How to Make Her Crave You

October 1, 2013

Hi Guys it’s EmLovz here, America’s dating coach for men. Us ladies are an elusive breed. In fact, men have been trying to figure out women for centuries. Don’t feel out of place if you are wondering how to make her crave you? In this article, I’m going to explain one simple method you must master in order to get girls to want you. 

Wanna know the fastest way to make a woman run? Grab her… creeper style. Touch is important, but you’ve gotta know why it’s important and how to do it right. On this week’s video you’re going to get a little snippet from The EmLovz Academy vault.

This is my shortest video yet, and while it may be brief, it will give you give you an idea of:

“Why kinesthetic touch is one of the most important factors in how to build sexual attraction!” Do this and you’ll easily learn how to avoid the friendzone, FOREVER! Learn how to make her crave you by using kinesthetic touch, right here, right now!

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Start Small, Work Up

If you are gonna touch a woman for the first time, make sure and start small…and escalate slowly over the course of the date. For example, brush the hair out of her face if it’s a bit windy. Or, another example….if there is a loose hanging string from the shoulder area of her shirt –slowly grab it- and then show it to her. Or maybe you lean in real close to her and show her a video on your smartphone. 

Then later in the date, you can escalate by having your hand on the small of her back. Do this while you walk out of the coffee shop or restaurant you met your date in. 

What if You Don’t Touch?

Kinesthetic Touch is one of the most important factors in avoiding the awful friend-zone. Even if you’ve properly opened and escalated conversation, if you don’t apply the right amount of closeness, you’ll lose any chance for a sexual attraction. You’ll never get a girl to like you if you don’t have a balanced approaching to touching her. 

This can be the most challenging aspect of creating chemistry. You don’t want to appear like you are a “stalker” by being all “touchy feely” and socially bizarre; however, you also do not want to be the unfortunate person who gets assigned “buddy status” either. Kinesthetic Touch has to trigger her subconscious sexual association zones but be appropriate at the same time. You want to start small and escalate over time by doing something she hardly registers. Check out my other article on 10 ways to touch a woman on a date

Why Touch is Important Before You Get Intimate

The importance of touch is vital for a successful path to seduction. A woman’s physical interaction with you decreases her natural resistance and opens her up to your influence. This is important because intimacy and sex occur normally on the date #3. Well, at least if you’ve successfully touched her enough on the first two dates to properly put her in the mood.

Let’s reverse the dynamic and say that you somehow secured a date #3 but haven’t touched her at all. Do you really expect the girl you have now dated twice to be vulnerable enough to have sex with you? She doesn’t even know how her body reacts when you hold her hand or touch the small of her back. Make sure you hug her hello and goodbye on date #1. Also be sure you have a strategy to kiss her on date #2. Keep her interested in between dates by sending her short subtle text messages. All of these tips are great ways to get women to want you. 

Other Ways Learning Touch Can Help You

The psychology of human touch has been used in sales for decades. Smart sales associates know that when they shake hands with a potential customer that they’re much closer to getting the deal. Natural seduction is really just sales only in a different format- you are selling yourself. It goes back to childhood and the psychological bond between mother and infant. Humans love to be touched (when it’s appropriate of course), and the sooner you make physical contact with your date, the sooner you’ll be able to solidify an intimate connection.

And guess what, now you know how to make her crave you.

Need More Support?

I know this topic is more easily said than done. Many of my one-on-one coaching clients struggle with learning how to build sexual attraction. The good thing is- if you start doing things in repetition they get easier. Getting women to want you is a skill. It must be learned and practiced over time.

If you need some 1-on-1 guidance with this topic, there’s no shame in hiring a dating coach, like me, for a short period of time. I’m here to help you via Skype. Check out my book page and schedule a coaching session with me. I love working with smart, hardworking men looking to crush their dating goals. 

With Love,

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