How To Keep A Girl Interested In You In 5 Steps

November 9, 2021

Figuring out how to keep a girl interested in you is often times harder than solving Rubik’s cube.

Romance is anything but straightforward.

There is no clearcut linear path that you can walk to make someone swoon for you.

No gleefully following the instructions until you’ve reached your goal of everlasting love (or kinky bathroom sex).

I’d call romance a dance but it’s more like that drinking game when you have to spring around a baseball bat five times before shotgunning a beer, all while trying not to yack.

What I mean to say is that love, romance, sexual tension, whatever you want to call it, isn’t obvious.

And yet here we are, you coming to me for answers, and me attempting to explain the impossible.

And yet, even though there is no route that works for everyone, there are a few paths that seem to have more success than others.

When it comes to how to keep a girl interested in you, there are no road signs.

Here, in this article, we’ll attempt to nail some of those road signs to the correct roads.

How To Keep a Girl Interested In You

To be clear, this article will focus on sustaining the interest of a woman who’s already interested or has shown interest.

It’s not about how to spark chemistry but rather how to maintain it and grow it until you two are exploding with sexual energy.

Use Compelling TDLs

Tell me what’s sexier, Starbucks or a cafe speakeasy?

How about ice cream at DQ or wine by the beach?

Last one, dinner at your place or dinner at your place, but neither person can use words to speak for the first 10 minutes?

As you can imagine these are all date ideas, however, some are clearly better than others.

Not all date ideas are created equal.

To keep her interested in you, you’ve got to keep the date ideas interesting.

More often than not a relationship will fizzle out because one party is just too bored to go on. There are only so many series on Netflix worth binging before you actually have to use your brain and find something interesting to do.

Do yourself a favor and think of awesome date ideas.

If you’re struggling to come up with some, here’s a list.

When you’re pitching the date idea make it sound both compelling, timely, and like a once-in-a-lifetime chance even if it’s not.

For example, if you’re inviting her to a cafe, ask her to come to this “new cafe that’s offering the best Iced Irish Coffee in town. But they’re only making them for the next couple weeks.”

Make sure the date of the TDL is three days away from when you ask it. Too soon and you don’t allow the sexual tension to rise, too long a waiting period and her interest will fizzle out/she’ll find better plans.

Have A Life Of Your Own

Not everything has to be about her.

In fact, most of it should be about you.

Look, if you’re too fixated on keeping this woman interested, the last thing you want to do is let her know that.

Texting and calling her everyday is a sure-fire way to put out the flame. Ironically, the best way to keep it alight is to give her space and have a unique, compelling, amazing life of your own.

Go out to eat with friends, attend a weekly sporting event, find a new hobby, have a life of your own that you’re happy with regardless if she’s in it or not.

Don’t just have a life but post about it.

Take photos like this one and post it on your IG or wherever she might see it.

Also, be mindful to keep some of your excursions a secret. Always have something new to talk about and inform her about.

This way she’ll see you as a dynamic man with a complex life of his own, one that she’d like to be a part of.

Words Of Seduction From An emlovz Expert

Brooke Cappa is a Mock Date Expert here at emlovz. Her job sees her interact with dozens of clients during practice dates. She’s noticed a few things about the men that stand out.

These are her thoughts on how to keep a woman interested:

“Confidence! Confidence goes a long way.

Not in an egocentric way but just being confident in who they are as a person.

Second is genuine kindness to others and the environment around them.

For example, my boyfriend picks up trash every time we are hiking because he feels it is his moral responsibility and that we all have a part in making the environment around us a better place. Or how he will chat with a homeless man for an hour just because he knows they need someone to talk to or listen to them.

We want a confident, strong man who can show the ability to take care of us and at the same time we want them to have a softer, more human side to reach our desire for emotional connection and fulfillment.”

Limit The In-Between Contact

Naturally, if you like this woman you’ll want to text her all the time.

You’ll want to tell her about your annoying co-worker, that song you heard the other day that reminded her of you, the pizza you’re eating, and the series you’re watching.

Do yourself a favor; don’t.

Save the conversation for the real world.

Texting is shallow and an inadequate way to communicate.

