Top 10 Tinder Tips For Guys Who Want Results

November 2, 2019

In June of 2019 Tinder reported that it had 8.54 million active users in the US alone making it the most popular dating app in the country (the runner up is POF which 4.84 million US users). So you’re not alone if you’re searching for the latest and greatest Tinder tips for guys.

The data clearly shows that if you’re going to use just one dating app in your efforts to find a woman, it should be Tinder. Sure, Tinder is geared towards a younger demographic with 45% of its users being between the ages of 25 and 34. But even if you’re on the older side, 13% of its users are 35-44. And while that number sounds small, compared to the nominal size of other dating apps it still means that hundreds of thousands of middle-aged women still use the app.

Even though Tinder is clearly the single American’s dating app of choice, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have good luck. Only 38% of users are female. This user disparity leads women to become a bit more choosey when swiping right. The disparity means that they don’t have to settle. The saturation of male users also means that women are really only swiping on the top 20% of male users in terms of attractiveness. So if you’re not a 8/10 (get your photos rated on Photofeeler) on a scale of attractiveness you’re probably not getting a lot of action. 

Sure the picture looks grim, but it doesn’t have to be that way. With millions of female Tinder users there’s still a good chance of amassing your fair share of matches, you just know how to play the game. If you really look at Tinder, that’s what it is. Shallow, romantic, and above all, a game. Open the app and look at a bio. You’ll notice that each user has been reduced to a series of cards in a deck comprised of potential suitors. Your whole romantic resume is penned in just a few lines of text and you’ve only got a limited number of photos to demonstrate who you are. The game’s unfair. Lucky for you that means that it’s all the easier to rig the game in your favor. 

With these Tinder tips for guys you’ll match with so many women that you’ll have to make space on your phone just to keep them around. 

Tinder Tips for Guys

1. Purchase Tinder Plus and/0r Superlikes

It’s cheating, I know. But the app doesn’t present its users on a level playing field. Tinder isn’t a platform that enables users to demonstrate who they are in-depth; on the contrary. The app is an addictive game posing as a dating app. Realize this and use all the features of the game to your advantage, which includes super likes.

For those who don’t know, super likes can be purchased at 5 for $5, 25 for 19.99, or 60 for $39.99. A profile can be super liked by either swiping up or by clicking the blue super like button in the middle of the app’s interface. It signals to another user that you, well, super like them. Once your profile pops up in their deck of cards your profile will be outlined in blue and adorned with a star, signaling to the woman that you super liked their profile. 

Tinder claims that super liking someone makes it three times more likely that they’ll match with you. Our Tinder test user can confirm that, science does too.

Reciprocal liking is liking someone once you know they like you too. Scientists posit that allowing ourselves to reciprocate affection has to do with building self-esteem. From a layman’s perspective, we realize that humans have a base desire to be liked and to build connections. We’re more likely to invest in someone if we know they already favor us in some way. This is why super likes work. 

The chief reason a super like wouldn’t work is because your profile looks like it was put together in the time it takes to have a bowel movement. We’ll address that later. 

Also consider upgrading to Tinder Plus. It’s an affordable option for any single man looking to get more than 100 swipes in a given day. And that’s just one of its perks. Here’s my article on How Much is Tinder Plus to help you make a decision on upgrading or not.

2. Tell Your Match The Meaning Of Her Name

Right now this is one of my favorite Tinder tips for guys. Check it – the standard way a male Tinder user opens a conversation is with “hey.” If he’s feeling like putting in a little effort he might write, “Hey, how’s it going.” If he’s feeling frisky he’ll say, “Hey there cutey.” These all suck. This should be evident by now, but judging by the number of guys that start a convo with “hey,” it’s become an epidemic in need of a cure, stat.  

One way to put an end to the constant rain of “hey” messages that find their way in female users’ inboxes is by telling your match the meaning of her name. Simply google, “match’s name + name meaning” and boom, there you have your opener. “Hey Julie, did you know your name meant youthful and soft-haired in Latin. Would you say your parents got it right?” This kind of Tinder opening line doesn’t take hours to think up and can be used with any and all women. Although if your match did happen to write a little bit about herself in her profile, you should be addressing her bio. 

The goal with any opening message is to receive a response. Make your message worth responding to by asking questions, providing interesting information, commenting on her profile, and by being original. She’s jaded by all the “hey” dudes out there. It’s not hard to stand out when all you have to do is read her profile and comment on an interest of hers. 

3. Hire A Photographer

Are you still using your 10-year-old Myspace photos for your Tinder bio? Selfies with a point and shoot camera were so early 21st century. 

Don’t have any quality photos to post on your Tinder? That’s not a problem. An oft-overlooked Tinder trick is hiring a photographer for a dating app specific photoshoot. Granted it sounds odd at first, but in today’s day and age, a photoshoot for the purpose of creating a better Tinder profile shouldn’t be all that weird. Trust me when I tell you, the clients of mine who go out and hire a photographer reach their goals 300% faster than clients of mine who don’t. 

