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How to Approach Women at Weddings (When It’s Not Clear Who’s Single)

How to Approach Women at Weddings (When It’s Not Clear Who’s Single)

It’s wedding season!

Love is in the air, your friends are pairing off for eternity, and just about everyone wants to meet that special someone.

That’s where you come in.

You’re a special someone and a wedding is a perfect place to meet your own future wife.

There’s just one issue.

Apart from picking out the perfect tie to go with that slamming suit of yours, you’re also trying to figure out how to approach women at weddings.

Do you open with the classic, “how do you know the bride and groom” or just start dancing up on random strangers?

I’d suggest abstaining from both.

Before you’re too intoxicated to make decent conversation use these ways to approach women at weddings.

How To Approach Women At Weddings

Talk To Everyone

You don’t want to be that guy that everyone can see has the sole purpose of getting laid at his buddy’s wedding, do you?

Your main goal is to celebrate your friend’s marriage. If you happen to meet Jill, you meet her.

The last thing you want is to do is discriminate and only chat up women the entire night.

Not only will you be viewed as a libertine, but it’s just not a good strategy.

The more people you talk to, the more social proof you will gain — and the more receptive the single women will be to you.

Talk to everyone.

Involve everyone.

Make it your goal to make everyone you meet feel seen, important, included, and less awkward (because let’s face it, weddings are super awkward).

The more gregarious you are and connections you make the higher your social standing. People will be more likely to invite you to dance, share a drink, and introduce you to their beautiful friends.

Not to mention, it’s just easier to have a better time if you’re friends with everyone as opposed to discriminating against more than half the attendees.

Cocktail Hour

Situate yourself in a high-traffic area where women are always coming up to get something or participating in an activity


Sit or stand in the center of the bar or near it facing outward so whenever women come up for a drink, they see you first.

Try asking them things like:

  • What they’re drinking
  • Who do they know here how do they know the bride or groom
  • Where they live
  • Who they came with usually if they brought a plus 1, that person will be with them or make their way over if they see them talking to a guy. 

This is the perfect time to get your mingle on. Not only do you plant the seed early but cocktail hour is normally more calm, quiet, slower-paced, and just easier to meet new people.

If you’re a bit shy about meeting new people team up with an extroverted friend of yours. Allow them to take the lead when approaching while you make your presence known after the approach has been made.

A wedding is a perfect place to team up with a wingman or wingwoman and meet new people.

approaching women at weddings

Snack Tables

It’s awkward to approach people.

It doesn’t matter if you’re at a bar, cafe, wedding, or even a speed dating event.

So don’t.

Let the people come to you and for the conversation to flow naturally.

One of these watering holes will be the snack table.

Many a woman will find herself traveling solo to the snack table. When she does advise her on what to eat. Tell her the shrimp is fire or that the vegan snacks are underrated.

This is a low-stakes way of striking up a conversation. It’s organic, real, and will allow you to easily pivot to other topics.

Also remember that weddings are super social events.

Things may begin a bit awkward but everyone there is on the same team, celebrating the same thing, and are more than willing to strike up a conversation with a stranger.

how to meet women at weddings

Photo Booth

Every wedding has a photo booth.

Kick it nearby the booth with a buddy or two and crack a joke when a group comes by wanting to take a photo. Tell them they arrived just in time because you need a new photo for your dating profile.

These photos are amazing seeds.

Give her a photo and if you’re feeling bold even write your number on the back of a photo. If not, no worries. She’ll later look at the photo and forever associate it with positive feelings.

This will only help your odds of scoring a date should you later want to cash in that emotional connection.

Game Stations

Invite women to play with you, say things like, “I got next round” or “I need a teammate,” etc.

If you see a woman hovering around the game station tell her something like “I have the feeling that you’re a really good “name of game” player. I need you as my teammate. Will you help me out?”

Of course, she’s going to say yes.

Games might just be the best way to bond with women.

They’re quick, fun, and teaming up with someone to best the competition is the easiest way to accelerate a relationship.

And hey, worst case you two don’t click, at least you enjoyed yourself playing a few games.

After the game is over continue to chat with her by saying, “wow, I think I need a drink after that. Care to cheers to our victory?”

Dinner Table

Dinner tables can be tricky. For this one, I recommend chatting it up with those at your table before thinking about moving to another.