Telling her all about your life via text is like telling her the score of the game she wanted to watch. Sure she’s happy her team won, but she would’ve appreciated it a hell of a lot more if she saw her sidekick the winning field goal.

Save all that good stuff for when you’re talking in person.

At least for the first month of dating the only time you should be texting her is to either ask her out using a TDL or to confirm the date.

Keep those shower ideas and GOT theories to yourself.

Follow The MegaDating Script

If you adhere to the MegaDating life you won’t have to worry about that flame you’ve been burning fizzling out.

That’s because MD maps out the first three dates for you.

Here’s what they look like.

First Date Rules

First dates should last no longer than an hour and no more than $10 may be spent.

This allows you to date around while preserving your sanity, time, and money. It also allows sexual tension to simmer. If you had a connection with this person then 60 minutes of your time won’t be enough.

They’ll be craving a second date, just remember to ask them out using a TDL.

Second Date Rules

Second dates should be free, however, the time limit has been lifted.

These dates should be active and involve plenty of touching. It’s here when the sexual tension is meant to really increase.

Third Date Rules

This is when all that tension will culminate in mankind’s favorite pastime.

Both the time and financial restrictions have been lifted.

Third dates should be fancy, sexy, and take place close to your home.

Quickly And Tactfully Escalate Sexual Tension

If your focus right now is to learn how to keep a girl interested in you — know this — your interaction with her during the first three dates are the most vital.

This is when any misplaced hand or daft comment can turn her into a ghost.

Despite the necessity to generate sexual tension, you must do so while walking a fine line.

If you’re too reserved she’ll lose interest and friend-zone you. If you’re too aggressive she’ll get turned off and never talk to you again.

Let’s look at a few ways you can skillfully build sexual chemistry.

Oscillate Your Proximity

Always being three feet away means you’re well, always three feet away.

Nothing sexy ever happened at a three-foot distance. When possible, when at cafes, restaurants, walking down the street, while running, it’s important that for a decent portion of the date you’re within a few inches of her.

Imagine walking down the street so close to her that you’re gently bumping into her along the way.

Of course, you can’t start off this close.

As you too become more and more comfortable being around each other, push that comfort boundary by getting closer to her.

Once she allows you close to her, don’t linger there too long. Bounce back and forth between being close enough that she thinks you’ll kiss her and far away enough that a kiss is outside the realm of possibilities.

Find Playful Ways To Touch Her

I think this is a great way to trick your date into holding your hand.

It can be difficult to break the touch barrier.

But don’t think about it too much. The first few times you touch her should be playful and light rather than sexy and intense.

Here are a few ways you can initiate contact without being weird:

— Hug her hello

— Hug/kiss on the cheek goodbye

— Touch her back and guide her towards the chair/table/door/etc.

— Ask to compare hands

— Ask to see her tattoo and touch the tattoo (if it’s appropriate)

— Playfully bump her with your butt

— A joking punch or tap when she makes a joke

— Get her attention by literally grabbing her or tapping her then let hand linger on the back while showing her

— High five/pound

— Jokingly comfort her with a half-hug when she expresses mock disappointment

80/20 Rule

Make eye contact 80% of the time while looking away the other 20%.

If you want to win at “how to keep a girl interested in you” it starts and ends with eye contact.

Keeping your eyes glued to her 100% of the time can be a little awkward. Making eye contact 80% of the time you’re together is the perfect amount of time to create sexual tension.

Ask Her Questions/Have Her Open Up

Giving a damn about the words coming out of her mouth is sexy.

Genuinely caring about her thoughts, life, problems, successes, is incredibly endearing.

It’s also easy to do.

Simply showing you give a damn by asking questions and listening can be sexy.

How To Keep A Girl Interested In You

Just to make sure this sticks let’s sum up the many ways to keep a woman interested:

— Use compelling and novel TDLs

— Have your own vibrant social life

— Limit in-between nothing messages (e.g. “how was your day”)

— Follow MegaDating 1st, 2nd, and 3rd date rules

— Quickly escalate sexual tension

If you still don’t know how best to heat things up, no worries, just book a new client strategy session with me or one of my colleagues and we’ll give you all the secrets.
