Reason #3: Infatuation Won’t Rear its Ugly Head

First date sex can escalate a relationship in a way that initiates infatuation.

Some interesting things occur in the brain during sex that leads women to feel like they’re falling in love and men to feel…like they need to have more sex.

Sex can feel addictive for men because of the pleasurable hormones that are released during orgasm, the main one being dopamine. Because dopamine sets our brain’s reward and pleasure centers ablaze, it’s understandable that you would crave more sex afterward.

Conversely, when a woman has sex, the hormone oxytocin is released. This is known as the “cuddle hormone” and it causes a sense of bonding, empathy, and trust. This is one of the reasons why women sometimes feel like they are falling in love with a man after sex, even if they don’t know him very well.

Expert Strategy: MegaDating

Want to increase your chances of making it to the third date and finding a lasting relationship? Try MegaDating.

During my 100-date experiment, MegaDating was the main strategy I used to find a compatible partner. So what is MegaDating?

MegaDating is a dating process that involves going on dates with several different people at the same time in order to diffuse energy by keeping your calendar full. When you MegaDate, you avoid things like getting hung up on “the one” and putting all your eggs in one basket because you are constantly meeting interesting new people.

By seeing firsthand that there are plenty of fish in the sea, this dating strategy also:

  • Keeps you from settling for the mediocre
  • Decreases anxiety
  • Helps you get really good at approaching women because, after all, practice makes perfect

Manscaping Wrap Up

Whether you need help with dating prep, online dating or any other issue in the world of romance, I’m here to help. I’ve worked with men across the world who want lasting love and have helped them achieve their goals. I’d like to do the same for you.

If you’re ready to crush your goals, head over to my calendar and book a 1-on-1 Skype session with me today! During our session, we will create an individualized action plan to help you overcome your dating roadblocks so that you can find the woman of your dreams!

Need help with online dating? Check out my Dating Profile Services. Whether you need a full-on dating profile writing service or simply an assessment of your current profiles, I’ve got you covered.