“If You Laugh at This We’ll Get Along” Responses to Dating App Prompts for Guys

August 24, 2021

In 2017, 39% of all new relationships started via a dating app.

That number is expected to increase in the years to come.

So whether you’re a fan or not you better download dating apps and get to swiping.

Naturally, the first app you’ll download is Tinder.

However, I recommend clients download 5 dating apps.

I do so because each dating app is different and as such attracts a certain type of user.

Bumble for example attracts Tinder users that have just graduated emotionally from one-night stands and are looking for something a bit more serious.

As the app that helps young singles transition from callow relationships to more serious ones it’s the second most popular dating app in the USA.

Bumble is also far less superficial than Tinder.

It manifests this attempt to at least appear superficial via its prompts.

Users must answer three dating prompts in order to set up an account.

When scrolling through a profile in order to view a user’s photos you literally have to scroll by their answers to these prompts. Forcing users to answer prompts humanizes them and gives us more information about themselves thus creating a slightly less than a superficial connection.

In this article, we’ll focus on one of the most popular Bumble prompts, “If you laugh at this we’ll get along.”

If You Laugh At This We’ll Get Along

Feel free to steal, remix, or get inspired by the following prompts.

I promise that each is original and can’t be found anywhere else on Bumble… unless of course, you decide to steal it.

1) Make Her Call You Daddy.. But Not Like That

The objective of these prompts is to show — not tell — her who you are.

It would be easy to just write, “Dad jokes” and swipe away. But this user decided to expand on their brand of humor by providing a joke.

Look, Dad humor isn’t for everyone, but that’s okay. Your goal isn’t to attract everyone.

Liberals don’t want to attract conservatives, nerds don’t want jocks, and Marvel fans don’t want DC hotties.

That’s fine.

When it comes to writing these prompts, be uninhibited. Censoring yourself will only censor the people that you’re most compatible with.

2) Funny And Actually Kinda Brilliant

At first, it’s kinda cute, imagining all those little shopping cards with turn signals.

Then you start to think about it and realize it’s kind of genius.

Look, this is your chance to set yourself apart from the flotsam of Bumble. Don’t be afraid to keep those zany ideas locked up in your shower journal. Instead, let them breathe a little by sharing them with the ladies of Bumble, just make sure they’re SFW.

3) Elaborate But Worth The Read

This is the opposite of what most people will write.

Most will simply write, “Dane Cook” or “The Office.”

Luckily, you’re not most people.

You’re the guy that women will actually swipe right on. That is, if you opt for writing something like this elaborate anti-rich ruse instead of penning a list of your favorite comedians.

4) Short And Sweet

Is this a funny answer to a funny prompt? – no.

But that’s okay, and I’ll tell you why.

Whenever you’re answering these prompts you’re casting your fishing rod into a sea of Bumble fish.

However, how you decide to answer these questions is akin to the bait you use.

“Modern art” will only attract the single ladies that detest modern art as well. I’m talking about the ones that go to modern art museums and galleries for the simple act of making fun and laughing at the quote on quote “art.”

This actually doesn’t sound like a bad first date idea.

5) Shake It Like A Polarized Picture

Each answer is a picture, a glimpse if you will into who you are.

It gives the viewer a taste of what it’d be like to date you.

This prompt will clearly turn off a high percentage of women, but that’s okay.

Each message of yours is a broadcast. Just like Tucker Carlson’s broadcast, if you don’t want to hear what he has to say you can tune out. The ladies of Bumble will do the same, and for you, that’s a good thing.

If you can’t dream of dating a conservative, let it be known that’s not what you’re into.

Bumble attempts to help filter people out by political leaning by allowing them to provide info about their political preferences but it never hurts to broadcast your message loud and clear.

6) That’s Right, Crocs

Remember these?

They actually made a pretty big comeback during the pandemic. So big that the crocs you see in the photo are worn by Questlove as he struts his stuff at the 2021 Oscars.

However, some people still aren’t enamored with the porous, resin, swiss-cheesy monstrosity.

7) Humorous And Inventive, Not A Bad Combo

Whenever someone sees your answer to an “If you laugh at this we’ll get along” prompt, you want them to say, “Hah, that’s funny and brilliant.”

You want this to be the response because these are the same words you’d want someone to use to describe you.

