Courting a Woman: 11 Crucial Tips During the Initial Phase of Dating

tips for courting a woman

Courting a woman correctly is like walking a tightrope that gets wider the further you progress.

At first, it’s as narrow as the rope Philippe Petit walked from one of NYC’s twin towers to the other.

With one misplaced step, one offhanded comment, one misplaced hand, and you plummet. Perhaps not to your death, but certainly to the death of this former fledgling romance.

The initial phase of the courtship process is the most precarious. As time goes on you’re able to behave more freely and make more mistakes – but we’re not there yet.

Oh no.

We’re at the point where even the slightest misstep can result in being blocked, deleted, or even worse… ghosted.

Not messing things up when courting a woman requires wit, restraint, and puritan-like adherence to these guidelines.

Let’s get courting!

11 Crucial Tips for Courting a Woman Correctly


courting a woman tips for guys

What do you call someone that dates prolifically?

Our prude lexicons don’t yet have terms to glorify the men and women that date multiple people at the same time.

We mostly call them sluts, ladies-men, whores, womanizer, easy, etc.

Calling this person a MegaDater flips the script.

Ya see, MegaDating is more so than just a positive term for someone that dates multiple people a week.

MegaDating is a dating philosophy.

This romantic philosophy is designed to make you a dating maven in no time. It’s designed to quickly equip you with dating skills, to imbue you with confidence, and of course to cut down the time it takes to meet a woman that you’d like to call your girlfriend.

To MegaDate effectively you must date women simultaneously, mine for dates, and follow our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd date guidelines.

Mining for dates means meeting women both IRL and online. Dating a handful of women every month (if not week) sounds like heaven, but how in the world do you get there?

You do so by becoming an expert in leveraging dating apps to meet women. We at emlovz recommend being active on 5 dating apps. For guys that aren’t into dating apps, fine, meet women IRL. Sign up for Meetups, show up to group gym classes, hit up parties with friends, speed date, ask your buddies to set you up etc. There are dozens of ways to meet women, you only need to try.

Again, going out with Stacy on Tuesday, Julia on Thursday, and Casey on Sunday doesn’t mean you’re an immoral hedonist that salivates from both your big and little head.

MegaDating is all about becoming an awesome dater, figuring out the type of woman you’re most compatible with, and then of course meeting her and having the dating acumen to court her.

Courting a Woman Properly Means No Dinner On A First Date

How many hours are you willing to hang out with a good friend of yours today?

2, 3, 4 hours?

Personally, I can only take so many hours of interaction with even the best of friends before I need a break.

If you’re the same way then you can totally understand why it’s absurd to agree to spend hours upon hours and money upon money on a stagnant — and super basic — dinner date with a complete stranger.

Because really, that’s what she is.

I don’t care if you got her number after briefly chatting at a party or feel like you connected super hard on Tinder.

She’s a stranger.

As a rule, you don’t want to spend more than an hour or more than $20 on a first date.

Spending too much too soon subconsciously demonstrates that you are less valuable than your date. Giving her only one hour of your time makes you appear like a man in high demand — even if you cut the date early only to go home and watch John Oliver. 

Brief dates that go well build sexual tension.

Brief dates that go poorly are well, still brief. Why agree to spend three hours with a person you might dislike the second her ass hits the cushion of the chair?

1-hour dates also mean you won’t get burnt out dating around — if every first date is only one hour or less — and that you won’t go broke paying for a 3-course meal on every first date.

Don’t Bring Flowers or Gifts

A gift is a grandiose show of affection.

When courting a woman early on, grand gestures generally aren’t warranted.

Not even joke gifts or flowers for her promotion. Take it easy, slow, and keep your cool.

Gifts and flowers are weird for four reasons.

For one, a gift or flowers on a proper first, second, or third date is a burden.

Secondly, carrying around flowers or a gift for a couple of hours is super embarrassing. Can you think of the last time you saw a woman schlepping around these items? There’s a reason for that.

Thirdly it’s out of sequence and subconsciously places her value above yours. Look every woman wants the guy that’s hard to get, not the one that shows up with a bouquet on the second date. This isn’t 1917. 

