time. That being said you really want to meet her and can’t wait to sip on some craft beer with her.

A chocolate tour followed by some of the best damn chocolate you’ve ever had is a pretty solid first date. That’s just the experience you’ll get when you visit the Videri Chocolate Factory located in the heart of the Depot Historic District.

Best Dating Apps in Raleigh

I recommend that all my clients are active on five dating apps.

Know that each app is different not only in how it works but the type of single milieu that it attracts. Download apps that will help you meet the women you want to meet.

With that in mind here are three apps that you should 100% download almost regardless of your age or the type of woman you’re looking for.

Tinder is the most popular dating app in NC. Now I know that Tinder is chiefly used by college students, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use it to your advantage. If you’re looking to date an older woman simply change your search preferences.

Bumble is what Tinder users graduate to once they’ve had enough of the hookups. Bumble is known as the feminist version of Tinder and as such attracts a more mature and socially conscious user.

Hinge is the preferred app of my clients. Its catchphrase, “the dating app designed to be deleted” is manifested in its many features from limited likes to its most compatible feature.

Download these apps and consider adding others such as Happn, Facebook Dating, The League, Coffee Meets Bagel, and Match to your online dating arsenal.

Just because Raleigh is crawling with single females doesn’t mean men can easily score a date.

On the flip side, with a limited number of single men available in Raleigh it can be much difficult for my ladies to find a suitable match.

Perhaps you haven’t dated in a while and the current dating scene is too foreign to grasp. Or maybe you just don’t have time to swipe through thousands of women in order to find someone compatible. Whatever the case may be I have a solution for you.

Book a 1-on-1 Zoom session with me or one of my coaches today so that we can begin creating a tailor-made dating blueprint that works for you. We’ll discuss your goals, create a strategy, and determine if our coaching or services are right for you.