How To Approach Women Without Being Creepy

January 11, 2024

It’s kind of difficult to describe what being a creep looks like in the context of approaching women.

You just kind of know it when you see it.

Here’s what I mean.

If you didn’t cringe, your creep radar might be a little off.

Luckily, I’m here to fix that for you.

As you can imagine when I embarked on my 100-date experiment, I interacted with my fair share of creepy men. Ever since then I’ve been teaching men not only what NOT to do, but more importantly what you need to do in order to quickly build attraction.

In this article, I’ll impart to you what I’ve learned not only from my 100-date experiment but from the hundreds of clients I’ve helped coach through the years.

How To Approach Women Like You Know What You’re Doing

To be clear, this article will teach you how to approach women in the real world.

I know that we’ve all been in romantic hibernation for the past couple of years but it’s finally time to put the phone down and start conversing in person again like we did before the pandemic made us regress into socially awkward teenagers.

It’s time to pop those pimples and get back out there.

Here’s how to do so without appearing like a creep.

Situational Openers

All men have been there before.

You see a woman from across the room, tell your friends, they hype you up and give you all kinds of tips you know won’t work.

Your hands sweat, you have no idea what you’re going to say, and you’re now doubting whether or not you should even approach her.

Basically, you’re Jon Favreau.

It doesn’t need to be so gut-wrenching.

Simply talk to her as you would any other human.

Beautiful women or not, the easiest way to spark a conversation is to use a situational opener to start the conversation.

This is the absolute best way to start a conversation with a woman. 

If you were hoping for something more complex and novel, I’m sorry but that just won’t work. The more complex your opener the less likely it is that you’ll use it.

So what exactly do I mean by a situational opener?

Comment or anything related to the current context.

Here are a few contexts and examples of quality openers:


“I love this song, do you know who this is?”

“Wow that drink looks amazing, can I ask what you ordered?”


“I love your dog, what breed is she/her?”

“I see your dog *also does the same weird thing* my dog does”


“Hey, do you mind spotting me/showing me how to use this machine/showing me that exercise you just did?”

*As she finishes a class*“Hey how was the *salsa class* I’m thinking about joining?”

At A Party

“I think you’re going to have to show me that dance move”

“Hey, how do you know the *person throwing the party?”

Are these opening lines groundbreaking? No – and that’s kind of the point.

You don’t need some kickass line that she’s never heard before (trust me she’s heard a lot of them).

What most important is that you said something.

What’s second most important is that whatever you said wasn’t creepy.

Addressing the situation at hand and using context to inform what you say makes you come off as natural and genuine.

Above all, women want men that are natural and genuine.

Be Direct

Have you ever wished that you could just go straight up to a woman and tell her what you want?

Women want the same thing too — sometimes.

You don’t have to beat around the bush to get what you want.

Women love men that are straightforward. Telling a woman you’re interested in them from the jump shows her that your confidence and that you don’t want to waste anyone’s time.

So what does being direct look like?

Here are a few examples:

  • “I couldn’t leave here without knowing your name”
  • “Hi I’m Dave, what’s your name? I’d kick myself if I didn’t come over here and say hi”

We women know what men want.

We know that when you come up to us in a bar and ask us about the weather that you could give a damn if there’s a category 4 hurricane on its way tomorrow.

Being direct saves time, is sexy, and gets to the damn point.

However, if you’re swinging for the fences on the first pitch you have to be prepared to whiff.

Not if, but when women you approach this way object to either going out with you or having a conversation, be prepared to overcome their objections.

The best way to do so is to acknowledge that your method of conversing is a bit unorthodox. Recognize out loud that you don’t normally go up to women like this but that you were drawn to her.

If she continues to shoot you down it’s best to let her be.

How to Approach Women Respectfully w/ Hunt Etheridge

Hunt Etheridge is a dating coach who specializes in helping his students excel in the field.

Hunt has hit the town with hundreds of men as he teaches them the art of approaching women.

