How to Lose Weight & Look Great on a Date

July 22, 2014

Hey guys, it’s Emyli and today is part three of our three-part health and fitness series. Over the course of our last few episodes, we’ve discussed how to gain muscle and increase energy. Today is all about losing weight so you can feel your very best on every date.

Why is this important? Because when you look and feel your very best on a date, you communicate confidence, value, and a strong sense of self-worth. Exercise stimulates endorphins and increases testosterone production, which positively influence mate selection and pair bonding. In this segment of EmLovzTV, you’re going to learn how to increase your energy and feel great on your date.

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In order to lose weight, you’ll want to combine cardiovascular exercise with weight lifting to work both your aerobic and anaerobic muscle fibers. This will help your body to burn additional calories throughout the day, as well as during your workouts and even while you sleep. Try to mix it up as much as possible.

Try every class at the gym and make every day different. The more your body has trouble deciphering what you’re up to, the more calories it will consistently burn without hitting a plateau. When you lift weights, select a weight that allows you to do fifteen reps with each. If you can only lift it ten times, lower the weight.

We want you to work the correct muscle fibers and the more reps you can squeeze out, the more weight loss success you’ll have. Of course, you don’t want to choose a weight that’s too light either, that’s why fifteen reps is the perfect number for weight loss, to ensure you’re muscles are being properly challenged.

And now you know how to lose weight and look great on your date.  Now I want to hear from you! Tell me about your health and fitness goals in the comments below. Thanks so much for watching EmLovzTV and keep up the good work because you deserve the perfect partner.

With Love,

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