Is Tinder Worth It for Guys?

October 1, 2021

Is Tinder worth it for guys in the year 2021?

Back in the old day, who we married was likely determined by how close they lived to us.

In 1932 one in eight of 5,000 married couples from Philly had grown up in the same building.

Before the days of Tinder people would primarily meet their spouse by bumping into them in their building or belting out a hymn at church.

Things have changed just a tad since the 1930s.

This is how people are most likely to meet in the 21st century.

It isn’t just that singles are more likely than ever to meet online, but also marry and have children with that online lover.

By 2030, an ONS and eHarmony report found that 4 out of every 10 babies will be born to a couple that met online. By 2037 more babies will be born to e-couples than IRL couples.

You clicked on this article because you don’t know if Tinder is worth it for guys.

Here’s the thing.

You can’t reject the reality of modern dating.

It’s easier, more commonplace, and trendier than ever to meet singles online. Eschewing online dating in favor of meeting people organically is akin to rejecting a superpower.

Swiping left on Tinder is tantamount to swiping left on love.

Tinder is 100% worth it for guys.

Let me show you why.

Is Tinder Worth It for Guys?

Tinder is the king-daddy of all dating apps.

To not swipe on Tinder in favor of another app would be like knowingly opting for a less effective product.

Here’s why.

Tinder By The Numbers

You may not be a fan, but 57 million would disagree with you.

This is how many people log on to Tinder internationally.

In the states alone, more than 8 million people use the app.

But let’s examine this number a bit closer.

What you really want to know is how many potentially compatible females near you use the app.

Let’s dive into this question.

First, let’s check out the gender ratio.

Tinder knows loose lips sink ships and scare away users. That being said it’s difficult to find reliable gender ratio stats for Tinder. However, this is what Statistica has to say about the matter.

As far as the age of your average Tinder user, Tinder perhaps surprisingly has many more millennial users than you had anticipated.

That’s right, 19% of all millennials have Tinder downloaded on their phone according to Statistica.

But what about where Tinder users are located?

The map above is provided by PC Mag.

As you can see Tinder is the most popular dating app in 27 states and is the second most popular in the rest of the states.

The study also found that among younger users (18-24) Tinder was the most popular app with 38% of those users preferring Tinder to other dating apps.

Chances are, Tinder has oodles of women that both live close to you, are female, and are within your target age demographic. But hey, you might be thinking that other apps are better suited to your needs.

Let’s find out how true that is.

How Tinder Stacks Up To Other Dating Apps

As I’ve mentioned previously, Tinder is currently king of the hill.

But if Tinder is king, who’s in second and how far behind is the rest of the pack?

As you can see, pretty far behind.

It’s true that apps like Bumble and Hinge are on a rampage and are racking up more users than other dating apps. However, they’re still a ways behind Tinder when it comes to overall users.

But just because Tinder has more users it doesn’t mean it has more FEMALE users does it?

Let’s see.

There are plenty of apps with a higher percentage of female users than Tinder.

Apps like Harmony, OkCupid, and Bumble all have higher percentages.

However, Tinder’s pool is still much deeper considering how many millions more users it has than competing apps.

Something Bad About Tinder

Thus far I’ve been praising Tinder.

As we know dating apps are now the most common way to meet a single woman. And Tinder of course is by far the most used app to do just that.

However, how many Tinder users actually use the app to meet other singles.

It turns out that perhaps not as many as you might think.

A 2019 study found that just 50% of Tinder users had ever met up with a match.

That’s a pretty reality-shattering headline if you’re a single guy leaning on Tinder to meet women.

And sadly it’s not the only study to reveal some rather unsexy things about Tinder.

In 2020 LendEDU asked nearly 10,000 college students why they used Tinder. Here’s what they said.

As you can see, 44% of the college students polled reported using the app to boost confidence is the primary use.

Less than 30% reported using it for a romantic reason.

