6 Tips for Living with Your Ex and Dating Other Women

September 28, 2020

Just because a romantic relationship dies, doesn’t mean other relationships don’t live on.

In the pre-adult days, you’d typically break up with someone and then never speak to them again. But as age and the strength of the relationship increase, ties become more difficult to cut.

Despite having just ended a romantic relationship, you may still live with your ex. In this case, your ex just became relegated to merely a roommate. How do you manage to live with your ex when emotional wounds are still oozing puss?

Look, there’s no easy way to go about it. But at the moment what’s easy doesn’t matter. You’re just focused on not killing the person that stole your bedroom as you now sleep on the couch.

What’s important now is living with your ex in a civil manner as you two work towards getting out of each other’s way. With that in mind here are six tips for living with your ex and dating.

6 Tips for Living with Your Ex and Dating Other Women

Set Ground Rules

Your entire routine just went down the drain.

You were used to cooking for each other, going out every Friday with your lady, hitting the gym with your girlfriend, etc. But a breakup has changed all that.

With your relationship now in pieces because of the breakup, it’s up to you to pick up the pieces and build something that at the very least has a semblance of civility.

This can be done by setting some ground rules.

If one of you is already planning on moving out within a week or two and aren’t tethered together by a kid or pet, there’s little reason to set ground rules. But if you intend on living together for an extended period of time post-breakup, it’s best to address the elephant in the room and set some boundaries.

The most pressing boundary needing addressing is the dating situation. Sure you both want to use the apartment or home as your own, but when bringing a date back to the place causes such a stir that emotions flair, it’s best to make some concessions.

Immediately set ground rules for bringing a date back home. Perhaps just don’t do it until someone moves out. If that’s not possible offer that each person is granted one night where the house is 100% theirs. When it’s your night, she can’t be home until a certain hour of the night and vice versa.

Another somewhat silly but perhaps needed issue worthy of discussing is the sleeping arrangement. Surely if you two are broken up you’re not sleeping together. If this is a long-term deal, why not offer to take turns sleeping on the bed. One week it’s yours and the next it’s hers.

One last contentious point that needs addressing is any financial disparities. Perhaps prior to the breakup the person making more in the relationship paid more rent. Now that there’s a little animosity between the two of you, the bread-winning roommate may not be as inclined to pay more than their share of the rent. If there are money issues, address these first.

Limit the Jealousy

When you’re living with your ex and dating other women, it’s likely she’ll get a bit jealous. And chances are -unless she’s a dick- she’ll mirror your behavior.

If you’re talking about all the women you’re seeing or even all the fun you’re having, it’s likely that she’ll feel the need to rub her life in your face too.

For at least the first few weeks if not months of this new friend-relationship, keep your romantic dalliances to yourself. She doesn’t want to hear about your sexcapades. Also, keep in mind that telling her about your romantic life is a queue that she’s been given permission to speak to you about hers. Are you ready for that? If not, shut your mouth.

Making your partner jealous will fill your apartment with hatred and a strain of animosity towards each other that you thought you were never capable of.

Be adults here. I know the situation may suck, but your actions can either make it worse or better. It’s your call.

Learn to Take Space

Chances are the two of you don’t split a mansion.

Your shared home isn’t big enough to offer the both of you enough private space to preserve your sanity. This means that you’ll have to spend time away from each other.

Perhaps this means going on more vacations with friends, taking more day trips, staying over friends’ houses more often, or even just spending more time at the park.

Finding time for yourself becomes all the more important when there are children involved. If you two are living together with your children, be sure to give the other child-rearing partner a midweek and weekend day to themselves. Designating two days a week where they’ll be truly alone will allow your partner to re-charge and be more emotionally equipped to deal with stressful situations.

Have a Long Term Escape Plan

This is all temporary.

Nothing more than perhaps an unexpected hiccup.

So what comes next?

Look into your future and figure out a plan of action. Living with your ex girlfriend in its current state isn’t sustainable. Well, I mean, I guess it is, but it’s not a living situation that anyone will be envious of.

The only way you’ll be able to move forward is by moving out.

I say moving out, because your home may have too many romantic associations tied to it to warrant your staying. To truly cut ties with a romantic past you’re trying to get over, it’s best to move out.

So how do you do that?

Must you wait until the kids graduate in 6 months, do you have the funds saved up to move to an apartment or house that’s worthy of calling home?

Whatever the case might be you need to start making an escape plan ASAP.

Why Are You/Your Ex Holding On To?

Is one of you secretly hoping the relationship will work out?

If so, be realistic – how “in” is your partner? Are you living in a fantasy land? Do you truly believe the relationship will eventually work out -or is it time to leave?

Many of these answers can be found if you playback the breakup conversation.

How did the breakup come about? What concerns were voiced and reasons for the breakup given?

If this was a protracted relationship that should have ended months if not years ago, then let it be.

Before broaching the “relationship conversation” think back to how you felt towards the end of the relationship. It’s possible that you don’t miss her, you just miss the routine and comfort of sleeping next to a warm body. Think back and recall these feelings well before you try to rekindle any flame.

Set Friendship Boundaries

It’s likely that you two welcomed in friends to your house every so often. If your relationship ended poorly or even if it didn’t, inviting friends into the home could be an awkward situation. You don’t want to be chewed out by a friend of hers or listen to your ex tell your friend how and why it ended every time she invites someone over.

Before inviting friends over talk about who is and isn’t allowed over. If you two come to the conclusion that you don’t want any friends in the home while you both are there, gift each other one day a week when they’re allowed to have friends over while the other is away.

Also, discuss how you two are going to inform your mutual friends that the relationship is over. The story you tell them will often leave them wanting to pick sides. Voice your concern regarding possibly losing friends. Make sure that you both decide on a fair story to tell your friends about why it ended so as to avoid ending any friendships.

What Now?

Now it’s time to move forward.

Soon enough you will be moving out and moving on. After the relationship ends, take some time to yourself.

Hang out with friends, make sure your calendar is booked up, go on a weekend vacation with family, etc. After you’ve healed a bit it’s time to get back out there.

The best way to jump back into the dating scene headfirst is through MegaDating. MD is about prolifically dating women. The point is to date various women simultaneously so that you find a girlfriend as soon as possible. Love is out there waiting for you, you just need to find it. The best way to do that isn’t to sit tight and wait for fate to connect you with your future wife.

That’s not reality.

Reality has a few more bumps in the road and involves a lot of first dates.

If you don’t know how to get started, no worries, we’ve got you covered.

Book a 1-on-1 new client Zoom session to learn how to MegaDate, mine for dates, ask a woman out with a TDL, escalate sexual tension, and more. Let’s revamp your dating life together.

Here at emlovz we have a full suite of services dedicated to helping single men go on more dates with the women they actually want to date. We offer a 3 month coaching program (12 weekly sessions) held in both group and private formats. We also offer a national matchmaking service for guys who are simply too busy to mine for dates themselves. Click here to learn more about our services.
