8 Best Ghosting Responses for Guys [That Even Dan Aykroyd Would Approve]

January 13, 2022
In Ghostbusters, the motley crew of paranormal hunters uses a proton pack to catch ghosts.

The proton pack uses a combination of radially polarized protons that electrostatically traps the negatively charged energy of a ghost.

Unfortunately at emlovz, our team of ghostbusters doesn’t have access to such weaponry.

What we do have, however, is a track record of making contact with more ghosts than even the best of mediums.

No need to take out that ouija board, simply read on to learn the best ghosting responses to send to your romantic ghosts.

Best Ghosting Responses

First off, what is ghosting?

Ghosting is what happens when a person you’re romantically interested in abruptly stops talking to you.

But it isn’t that they respond to your texts every once in a while or occasionally like your IG posts — nope.

Communication has been completely severed.

It’s as if this person died, and became, well, a ghost.

When Have You Been Ghosted?

There is no well-defined time period.

It’s not like if you don’t receive a response to your message after a few days you’ve been ghosted.

I think it’s safe to say you’ve officially been ghosted after not receiving responses to two unique TDLs.

Let’s say you send her this message…

“Hey Nicole, care to have a little dance battle this Thursday night at The Great Smackdown at 8?”

A week passes and she still hasn’t responded.

So you ask her out again…

“Nicole! I get off work at 5 and am fiending for a pretzel and billiards and I thought who has two arms, two legs, and also likes pretzels as much as me? 6 p.m. at Brickhouse — bring your spiciest mustard.”

Another week passes and she’s still yet to send you a message.

These are two concrete date requests that she straight up didn’t even acknowledge.

Two weeks is plenty of time to respond to an official TDL.

If that’s the case, chances are you’ve been ghosted.

If that’s the case, here’s some of the best ghosting responses you can employ…

1) Offer A Ghostbusting TDL [The Absolute Best Ghosting Response for Guys]

Some ghosts can’t be bothered.

They’re too busy scaring little children, hanging out with Kasper, or trying to convince people that they’re real… except you.

Some, however, don’t choose to kick it in purgatory, they just don’t have a good enough reason to make their presence felt.

That’s where the TDL comes in.

The TDL is the closest thing you have to a proton pack.

TDL stands for: time, date, location.

To craft, the perfect date request here’s a few things you should keep in mind

— Make known the time, date, and location

— Make sure the date is convenient for her (close to her home/work at a time she’s available has no other engagements)

— Use your knowledge of what she’s into to choose an amazing date idea

Here’s an example of a TDL.

“There’s a John Mayer concert this Thursday at 8 at The Meadows and I thought of you. Can’t wait to see this song live” **send her video of live version of song**

Time: 8 p.m.

Location: The Meadows

Date: Thursday

Activity: John Mayer concert

The key to crafting a quality TDL is to make to so easy for her to say yes to that she can’t say no.

This means asking her on dates mid-week when she’s got nothing else going on.

You should 100% use a TDL if you haven’t yet. She could just be lazy in getting back to your messages because she doesn’t want to be your pen pal.

NEWS FLASH! Women don’t use dating apps to find pen pals. If she gave you her number it’s because she wants to go out, you need only to convince her.

2) Check-In On Her (Anti-Ghosting Response)

Ghosts have feelings too.

Look women are freakin’ busy.

Busy with work, side-hustles, planning her friend’s birthday, finally finishing GOT, and of course… with boys.

There are a million reasons she hasn’t messaged you.

One reason could be because she’s not in the best of places mentally.

If that’s the case I’m sure she’d love a potential hubby to step up and show some compassion.

Shoot her a text (or better, a phone call) saying that you haven’t heard from her and just wanted to make sure that she’s alright.

Even if she isn’t suffering internally, she’ll take note that you give a shit about more than just having a naked pillow fight.

A sweet message like this could be enough to bring her back from the dead:

“Hey Sam. I haven’t heard from you in a while and just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing. Don’t be afraid to reach out if you need someone to talk with.” 

3) Send An Accidental Text

Here’s the thing.

