“My Real Life Superpower Is” Examples to Use on Dating Apps

August 9, 2021

Everyone wants a superpower, but few realize that they already have one.

Of course, these powers won’t help you much when applying for a senior superhero position with X-Men, but if leveraged correctly, they could at least help you get a date — and nowadays that’s a superpower in itself.

A couple years back, the Daily Mail published a story with this bombshell headline.

To score a date from a dating app you’re going to have to stand out from the pack and convince her you’re worth spending time with.

And there’s no better way to convince a stranger that you’re awesome than by flexing your superpower.

In this article, we’re going to be helping you answer the Bumble Prompt, “My real-life superpower is…”

My Real Life Superpower Is…

To be clear, Bumble prompts are questions you’ll have to answer when filling out your profile.

Bumble asks new users to fill out three prompts.

Filling out these prompts will only help increase the odds of scoring a match.

Bumble requires users to fill out prompts answering prompts like, “Swipe right if…” and “First round is on me if..” only serve to provide more information about yourself and humanize you.

When on dating apps — whether it be Bumble, Tinder, Hinge, etc. — any chance you have to endear yourself to a stranger should be taken.

To do that with Bumble simply fill out each of the Bumble prompts.

Don’t know what to write?

Don’t worry.

Feel free to get inspired, remix or straight-up steal the following responses to the prompt, “My real-life superpower is Bumble examples…

1) You’re Supposed To Provide A Real-Life Superpower Not An ACTUAL Superpower

My friend, she doesn’t even need to view your photos to swipe right on you.

This answer doesn’t only address a problem we all have but is in fact an actual superpower that Thor himself would be jealous of.

If you’re feeling cheeky, why not add, “… don’t believe me? Try me.”

2) Flex It Out

Humor’s nice and all but dating prompts are a great place to boast about your abilities.

If you’re actually a polyglot, don’t hide this information. Instead, broadcast this kick-ass ability to the world. She’ll obviously be impressed and will surely swipe right on a man that can woo her in any language she pleases.

3) Well That’s Useful

This is the type of superpower that really only trivia players will find useful, but that’s a good thing, here’s why.

You’re not trying to attract every woman that sees your profile.

Rather you’re only attempting to get women you’re interested in to swipe right on your profile.

If you’re a prolific trivia player, cool, let that be known.

Not to mention that writing about a real-life group activity in a dating prompt is an easy way to steer the conversation towards that activity and ultimately ask her to do it.

4) Umm… Wow

I hate you.

Those aren’t my words, rather the words of the many lady-bees of Bumble that are super jealous of your real-life superpower.

5) That’s Hawt

Look, even though more than half of Americans are vaccinated as of writing this article, not having a vaccine for some people is still a major turn-off.

Tell her that you’re loud, proud, and pretty freakin’ immune to a disease that’s killed millions worldwide.

Broadcasting your vaccine pride also allows her to assume a few other things about yourself.

Things like that you’re probably a liberal, you believe in science, and that you believe Tucker Carlson is the devil.

Feel free to be polarizing on dating apps.

Again, you’re not here to make friends with everyone, rather only the women you’re compatible with.

Anti-vaxxers and vaxxers aren’t exactly compatible… and no, in this case, opposites most certainly do not attract.

6) Mean Boys

To be fair if they don’t understand the quote, the response kind of falls flat.

But if it clicks, you’ll definitely be tossed into the yes pile.

Feel free to quote any movie or show that you feel is relevant. Just be sure that not all your responses are quotes from the movies.

7) The Real World

This truly is a real-life superpower.

Perhaps it might not be as coveted as the others but it’ll resonate with every woman that looks at your profile.

8) Play Her Song

The next thing she’ll do after reading this response is skip on down to see that your Spotify is connected.

If it is she’ll see something like this:

If you two listen to the same music it’s likely that she’d give you a shot of DJ-ing the next road trip.

