Here’s Why Lying to Impress A Woman About Your Intentions Is Never Sexy

April 28, 2021

I’d like to begin this article with a quote from a man that once contracted syphilis at a brothel.

“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.”

The man who once uttered these words is perhaps one of the greatest philosophers of all time and at the same time a hopeless and failed romantic.

It was Nietzsche, the same man that once declared that God is dead that offers up this most appropriate advice for nascent relationships.

Lying is a surefire way to put out any flames that were only just beginning to catch. Even Nietzsche — the man who had his marriage proposal rejected by not one but two different women — knew that lying to impress a woman was a recipe for failure.

Lying is a dangerous game to play.

Not only is it the antithesis of sexy, but even if your lies go undetected they can still backfire.

In this article we’ll explore the single man’s most cherished pastime; lying to impress a woman.

Why Lying to Impress A Woman About Your Intentions Is Never Sexy

Lying To Align With Her Romantic Goals

This is an instance of when a lie — even when not caught — can blue balls you into a corner.

A common first date question is, “what are you looking for?”

Being that the last thing you want to do is make things awkward on a first date, you may feel an urge to lie and tell her that you’re looking for the same thing she is. This urge is completely understandable, but it puts you in a hole.

From this point on — until you address the lie — you’ll feel compelled to act in a way that aligns with what you told her you’re looking for.

If you lied when you told her you were looking for something serious then you can say goodbye to late-night booty calls and hello to expensive three-course dinners.

If you start acting in ways that don’t align with the romantic objective you laid out, she’ll begin to question your integrity.

Never put a woman in a position to question your honesty.

The moment she begins doubting your honesty is the moment she begins to pull away. Not to mention that lying is unsexy not only because it deceives the person being lied to but in this case it’s also an indication that you’re not a good communicator.

Should she realize you lied you’re now labeled a liar, a shitty communicator, and lack the confidence to go after what you really want. Not a great start to the relationship.

Instead of lying, put your intentions front and center.

You’ll come off as much more attractive by expressing what you want. Vocalizing that your romantic goals clash shows her that you’re willing to lose her. Showing that you won’t go with the grain in the attempt to appease her raises your perceived value. 

Let’s not overlook another benefit of the truth.

By making your intentions clear, you’ll be saving time, money, and energy. Why invest in something that seems unlikely to help you achieve your goals?

That being said, should your goals clash, that doesn’t mean the relationship has to end or that you can never call her again. Your date (or you) may bend to the other’s will.

Whatever the case may be just remember not to lie.

Don’t Say It’s Ok When It’s Not Okay (Express Disappointment)

An oft-overlooked form of lying is saying that everything’s alright when it isn’t.

This form of appeasement often comes in the form of telling her it’s okay that she flaked last minute.

To be clear, no, it’s not okay. Not only this but she knows it’s not okay — everybody does.

Flaking on someone last minute isn’t some kind of obscure pet peeve, it’s universally hated.

So if you were to tell her not to worry about you flaking last minute it means that you don’t value your own time. That a woman can walk on over you and despite being flattened, you’re perfectly fine.

This tells her that she can behave as badly as she wants with you and you won’t do a damn thing about it. Guaranteed she’ll keep being a pest if you allow her to.

If you let women walk all over you, they’ll perceive you as low value and either use you for the things you give them or only see you as a friend.

Lying to a woman in this doesn’t make you an ass.

Instead, it empowers her to be one.

MegaDate To Diffuse Energy

Your goal should be to avoid lying to impress a woman about your intentions.

But how do you really do this?

The most likely reason you’re lying is because you don’t want to end the fledgling relationship.

The chief reason you don’t want it to end despite you two being of different minds is because you fear that you won’t find another single woman worth dating anytime soon.

This fear can make you pursue the wrong woman for the wrong reasons.

So how do quell this fear?

Stop the one-itis by MegaDating.

MegaDating is the simple act of dating around.