Not all women feel comfortable ghosting.

Perhaps she was too busy/stressed/whatever to respond to your TDL.

After letting so much time elapse she now feels weird responding to your message. So instead, she says nothing and the ghosting continues.

Give her that opening she needs by using one of the best ghosting responses — the accidental text. It’s one of the best ghosting responses of all time, because it’s a sneak attack.

The message you send should involve an activity she’s into or something super random that demands a response.

4) Speak To Her Anxieties

Why did she ghost you?

There are a billion reasons as these women will tell you. 

Some reasons she might have ghosted you may include:

— She started dating another guy and likes him more

— She’s too busy with work

— You accidentally touched her breast

— Your date requests suck

— She hates texting

— You keep asking her out on Wednesdays… that’s her yoga day

Do you have any idea why she ghosted you?

Chances are it’s because you two just aren’t compatible and she didn’t have enough tact to text you as much.

But maybe not.

Perhaps there’s another reason why.

Think back to the time you spent together and re-read texts to see if you can figure out why.

Once you find the reason, simply address her fear via text and get back to dating again.

5) Use A Little Sass

Let’s be honest.

After radio silence for 3.5 weeks, chances are she’s truly crossed over to the other side.

If that’s the case, you really don’t have much to lose by sending her an off-color text like the one above (just make sure your grammar’s correct!).

Try sending her messages that are funny and sassy enough to provoke a response… they might just work.

6) Bait Her By Being Awesome On SM

There are some posts that are difficult to ignore.

Exhibit A:

Women get turned off when smothered.

Win her attention back by taking your foot off the accelerator.

Show her that regardless of whether she’s involved or not involved in your life you’re going to continue to live life to the fullest.

Sometimes the best ghosting response is a tease.

Bait her into a response by posting photos from your softball match, hike, social life, new hobby, etc.

If she still doesn’t bite, send her a post of yours that somehow connects to something you two spoke about previously. Perhaps you two discussed going on hikes. If that’s the case send her a post of your most recent jaunt through the woods and write, “Just wanted to make you jealous.”

7) The Best Ghosting Responses for Guys: Just MegaDate

When it comes to dating you’ve got to make like a shark.

Not in the sense that you have to eat anything that remotely resembles food, but rather that you have to keep moving.

You have to keep swimming and moving forward.

That means if one woman ghosts you, it’s time to date another.

The best way to move forward is by leveraging MegaDating.

MegaDating is all about dating multiple women at the same time in order to find a long-term romantic partner as quickly as possible.

This sounds like a dream doesn’t it?

You’re dating so many women simultaneously that you don’t have time to feel dejected from being rejected.

MegaDating isn’t something that any guy can pick up willy nilly.

To learn how to score multiple dates with women you’re really excited about, you’ll have to team up with the experts. To learn more just poke this shiny blue button.

8) Be Cool – A Must Ghosting Response

Romantic ghosts and paranormal ghosts behave in different ways.

Ghosts love when you search them out and invite them into your home with a ouija board.

Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge ghosts however hate being contacted.

There’s no reason to bombard her with messages.

The more you message the less likely it is she’ll respond.

If she ever does it’ll probably be a sassy response like this one (note the timestamps).

Why Do Women Ghost?

Women are humans, and as humans, they’re not really into confrontation, especially when the person potentially confronting them is twice their size and knows where they live.

That’s why it shouldn’t be any surprise that most women ghost to avoid confrontation.

She could text you saying she isn’t into you, but most times such a message isn’t even warranted.

You guys went on a couple of dates, and thus she believes she doesn’t owe you a detailed explanation as to why it didn’t work out, she just wasn’t into you, do you really need an explanation?

She doesn’t want to get sucked into a protracted back and forth that made lead to an argument.

So she simply fades into the background and becomes just another ghost.

Let it go my dude.

If you can’t that’s a problem as it happens to everyone and will most likely happen to you again.

Build Your Own Proton Pack

It’s true that your proton pack isn’t powered with radially polarized protons.

Instead, it’s powered by common sense, MegaDating, and some of the wittiest and best ghosting responses around.
