How to Find a Girlfriend in College

November 4, 2016

[vc_row type=”in_container” full_screen_row_position=”middle” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″ tablet_text_alignment=”default” phone_text_alignment=”default”][vc_column_text]Hi guys, it’s Emyli America’s dating coach for men. So you want to learn how to find a girlfriend in college? Or maybe you are looking for some good college dating tips? Here’s how you can find a college girlfriend quickly.

Step#1: Grow Your Social Circle

Meet as many guy and girl friends as possible. The closer you get with people, the more you open up and the more they trust you.

If other people trust you, they’ll introduce you to their friends and guess what… one of their friends might just be a super cute single girl. 

A great way to meet more people is to join fun social groups or clubs. If you enjoy basketball, get on an intramural team. You’ll meet a ton of friends that way.

Once you are close with some new buddies, get close to the guys that have girlfriends. I guarantee your new buddy’s girlfriend knows at least 3 or 4 single girls who they can introduce you to.

A word of warning though…

Make sure and use this technique when you are 100% sober. It’s much more powerful to meet and interact with college girls when you are not under the influence.

The girls you meet will remember you as the 1 guy that didn’t have to be drunk to hit on them. Trust me, learn this technique and reap the rewards for years to come.

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The next thing you should do is megadate

Megadating is the process of dating many girls at the same time with the goal of eventually making the RIGHT one your girlfriend. This is one of my favorite college dating tips. 

Megadating helps to build your confidence and diffuses your energy by getting to know 3 or 4 girls at the same time. This keeps your mind occupied and you won’t have to spend your time worrying about just 1 girl.

If you are a sophomore in college, invest some time getting to know the freshman girls. Naturally, most college girls enjoy the company of guys that are one to two years older than them. This is a great tip if you are learning how to find a girlfriend in college. 

Once you master the art of surrounding yourself with girls, the next step is to start picking their flirting signs. When a girl flirts with you….you only have a few seconds to react before she shuts the door on you. 

When you do score some exclusive time with a hottie, make sure and have some activities planned. Girls in college like constant fulfillment.

Grab a frisbee and head out to the park. Then walk her back to her dorm room through a romantic trail. Show her, don’t tell her how much you like her. Women aren’t logical, so don’t try and reason with them.

There are some more pointers below, but make sure you sign up for my free weekly dating tips….

And if you are really serious about crushing your dating goals…. you will want to get started on my EmLovz Academy Online Dating Course where you’ll get 4 hours of my most premium dating strategies. You’ll also get 15 worksheets for you to complete during the training course. There are plenty more college dating tips inside my EmLovz Academy. 

Lastly, if you are looking for an dating coach for men (1-on-1 coaching) don’t forget to check out my book page and make an appointment today! My sessions are in person if you live in San Francisco….or via Skype or FaceTime if you live anywhere else.

I hope you learned a little more about how to find a girlfriend in college. Keep up the good work because You Deserve the Perfect Woman.

With Love,

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A San Francisco Dating Coach