“He’s funny, charming, brilliant, and would make any woman jealous.”

That right there is golden praise, and it all begins with your prompt response.

By the way, these actually exist, I Googled it. 

8) Fast & The Hilariously Bad

Nowadays everyone is a cinephile.

That being the case it’s pretty easy to divide people into certain categories based on the movies they watch.

We divide and then we make educated guesses on their character. It’s a crude strategy but when you’re using dating apps it’s just another superficial way to weed away undesirables.

Making it known that you’re a massive fan of (or anti-fan of) something will attract and repel the intended singles.

9) It Lives On!

For those that need a bit of a refresher, this is the Shake Weight.

“You just shake it! Back and forth!”

Ahh yes, the classic Shake Weight.

Back from the grave, you can be the one that resurrects a timelessly awful workout item from the grave for some easy laughs.

Remember how I said that you shouldn’t be scared to use an obscure reference or be polarizing so as to filter away singles that aren’t your type?

This answer kind of does the opposite.

But that’s okay.

It’s not like your Shake Weight response will have you receiving as many likes as women do. If anything it’ll shore up women that were already interested in you and increase your overall Bumble rating.

10) You Can Never Go Wrong With Animals

When you write this…

You want her to think of this…

Studies show that men are more likely to receive a like if a dog is in their photo.

I have a hunch that photos and bio that in any way connected to animals will bolster your chances are getting swiped right on.

Animals are just freakin’ awesome. There’s no mincing words here, animals are cute, cuddly, and yes, are man’s best wingman.

11) Make It Timely

The more timely your response is, the more punch it’ll have.

Making fun of a sport that’s renowned for how farcical it is, is an easy way to score some swipes.

12) Unpopular Opinion

Kevin James is the guy we all love to hate.

Although it should be said, for all the hate he gets he’s been in like over 20 films and keeps getting hit up to star in major films.

Either way, give single swipers something polarizing to latch onto.

They’re jaded by all the unoriginal responses on Bumble.

Giving them something novel to read will quickly endear them to you.

13) LOL, Truly

There’s just one issue I have with this response.

The grammar.

“Catching people dancing and singing…” is how it should read.

Grammar is a major turnoff.

It’s the equivalent of stuttering or using the wrong word in a conversation.

Being that she knows all of nothing about you, one misstep could any fantasy you had of becoming her boyfriend. To avoid such an error be sure to double and triple check your prompt before making it live.

14) Give Her What She Wants

This joke is genuinely funny. If you didn’t laugh, read it again and again until you visualize it. Then I’ll guarantee you laugh.

A female Bumble user never swiped left on someone that actually made her laugh out loud.

15) A Bit Elaborate But Worth The Wait

Give her something different to chew on.

I guarantee no one else on Bumble has written this as a response to this prompt.

An answer such as this one sets you apart because it shows you have an imagination and a brain.

The crazy thing is, most guys have both of these things, yet few decide to showcase them on Bumble.

It’s easy to stand out when you have all the qualities she’s looking for. You just need to actually give a damn and try a little bit.

16) Swipe For The Puppies

Have you ever gone on a hike with dogs and one little dog picks up a massive stick then tries to carry it for the rest of the hike?

As you can imagine that little pup’s going to run into some big issues… like trees.

17) Interact With Her

Bumble is different than Tinder in a variety of ways.

The most salient difference being that female users in Bumble must message first.

Men simply aren’t allowed to do so.

This means that you’ll have to coax a woman into sending you a message. One way to do that is by daring her to ask you for a cheesy pickup line.

The thing about cheesy pickup lines is that they don’t work… unless they’re asked for.

They’re kind of like vasectomies or anal douching in that way.

Time To Shine

Remember that the point of dating apps is to find a woman that you can ultimately date in person.

It’s not about boosting your confidence or practicing your flirt game.

Dating apps actually aren’t dating apps at all, they’re more like introduction apps.

To learn how to use these apps to better your dating life, watch this.

If somehow the video/article combo still hasn’t upped your dating game, it may be time to call in the big dogs.

Talk to a dating coach here at emlovz by booking a 1-on-1 Zoom call here. During your call we’ll discuss your dating goals, create a strategy, and determine if our results oriented coaching program could be right for you.