When we recently sat down and chatted with Hunt, he had a few pieces of advice and stories to share about his experience helping men approach women.

Over his years as a dating coach, Hunt has approached thousands of women.

Here are his biggest takeaways…

1) You’re Not Going Out To Hit On Women You’re Going Out To Have Fun

This approach does two things for you.

For one, it changes your mindset. It ditches the win-or-lose mentality most men have when hitting on women. Instead of the night being about getting a bunch of phone numbers, it’s about having a good time with friends.

2) Go To Super Social Events

If you want to meet women, don’t go to a bar on a Monday night.

Hunt recommends hitting white parties, rooftop bars, and pitch conferences – wait what?

That’s right, even non-romantic events can be gold mines. When asked about the pitch conference, Hunt said sure, “every single person there is someone to approach.” 

Networking events like the aforementioned are great places to meet people because everyone there has the explicit mission of meeting other humans. So in other words, go to events where people are super receptive to meeting new people.

It doesn’t matter if they’re not sexy places, so long as you make a connection you win.

3) Just Say Hello

Well, to be fair it’s a bit more involved than that.

When approaching single ladies (but really all humans) Hunt says to “walk up to someone and introduce yourself” though he also elaborated to say, “don’t be a dick, be a good human, and make somebody smile.” 

It’s really that easy.

But this isn’t the hard part.

The hard part is the approach. It’s the butterflies that are flying around kamikaze style in your stomach. This fear of the approach will go away in time, but if you’re struggling just remember that according to Hunt, nothing matters.

By that he means his students are super concerned about their attire, astrology signs, what their drink says about you, etc. But none of that matters. What matters is who you are. What matters is your intention, what matters is being respectful, and bringing positive energy to the conversation.

To prove his point he told a story about a student he took to a bar who felt he needed the perfect line to approach women. Hunt was tired of this guy dragging his feet so he said hey, give me an opening line, literally any line and I’ll use it to start a conversation. 

His line?

Those oranges smell good. 

Not the best opening line, but Hunt made do.

He approached a trio of women at the bar and said, those oranges smell good.

The response?


He pivoted and said, yeah that’s what I’d name my boat if I won the lottery, what about you guys?

He went into the conversation simply trying to make a connection. Hunt didn’t want to score a number, take her home or steal a kiss. He just wanted to start a conversation.

And when that’s your only goal, approaching women becomes super easy.

Reframe Your Approach

This hack is almost cheating.

The reason you’re getting sweaty palms before approaching a woman is because of your expectations.

Ya see, you’re framing the interaction as a win-or-lose situation when it’s not.

To you, it’s all or nothing — her number or rejection. 

It doesn’t need to be this way.

Release some of the pressure but altering your perspective.

Instead of saying that you’re approaching a woman with the intent to flirt, simply tell yourself that you’re going to have a conversation and nothing more.

You’d agree that less anxiety-inducing to have a conversation than to flirt wouldn’t you?

However, changing your perspective requires changing how you interact with her and what you say.

If you’re going to change your perspective you can’t be duplicitous. You either go in with the intention of having a conversation because you’re genuinely interested in her or not. There is no middle ground.

Once you approach a few women this way you’ll soon become an approach expert and will be able to turn up the heat.

Find A Commonality

The quickest way to build a connection is to acknowledge a commonality.

You can do this two ways.

1) Use the context to find a commonality

If you’re at a gym, party, sporting event, etc. it should be easy enough to acknowledge something you two share in common, thus quickly forming a bond.

2) Comment on something she’s wearing/has in her possession

Maybe she’s wearing a Lakers jersey and you too are a Lakers fan or maybe she’s reading a book you’re read in the past or want to read.

Whatever the similarity is, quickly acknowledging this will accelerate your bond.

Play on this similarity while building attraction. If done correctly it will culminate in you scoring her number.

Ask For Her Opinion/Ask A Question

According to the most legendary conversationalist of all time, Dale Carnegie, the best way to get someone to like you is to show genuine interest in what they have to say.