And lastly, it’s just too soon. You don’t even know if you like her. This gesture makes it seem like you’re blown away that she actually agreed to go on a date with you which makes her think, “what’s wrong with him?”

Save the flowers for your Mom on Mother’s Day.

Don’t Overspend

When we say the “courting a woman during initial phase of dating” what we’re really talking about are the first three dates. This is the most precarious epoch in your nascent relationship.

It’s during the first and second date where money should be frugally spent.

A first date should require no more than $20. If the date’s going well and you haven’t sped past an hour yet, sure grab that extra beer or ice cream, otherwise keep it in your pants.

Second dates should be 100% free. That’s right, gratis. First and second dates are used to weed out women that are just interested in you for your love of high-quality French cuisine.

If there’s a connection enough to make it to a third date, then lift those spending restrictions and show her how much you’re into her.

I encourage men to spend so little because if they’re MegaDating they can’t afford to spend big every time they go out. Being a bachelor can be pricey. Save your money for a woman that really matters.

Do Plan Social Dates

courting a woman

After three dates, consider introducing her to your friends.

When you pitch the date, be sure not to make things awkward. Don’t tell her it’s finally time to meet your friends and certainly don’t tell your friends that she’s your new girlfriend. Merely set the date up so as to give her a glimpse of what life like you could really be like.

It’s this glimpse that will build trust and credibility. It’ll shake your date dynamic up to the point where you’ll get to see how she behaves in a new context.

Social dates accelerate bonding, take the pressure off you, and increase the mystery. Plus social dates give you the chance to make use of some of the best wingmen/women in the game, your friends.

Make Your First Dates Short & Sweet

courting a woman

If you’re struggling to understand how to court a woman effectively, then I can’t stress this header topic enough.

First dates are much less dates than they are introductory engagements.

An initial date is where two people — who were more likely previously strangers — get the chance to get to know each other. Don’t expect to go to bed with her, get smooches, or touch her leg under the table on a first date.

If those are your expectations you will fail.

Your expectation should be nothing more than simply learning more about the person that gifted you with her time.

That’s it.

A 60-minute date is more than enough time to make this happen. A happy byproduct of such a swift date is that it also generates mystery and sexual tension. It’ll increase your value and — if that date goes well — will leave her constantly thinking about you and fantasizing about a second date.

Leave her wanting more so she says “yes” to your second date.

If you can’t think of any cheap and brief first date ideas, no worries, I’ve got you covered.

Always Use A TDL When Courting a Woman

No, TDL doesn’t stand for tactical data link or turnable diode laser.

I mean it can, but not in this context.

To you, it means time, date, location.

It’s how you should ask a woman out. A lot of dudes have a tendency of asking a woman out with this classic yet perfunctory line — “Hey, wanna go out sometime?”

That doesn’t even count as asking a woman on a date. If she can’t snugly type it into her calendar, it’s not a date. These responses also often receive answers in the affirmative because women know nothing will ever come of it. So instead of saying no to some amorphous date plan that will never materialize they skip the drama and just say, “sure, let’s do it (followed by whatever emoji she prefers that day).

To ask a woman out like a man you must use a TDL.

Here’s what that looks like, “Hey Steph, care to go for a sunset bike ride this Sunday at 12 at Switch Park?”

It’s a request such as this that can receive a definitive yes or no. Regardless if it’s for a first, second, or third date, you always want to use a TDL. Ideally, they’re used at the end of each date and requested in person.

Hire A Coach

courting a woman

Sure you can read dating advice that teaches you to MegaDate, how to court a woman, and how to act on a first date — but that doesn’t mean you’re actually learning.

Learning how to date without a coach is tantamount to learning how to ski by only watching YouTube videos or trying to effectively use a 9-iron by reading an article in Golf Digest.

Trying to get back into dating can be a lonely prospect.

Don’t go it alone.

When we team up you’ll have the option of 12 private or group classes. You’ll be provided with a support system via Slack that knows exactly what you’re going through and wants you to succeed.