Forget about how odd it may seem, the only question you should really be asking yourself is how much love is worth to you? Whether you like it or not, online dating is how modern daters find each other. Having a roster replete with flattering photos could be the difference between finding a girlfriend and being lonely for the next 12 weekends. 

When uploading photos to your profile, keep these things in mind:

  • First photo should be a half-body shot of you and you alone. Don’t wear glasses, a hat, or obscure your face in any way.
  • Post at least one photo of you playing a sport and one photo of you traveling abroad.
  • Wear different clothes in every photo.
  • No more than two group photos are allowed.
  • If you post a photo of you in a group, make sure none of your friends are significantly better looking than yourself.
  • Photos of you with your dog are always recommended. Just make sure it’s your dog.

For more on this, check out my other article on the most important Tinder pics you need to be showcasing in your profile.

Tinder Tips for Guys 4. Use Photofeeler To Test Photos For Competitiveness

How do you know your profile is stocked with quality photos? Sure you can ask a couple of female friends for their honest feedback, but they may be too close to you to offer their honest truth. It’s for this reason, Photofeeler was invented. 

Photofeeler is simple. You post a photo and anonymous women will provide you with feedback. They’ll rate how they feel about the photo on a scale from 1-10. Each photo will be ranked on a number of factors including how trustworthy, attractive, or confident a photo makes you look. Once you have various photos in your arsenal, post a few to Photofeeler and wait to see what the critiques have to say. Only post photos that have an overall score of at least 7 to your Tinder account. 

5. Get The Phone Number ASAP

Tinder matches have a habit of staying Tinder matches. Men feel gratified when they receive matches, though few will actually meet a Tinder match IRL. The purpose of using dating apps is to match with women online and then meet them in person. If all you’re doing is giggling over the ever-growing cache of matches, you’re not dating correctly. To make the transition from Tinder to the real world you need to get her number. This is better done quickly. The longer a conversation drags on the less likely you are of ever meeting up IRL. 

One of the easiest ways of asking for a number is to use these never fail lines, “I have get back to work now. Is this the best way to reach you?” or “I have to run now. Let’s take this off Tinder, what’s your number?

Once you have her number, the initial message you send to her phone should be a TDL

6. Use Keywords In Your Bio

How many female profiles have you seen where the woman writes, “loves to travel” or “loves sports.” These aren’t details that the reader can easily latch onto. How frustrated do you feel after reading these profiles and still feeling like you’re unable to make a connection with this person due to their ambiguity? 

Instead of saying that you like to travel, tell your audience where you traveled to last. If you love movies, quote your favorite film. As a platform, Tinder doesn’t make it easy to connect with people. That’s why it’s all the more important that you use specifics when writing your profile. Although this seems like one of the more basic tinder tips for guys, from our testing, guys just aren’t being specific enough on their bios. 

7. Speak To Your Audience

What kind of net are you casting? If you’re attempting to attract as many women as possible, then your profile would be full of The Office quotes while also demonstrating a yearning for Tacos. This shouldn’t be your goal. Be as original as possible. This will help you get more likes and make you more attractive to a certain type of person. 

Before penning your profile, think about the type of woman you’re trying to attract. Most likely it’ll be someone with commonalities to you. Perhaps you’ll want to write that you just signed up for a rock climbing class and are into somewhat conservative politics. With your profile, you’re sending out a broadcast to female users. Use keywords and sentences that speak to a specific audience that you’re hoping to attract rather than broad strokes messages that you hope will catch the attention of the masses.

Tinder Tips for Guys 8. Think Of Your Dating Profile As A Movie Trailer

Movie trailers are compelling because they contain the best of what’s to come without revealing everything. This doesn’t mean stuffing your profile with a list of adjectives and hobbies but instead offering the audience highlights of your life and personality. When it comes to posting photos, don’t use all allotted 9 spaces to upload photos. Keep your profile mysterious enough so that once you two do match there’s still some mystery to be explored.

9. Does Your Trailer Make It Easy For Her To Message You?

Men are typically the ones to initiate conversation first. But it’s not always the case. In fact on Bumble, the third most popular dating app in the USA, women are required to message first. Does your profile offer enough sparkly information to attract her attention? Will she be able to look at your profile and be able to ask a question regarding the information you’ve offered her?

10. Does Your Trailer Mobilize Her To Meetup For A Date?

As we’ve acknowledged before, Tinder is a shallow app. There’s only so much of your personality that you can get across through the application. Are you displaying enough of who you are to motivate her to get off her butt and meet up with you IRL? Ascertain that you’ve created a profile worthy of a right swipe by applying the aforementioned advice. 

Tinder Tips for Guys Wrap-Up

Still a little puzzled on how to construct the ideal Tinder profile, get more matches on Tinder, ask for the date, or construct a first, second, or third date?

No worries, I got you. As a dating coach, I’ve created various test accounts and have coached hundreds of men on how to meet women on dating apps. Via a New Client 1-on-1 Skype session, we’ll further explore what can be done to increase your odds of scoring matches and ultimately meeting women you met online IRL. During our session, we’ll also create a custom strategy and discuss my 3 month coaching program. 