Use the same series of questions you used at the bar. Ask them how they know the bride and groom while inserting your own stories about the bride and groom.

Funny stories are best.

Practice your storytelling before the event and try and tell it as if it’s happening right then and there.


Rather than saying “we met at x and then did y and then did z” say “So there we were, sitting in the front row of Dr. Snels freshman bio class, totally hungover and he goes ‘You two! Time to present your findings to the class.”

If you want to chat with a lovely lady at another table, sidle your way over by chatting with a friend at her table. This will make your approach much less awkward. Go greet a friend, then look around and make conversation with those at the table before heading back to yours.

When introduced to new people take off your sunglasses, look into her eyes, and compliment her or simply say it’s a pleasure to meet you.

how to talk to women at weddings

How To Approach Women At Weddings On The Dance Floor

The easiest way to meet people hands down is by getting your groove on.

Don’t worry about your dancing skills, it’s all about confidence. Try goofy moves like the lawn mower, the shopping cart, and anything stupid that you can do confidently to make her laugh and feel more comfortable if she can’t dance either.

This shows her you don’t take yourself too seriously and just want to have fun.

A go-to move that will make you the star of the show is to start a dance train.

This is so easy and people love it.

While you’re dancing, just grab the shoulders of someone and make them the head of the dancing train, then grab someone behind you and tell them they have to join your dance train. Even better is if you grab her shoulders or tell her to grab onto yours because you two are going to start a dance train. 

Then make direct eye contact with a smile while you point at people near you and motion for them to join the dance train.

It’s not about looking cool, it’s about smiling, direct eye contact and confidently motioning them over to join you.

how to meet women

Not everyone will join but in your mind, expect them to and know that they want to.

They will feel good because you invited them to participate, even if they don’t.

This will also show the women watching that you own the dance floor and social scene and will serve as uncanny social proof. Afterward you can use this move to directly approach any woman and say either “you didn’t join the party train, now you have to have a drink with me” or “you really blew the top of that party train right off, where did you learn those dance moves?”

It’s silly and light-hearted and the perfect way to talk to people. Think of yourself as the party starter here, the lord of the dance.

Use an alter ego if you’re shy.

Everyone will love you because everyone at weddings feels uncomfortable and you will be helping them to feel included and accepted.

You can pull moves like this all night on the dance floor because it’s the great equalizer.

Don’t worry about being a good dancer, it’s not about that — it’s about connecting to others and making them feel seen and included. Use strong eye contact, reach out your hand, and smile so they see you want them to dance. Always assume they want to and they’re just shy if they say no, this is always the case if you come from a place of having fun. 

Get Those Digits

But even if you don’t get that far, guess what… chances are you can easily find them on social because they know someone in the wedding (friends of friends).

You’ll also later have a treasure trove of tagged photos to go through that will give you her social media info.

If you want her info during the wedding you can say let’s take a pic for the bride and groom (for some reason, maybe you’re capturing the epic dance train or an intense game of corn-hole) and know that the bride or groom would love to see that memory when they look back on the wedding.

Then say you’ll send her the photo and get her number or vice versa, tell her to send you the photo or tag you on social.


When you’re approaching women at weddings without knowing their romantic status, you want to keep things light.

Don’t go in strong and tell them how beautiful they are and how much you’d love to dance with them.

Don’t use a flirting mindset. Use a happy-go-lucky friendly mindset. Your mission isn’t to flirt and snag numbers it’s to meet new people, be social, and enjoy yourself.

This mindset will make you feel at ease, give you confidence, and allow you to enjoy the night.

Ask A Friend

Let’s say you do want to lay it on her hot and heavy.

Chances are a friend or friend of a friend can tell you if she’s single or seeing someone. Ask around and do some recon before you go in there guns blazing.

Learn The Best Approach Methods

In our coaching program, Dating Decoded we teach men not only how to approach women at weddings — but how to start dating women they’re really attracted to by MegaDating.

Our program is broken up into four pillars that teach you how to build a badass dating profile, source dates IRL, message on the apps and via text, master the dates themselves while escalating sexual tension, and much more.

We’d love to learn more about your romantic goals and show you how our program can help you crush wedding season & eventually find you a long term relationship.

Book a 1-on-1 Zoom call to talk to one of our team members and start your journey towards becoming the confident romantic man you always wanted to become.

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