A dating coach is a romance professional. It’s their job to know the answers to all those nagging dating questions and to coach you through the awkwardness that is dating in the 21st century.

You can continue to seek advice from armchair experts and influencers IG dating influences, or you can book an appointment with a professional that’s helped thousands of men in your exact position find love.

One of those men is Christian, who found love just three months after joining our emlovz community.

Pitch Dates That Sound Like A Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity

courting a woman

Consider these two different date ditches.

Pitch A) “Let’s set up a zoom date next week.” 

Pitch B) “Did you know you can explore national parks from your couch? Yeah, you can even fly over an active volcano, explore lava tube, and look out across volcanic cliffs. It’s supposed to be breathtaking. Want to join me for a virtual tour Wednesday at 6pm?”


So tell me… which one if the woman more likely to say “yes” to?

Obviously, the one that sounds like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Women get lots of date invitations. The key is to make yours stand out from the competition by making it sound unique, exciting, and unlike anything she’s ever done before. I teach my clients how to master this art in my coaching program. Learn more here. 

Ask Questions You Want To Know the Answers To

Look, no one is going to remember information they never cared about in the first place. And if you can’t remember what she said, it doesn’t look good for you.

Make sure you ask questions you actually want answers to. This may mean you write out a few questions to ask before the date.

In my coaching programs, I give my clients a ton of questions for them to choose from so they don’t have to think something up on the spot. It’s also important that the questions you ask reveal something vulnerable. No one wants to talk about the weather.

Go deeper with questions that elicit emotional vulnerability.

Your goal is to connect and determine if she’s compatible or not. Ask questions that will push the boundaries, reveal, and form a bond.

Keep The Mystery

When meeting a special someone, we feel the need to speech vomit. We want to talk for hours, text incessantly, and chat about every topic that pops into our infatuated brains.

When you’re on a date, I say for sure.

Don’t hold anything back. Talk to her about your interests, thoughts on the newest flicks, politics, hopes and dreams, how badly you want a season 8 remake of GOT, etc.

But this dynamic needs to end the second the date ends.

I know it’s tempting to keep things rolling by having a convo online, but that’s not sexy and it’s not mysterious. In fact, it’s superficial, not gratifying, and is a cheap way to attempt to get to know someone.

This mentality of bonding IRL rather than online should start the second you two match online (because let’s be serious, that’s definitely how you met).

Keep things brief when chatting her up. Exchange 10 or so messages before asking her out with a TDL.

After your amazing date don’t bombard her with texts. In fact, the only texts you should send are ones about the next date you’ll go on – that’s it.

This is how you keep the mystery. And hey, if you went on an awesome first date, she’ll text you rather than the other way around. That’s how our students know the date was awesome. If you want her to text you after date, let us know, and we’ll make it happen. 

Even when you’re on the date, keep some of that mystery by not revealing the entire date plan. Sure you two are going on a hiking date but little does she know there’s this amazing restaurant at the end of the hiking path that you know she’ll love.

How To Court A Woman Wrap-Up

Well, that’s about it… kind of.

Dating is a dynamic hobby. When you’re dealing with people and emotions, trying to work through the nuance isn’t a task best confronted alone.

I have an idea! Let’s team-up.

Look people have tennis coaches, career coaches, leadership coaches, but for some reason dating coaches aren’t commonplace.

Our program, Dating Decoded is designed to transform your dating life.

To optimize your dating life we’ve broken our program down into four parts:

MegaDating – Learn how to date a myriad of women quickly so you can swiftly find the best possible partner for you

Perfect Profile – Most people meet online nowadays. It’s easy but competitive, we’ll teach you how to stand out

MegaMessage & Date Pitch – Go from stranger to her newest romantic flame

Date Blueprint – The first three steps are the most crucial – we’ll teach you how to crush them

Don’t you care about courting a woman as much as you do your personal health and career?

Book a 1-on-1 Zoom appointment right now so that I (or one of my other coaches) can learn all about you and your dating goals.

If you want to learn how our program can transform your dating life, just check out how our student, Alex’s life has changed since enrolling.