Bragging about your playlist-building skills as well as linking your Spotify to your Bumble account gives her a number of tidbits to nibble on.

She knows absolutely nothing about you.

The best way to ensure she swipes right is to tell her as much about you as possible without listing out random hobbies and adjectives.

With that in mind always link your IG and Spotify accounts.

9) Skillz

Here’s another one of those good-for-nothing but still super interesting skills that the entire world should know about.

If she’s an SVU fan or a fan of any predictable TV show she’ll likely message you about your power to ask for tips or simply congratulate you on how useless your superpower is.

But ultimately, the jokes on her.

Little does she know that superpower of yours also helps big-time with the ladies.

Law & Order anyone? – just keep your mouth shut.

10) You Have To Stop In Order To Answer All Your Bumble Messages

You know what this skillful Bumble user’s talking about right?

How many of you really have the power to stop the next episode from playing?

Be honest.

If this user really can stop the inevitable from having, then perhaps this isn’t a real-world superpower at all?

Perhaps this guy is just the man that The Avengers were looking for. Now they can finally stop watching Bridgerton and get some work done.

11) Time Travel Is Really Possible


This guy’s an actual time traveler.

I mean the prompt said only “my real life superpower is” but this guy can actually travel forwards in time!


That, well, that just means he’s no different than me… and you, and every other human on this planet.

Meh, I still give him points for humor, a superpower in itself.

12) They Really Do Exist

I’ve heard about people like this, but actually finding one is rare.

As long as you don’t fall asleep on a first date (or secretly have narcolepsy) you should include this in your profile.

13) Wait… Seriously?

It doesn’t matter if everyone else has your superpower.

What matters is that you were able to identify it, articulate it, and make her laugh.

Laughter is the way to any swipe right.

Make her giggle, smile, or even think, “hmm, that’s funny” and boom you’ve got her.

14) LOL, Me Too

Some call it a mental health disorder, others, a superpower.

Either way, being upfront and funny about something that most consider an impediment is awesome.

Also, it’ll probably win you the attention of others that have ADD and ADHD.

15) Grammar Is Sexy

How many people still mistakenly use these words?

This is one of the most common errors in the book.

Such a response will resonate will a myriad of people, especially if you’re looking to meet a writer, journalist, teacher, or author.

16) Tell Me The Story

For one, I 100% don’t believe this person.

But that’s fine, in fact, that might even be a good thing.

Secondly, one time the mental alarm didn’t go off.

I want to hear that story.

Dangle these stories in front of women. If the story looks juicy enough it’s likely that they’ll bite.

17) My Real Life Superpower Is

I still don’t believe anyone is actually capable of folding one.

This response is funny, tough to believe, and is honestly impressive (at a domestic level).

18) Hardcore Skillz

This isn’t a feat that’s so easily accomplished.

At least winning a part of the armrest isn’t for the faint of heart.

It takes smarts, tact, and sometimes brute strength.

Why Do These Prompt Responses Work?

It doesn’t matter whether you’re on Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, or any other dating app.

Every woman wants to know who you are and be able to see the man she might go on a date with.

No woman will ever date a man without knowing at least a little about them.

Answering prompts like these will help her begin to answer some of the questions she has about you.

When in doubt write a response that:

— Makes her laugh

— Talks about your hobbies

— Humanizes your profile

— Is in-depth

— Is original

— Gives her something to latch onto

This last one is super important.

Let’s say you have awesome profile pictures but your prompts are either barren or bereft of wit.

That would be fine on Tinder, but not Bumble.

Ya see with Bumble, women are required to message first.

She might swipe right on your profile because you’re cute, but for her to message you’ll have to have a complete profile.

That means writing awesome responses to your prompts.

Give her something concrete — a story, details, hobby — that she can ask you about.

If you need help writing an awesome Bumble profile, and/or wanna learn about my super epic coaching program dedicated to helping you score a girlfriend in record time — hit us up via a 1-on-1 Zoom call today.
