How To Fill Up Your Dating Funnel

How to Fill Up your DatePipe

It’s Emyli again, America’s dating coach for men. You’re watching EmLovzTV, your place to be if you are trying to meet and attract the perfect partner.

Filling the top of the dating funnel…..not sure what a dating funnel is? 

Similar to a sales funnel or sale pipe, a dating funnel is a way to visualize where various prospects are in the conversion process to your desired outcome. If your desired outcome is a date, then your funnel is the visual expression of your steps toward the desired outcome.

The 4 Steps to Filling Up Your Dating Funnel

Now Let’s Set Some Dating Funnel Expectations…

When undertaking a particular dating goal, it’s important to understand the reality of the venture. Therefore, you should assume a 10-20% success rate. Let’s pretend you are a baseball player. The best baseball players in the major leagues fail about 70% of the time- and they’re the best. You too are going to fail more often than you’re going to succeed. Accept that fact up front, and it will save you a ton of frustration and disappointment.

Another important step in overcoming disappointments is to measure your outcomes and progress. In the beginning, you will likely fail at least 90%. As you improve and continue to measure your progress, you will see your rate of success go up and your rate of failure go down. If you fail 90% of the time, in baseball terms….you are probably still learning how to play the game. If you fail 80% of the time, you’ve progressed enough to be on an actual team. You jump just 10% better, and fail 70% of the time….you could be as great as Babe Ruth! Well, maybe. 

Managing your own expectations is key to winning the game.

Beautiful women receive hundreds of messages a day, therefore you are in competition with hundreds of men. There will always be some who are smarter, sexier, richer, funnier, taller, etc than you.

You must set yourself apart from them. The most effective way to do this is through compelling messaging.

Truth: Women Don’t Care About Your Self Summary, Focus Elsewhere

Maximize your odds and do the math. If you want 1 date per week and you expect 10% response from women, you’ll need to message at least 10 women. I would recommend messaging 20 women, just in case one responds but does not agree to a date.

If you use my messaging strategy, I would expect (conservatively) a 20% response rate.

I expect 10% who respond to agree to a date, if you’re not using my messaging strategy and are approaching it like every other guy.

If you use my strategy, I expect (conservatively) that 50% of the initial 10% that responded will meet you for the date.

So, to be effective using this channel (online dating) to fuel the top of your dating funnel, it’s clear you need to set specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timed goals. Also, before you actually meet these women, make sure and read up on some of my first date tips for men and also who should pay on first date

Don’t forget, if you want me to help you build a strategy, head on over to my book page and book a coaching session on my calendar.

With Love,