Yet despite these results, you shouldn’t be disheartened, rather realistic.

It’s true that the younger the woman you’re trying to date are, the less inclined they’ll be to meet up. That’s the main takeaway from these two revealing studies.

Will Tinder Work For Me?


It all depends on how you treat the app and what success means to you.

For example.

Using test users we’ve found that 75% of men message “hey” or a variation as their opening text message. This is why most women’s Tinder inboxes look like this:

It’s also for this reason that studies have shown that for a man to have a 90% chance of receiving a response on Tinder they’ll have to send 58 messages. For a 99% probability, they’ll have to churn out 114 messages.

That’s a lot of heys.

The thing is, these response rates are so low because guys refuse to use creativity when messaging women.

They finally get a match and their response to this glorious happening is to send out the least attractive and most cliche message they can “think” of… “hey cutie.”

Messaging “hey” is a sure-fire way to never receive a response back. And if you are lucky enough to get an answer the conversation will most likely go something like this.

Riveting stuff.

Your first message on Tinder sets the tone and guides the conversation towards its ultimate destination; a TDL or a phone number.

Another reason Tinder doesn’t work for so many people is because their photos look like this.

There’s no reason to worry about your messaging strategy if you’re not getting any likes.

If you want to make Tinder work for you, you’ll have to improve three areas of your Tinder profile.

Tinder Photo Roster

On average women spend less than 4 seconds before deciding to swipe right on a profile.

This tells us two things.

1) Women care about photos WAYYY more than what you wrote in your bio.

2) They’re not going to look at all your photos, rather just the first few before making a decision.

This means that your photos, in particular, your first three photos are the most important thing about your Tinder profile.

So what does a quality first photo look like?

Here’s an example.

The first photo on your Tinder profile should be a high-definition headshot with a nice background.


Because the first question she wants answered when she looks at a profile is, “what does he look like?” If you can’t answer this in less than a couple of seconds she’ll swipe on to the next one.

Your second photo should be a full-body shot followed by a hobby pic.

Your goal with your photos is to demonstrate both what you look like and who you are. Every profile is nothing more than a card in a deck of thousands of other cards. Your entire being has been reduced to a card. It’s your job to humanize yourself and convince her that you’re worthy of swipe right.

Here are some no-nos to keep in mind when choosing photos:

— Don’t reuse an outfit

— Group photos must wait until at least the third photo

— Never obscure face with glasses, hats, beer, etc.

— Selfies are no-gos

— Keep the shirt on

— Don’t steal your friend’s dog

Write A Bio Even Nicholas Sparks Would Be Jealous Of

Give your brain a rest for a second and watch this video on how to write a kick-ass Tinder bio.

The Tinder bios that work are the ones that are:

— Specific

— Funny

— Revealing

— Novel

If you really want to dig into the science of writing an amazing Tinder bio, caress this button.

Tinder Messaging

If your pics are fire and your bio reveals who you are chances are you’ll score a few matches.

But once you have a match waiting in your match queue what do you do?

Don’t sit around and wait, message her immediately.

If you’re lucky you’ll catch her while she’s still online and be able to strike up a decent conversation.

Your first message should be informed by her profile. It should also be written in the form of a question and ideally ask about something you both are interested in.

For example:

“Jess! Sup fellow hiker? I just hit Mt. Opaque for the first time last week. Have you ever been? Best views of the city?”

This message brings value to her life because not only does it bring up a subject she loves but also offers potentially new information about a hobby of hers.

If you’re struggling to come up with a quality opening message steal one of ours (we wrote over 100 for you).

Is Tinder Worth It for Guys Wrap

Tinder can be a super rewarding tool to meet new women — you just need to know how to work it.

If you’re in need of a little assistance, let’s talk.

Book a 1-on-1 Zoom session with myself or a member of my team truly to learn more about improving your online dating skills. During our session we’ll create an action plan and determine if our coaching program is a fit for you!