If you adhere to the MegaDating strategy you’ll date multiple women every week, sometimes dating two different women on the same day.

It’s easy to not get hung up on one woman and feel pressured into lying in order to sustain the relationship when you have various dates lined up.

So what if she isn’t compatible? It’s difficult to get down on yourself or hung up on a woman when you’ve got another date lined up with a different woman just a few days away.

This isn’t the only benefit granted by MegaDating.

When the woman you’re dating understands that she’s not the only woman in your life her actions will change. She’ll be forced to acknowledge the realization that she’s not the only woman you’re dating. For fear of being complacent, she may attempt to heat things up in an attempt to keep your attention.

Even if you don’t explicitly tell her you’re dating around, she’ll probably be able to pick up on the signs. Women are better than men at reading emotional cues. Once she perceives that you’re not a one-woman man your stock will rise.

How to Stop Lying to Impress a Woman, For Good

You have to accept yourself — 2021 resolution anyone?

Hey, accepting yourself might be a lot easier than changing your diet and going to the gym 5 days a week.

So why do we lie?

We lie because the truth scares the hell out of us. 

If you can accept yourself, you won’t feel the need to lie — it’s a pretty simple formula. 

The problem is actually doing it.

So let’s put this dilemma into practice.

Let’s say she just told you, “I don’t want anything serious,” but you do. Instead of lying and only telling her what you think she wants to hear (i.e. I don’t want anything serious either), consider what would happen if you told her the truth.

To tell the truth, you cannot be in denial about your feelings.

Imagine you said to her, “Wow, that’s disappointing. I am enjoying our connection and getting to know one another and to be honest, I don’t really prefer the casual hookup thing.”

How would it feel to tell her the truth?

Obviously, it’s risky but it’s also polarizing and shows her you know what you want and you won’t settle for less than that. Even if you lose your opportunity with her, she’ll respect you and you’ll be free to find someone who wants the same things you want.

In order to make telling the truth easier, make MegaDating a habit. 

It’ll Likely Backfire & You’ll Miss Out On More Compatible Women

Imagine your relationship is a Jenga game, ya know the one with the wooden blocks.

Now imagine that every time you lie, you must take a wooden block out of the Jenga tower. If you lie frequently enough the tower will become untenable and fall down.

Sure you may get away with a lie or two, but inevitably your tower (and relationship) will crumble.

The likelihood that you’ll lie increases as your dating prospects and the compatibility of the woman you’re lying to decrease.

There’s little point in dating someone you’re not compatible with and are constantly lying to if in a couple of months it’ll all go to shit.

Eventually she’ll catch on to your lies and will oust you.

Think about how many more compatible women you might have missed out on while you were chasing a dead end woman. 

To Lie Or To MegaDate

MegaDating is your key to salvation (and by salvation I mean sexy, compatible women).

By ending the nasty habit of lying and starting one that involves dating various women simultaneously isn’t easy. It may also sound morally suspect.

Look MegaDating sounds slutty but it’s not. Or rather, it is, but there’s nothing wrong with being a little slutty.

The purpose of MegaDating is to find a compatible woman in as little time as possible.

To the self-righteous this sounds dirty, but in reality it’s just efficient.

Another byproduct of MegaDating is that it imbues you with the confidence to not stay with an incompatible woman. It also teaches you how to court women as well as the type of woman you’re most attracted to.

At this point you may be ready to MegaDate but still don’t know-how. It’s difficult enough scoring one Tinder date every 3 months, how can you realistically expect to find a new woman to date every week?

To learn the steps you need to take to begin MegaDating book a New Client 1-on-1 Zoom call with me or one of my colleagues today.

During this call we’ll explain MegaDating and create a personalized dating plan for you.

But hey, we realize that not every guy has time to harvest dates. For men that are too busy to mine for dates, we also offer matchmaking services. When you team up with us we’ll find you 6-12 highly compatible women. Yes, that means you can give up your dating apps — likely for good.
