Should I Post Pics of My Dog on My Dating Profiles?

November 27, 2020

Should I post pics of my dog on my dating profiles? That’s the question of the day.

Look, love has gone digital.

Meeting a significant other through online dating is now the most popular way to meet a romantic interest.

A recent Stanford study found that 39% of heterosexual couples that got together in 2017 reported having met their partner through a dating app.

Times are changing, and luckily, you’re willing to change with them.

Which is why you bring your highly complex quandary to emlovz.

To post pics of your dog or to not post. This is the dilemma.

Look, there are a lot of things that you without pause should not consider posting. Photos of you with your ex, bathroom selfies, shirtless pics that show off your feminine curves, etc.

A pic of you and with your dog, however, is the most apt photo you can post on your dating profile.

Understanding why you should post such a pic will help you figure out what other pictures are worth posting.

To help you in this endeavor, let’s dig into the question of “should I post pics of my dog on my dating profiles or not?”

Should I Post Pics of My Dog on My Dating Profiles?

Look At The Studies

Whenever you’re trying to ascertain which pics are more likely to lead to swipes than others, don’t ask your buddies, ask the data.

In a survey conducted by OnePoll, that polled over 2,000 Americans, the survey found that 39% swiped right on profiles containing at least one dog photo because they wanted to meet the dog more than they wanted to meet the person.

A whopping 63% opined that a cute dog photo increased their chances of getting more favorable results on dating apps. Women freakin’ love dogs.

Another study carried out by two French romantics further solidifies this belief.

In 2008 two French social psychologists had a handsome Frenchman ask random women for their phone numbers both with and without a doggy companion. When he was solo, his success rate was just 10%. With his pooch by his side, that percentage jumped to 30%.

Oh, and if you don’t own a dog but are thinking, no worries, a cat will have the same effect, you’re very mistaken.

When researchers ask women what the sexiest pet a guy can have was, over 500 responded by saying dog, with 75 responding with cat.

Serial Killers Don’t Own Dogs

We’ve confirmed that women love dudes with dogs, but why?

Is it that they love dating someone who offers a 2 for 1 package deal? Do all women just like soft fluffy things?

No, and definitely no.

Women want to feel comfortable with strangers. If we’re not comfortable with you within the first few minutes of a date, we’re likely to start plotting our escape. Dogs have a way of making you look less like a weirdo and more like a potential partner.

If we’re scrolling through Bumble looking for a date Friday night and we see a smiling dude playing what his pup, we automatically think he’s a keeper. Ya see, we trust the instinct of the dog. If the dog accepts him and treats him right, he’ll probably do the same to us.

This obviously isn’t a conscious thought, we’re not naive enough to think a man is 100% husband material just because he posted a photo with a dog (that might not even be his) on his Hinge profile.

We do, however, subconsciously find it attractive when we see men treating creatures that depend on them with respect and love. This can only ever be a good sign.

And hey, we all realize that dating apps are superficial right?

We only have so much knowledge of who these dudes are to go off of. A superficial and contrived shot of you with your dog can go a long way.

It Shows Us You’re Father Material

Again, posting a pic of you with your dog doesn’t indicate that you’ll be a good father. However, owning and caring for a dog is suggestive of good parenting skills. When we’re rapidly swiping through profiles, a mere suggestive photo in a positive direction is all that’s needed for us to swipe right.

I know this will sound like the evolutionist in me speaking, but all women whether they know it or not are looking for a mate that will be a good father.

Early on in a relationship, this search manifests itself by swiping right on dude playing with his dog. When you two meet up later, she’ll care less about your dog and more so about how you treat others. Are you curt with the waiter, do you volunteer, do you have kids of your own, etc. These are all concerns of hers that your actions will address.

Since we’re speaking of kids, be upfront with your children. Don’t try to hide them in your photo library, but rather post your kids on our dating profile. Broadcast to the dating world that yes, you have kids. For some women, this can be a dealbreaker. Instead of wasting your time with a woman that doesn’t want to date a man with kids, be upfront and honesty.

Matching & Meeting Are Two Different Things

50% of Tinder users have never met a single one of their matches.

Crazy right?

The most active Tinder users will spend more than an hour a day on the app. Yet when it comes to meeting up, most Tinder addicts refuse to put the phone down and meet someone they’ve been chatting with. This is because 44% of Tinder users don’t use the app to find love, rather they use it to boost their self-esteem.

So the question for you becomes, how in the world are you going to transition the social dynamic away from Tinder and into the real world?

This is where your k-9 comes into play. Along with being man’s best friend, your shih tzu is also your best wingman.

Naturally, if she swiped right on you because of your dog, she may steer the conversation towards your pooch. You learn that she too has a dog because of course, she does, in fact, 56% of millennials have dogs. Being that you two both share a love for animals, the most organic steps towards the real world would be to ask her on a date to the dog park or on a hike with your respected doggos.

This is a non-threatening and enjoyable TDL that would satisfy first date guidelines for MegaDaters. Leverage your dog to win yourself a first date. Even if she doesn’t have a pooch, tell her that you take brief one-hour hikes with your dog every Wednesday at a local park after work and ask her if she’d like to join. Chances are she’ll say yes.

Don’t be bashful when it comes to luring women in with your dog. The point of online dating is to meet in person. It isn’t to stack matches like trophies or endlessly scroll through profiles while fantasizing about “the one.” Don’t learn all about her through the app. Save that conversation for your in-person date. In the span of about 10 messages or so you should be asking her out. An easy way to do that is to simply invite her on a walk with you and your dog. If she isn’t into it, fine, the next woman will be.

The Dog Whistle

To ascertain whether dogs were truly man’s greatest wingman, we put the claim to the test.

We had our test user add a couple of photos of his dog (after having a bio without any photos of a dog), and within a 7-day span, our test receiver received almost 2x more matches and 80% of the women he matched with ALSO HAD DOG photos.

Although we’re dealing with a small sample size, it appears that women with dogs are on the hunt for men with dogs.

Which, I mean, just makes sense.

Opposites don’t attract. The more similar two people are, the higher the chances that they’ll get together.

Whether you two are both dog lovers, gym rats, or are super into bird watching, whatever the shared interest, milk it until you have a first date.

What Not To Do

We all know what catfishing is right?

It’s when someone sets up a fake online account with the goal of manipulating the person they strike up a romantic relationship with.

Dogfishing is similar — though objectively way less worse.

It involves posting a photo of you and a dog that isn’t yours on your dating app. It’s classic bait and switch.

If you are going to dogfish, make it super clear on your profile that it’s not your dog. Also, don’t go out and get a dog just to get more matches. Dogs are living creatures — only purchase/adopt one if you truly have the time and energy to do so.

Always create online profiles that are true to who you are. Not doing so only wastes your time and hers.

What Now?

Now it’s time for a freakin’ photo shoot!

Grab that pooch of yours and hit the beach, park, or local pub for some photos.

Look man, online dating is a competitive game. Use every resource at your disposal to get an edge.

If you feel like your American Staffordshire Terrier isn’t giving you the boost you had expected, don’t worry, I got you.

When you team up with me you’ll learn the ins and outs of online dating. I’ll teach you how to create a compelling profile, how to ask a woman out, and how to set up an awesome first, second, and third date.

And if you’re tired of mining for dates yourself, ask me about my matchmaking service!

Book a 1-on-1 Zoom session today to get started.