“You make more friends in two months by becoming genuinely interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” -Dale Carnegie

This means listening 70% of the time and talking only 30%.

The easiest way to show interest is by asking questions and soliciting her opinion.

Ask her what she thinks of your shirt, the music, the beer, where to go after this bar, etc.

How To Approach Women Without Being Creepy – Do It Quickly!

The longer you wait the harder it’ll become to talk with her.

The moment you second guess yourself is the moment your hands start shaking and your palms start sweating. The thoughts in your head will only grow louder and louder until all you’re overanalyzing how to talk with her.

It’s best to approach her quickly before you psyche yourself out.

The moment you have an urge to talk with her is when you should approach.

Get Rejected/Practice

It doesn’t matter if you’re Brad Pitt, sometimes you’re going to get rejected.

The best way to perhaps not conquer but live with your fear of rejection is to befriend it.

Make fear manageable and use it as a tool to identify things you really want.

If you need a little inspiration, just check out Jia Jiang’s 100-day rejection experiment.

If you don’t want to get “rejected” that’s fine.

Simply “practice.”

Talk to strangers and beautiful women until doing so is normal and is just part of your routine.

Dress To Approach

The woman you’re approaching has never seen you before.

She’s never had a conversation with you, hasn’t seen your IG, and doesn’t know your sign.

In a matter of moments she is going to judge you. 

Be seen in a positive light by dressing to impress.

That means dress according to the context if not a bit better.

When in doubt wear a jacket, watch, and dress shoes.

There’s rarely any harm in being seen as a sharp dresser.

How To Approach Women: What To Avoid

We’ve discussed how not to appear like a creep.

Now it’s time to learn about the dealbreakers that you’ll want to avoid at all costs.

Complimenting Her On Her Looks

There’s a time and place to compliment a woman on her looks.

However, men today rarely know when and where this place is.

There are two reasons women aren’t fans of men they don’t know complimenting them on their looks.

1) They do it ALL THE TIME

2) It makes us uncomfortable

If you don’t believe me that women get compliments on their looks every damn day, ask to read your friend’s Bumble, Hinge, or Tinder messages.

I guarantee they’re full of men complimenting them on their looks.

Women are blase of receiving these messages. Even if your intentions aren’t lascivious, it’s best to tuck that compliment under your tongue until you’re dating.

Secondly, being complimented on our looks by a complete stranger borders on sexual harassment.

News Flash: If we don’t know you we won’t fuck you.

We have to feel comfortable in your presence before we can even flirt with you.

Feeling Or Thinking That You’re Creepy

If you feel weird, so will we.

Get in the right mindset before approaching us.

Do some power stretches, go over your opening line, and tell yourself that you’re simply making friendly conversation.

Again, if you feel weird about approaching, acknowledge that you’re a little uncomfortable when doing so.

Tell her…

“I’m super shy but I’m working on my confidence and I knew that I would kick myself if I didn’t come talk to you. I’m Kaloy whats your name?”

Being honest — even about your insecurities — is cute and endearing. Every woman wants a confident guy, but confronting your fears and approaching (something 99% of men don’t do) is plenty sexy.

Avoid Approaching Women 10 Years Younger

If she looks like your daughter maybe don’t approach her.

It’s that simple.

Don’t Linger

Be able to read the room.

Read her non-verbal cues and the behavior of her friends to look for signs she’s into you.

The quickest way to turn a woman off is to linger, stare, and not take a hint.

If she isn’t into you, tell her it was a pleasure to meet her and leave with your head held high.

How To Approach Women: Next Steps

Approaching women isn’t always something you want to go through alone.

Luckily, you don’t have to.

Are you ready to find out how a dating coach can improve your dating skills?

To learn more about how we’ll imbue you with supernatural dating skills, talk to one of our coaches via a 1-on-1 Zoom conversation.

During your new client introduction session, we’ll discuss your dating history, talk through your current goals, and most importantly, see if we can help you accomplish your goals with our coaching program. 
