Dating a Selfish Woman? 7 Ways To Spot Them Before You Get Hurt

May 30, 2022

Spotting a selfish woman isn’t like spotting an overripe banana at the supermarket.

Your ability to take a step back and objectively judge her actions as selfish or not become corrupted the closer you are to her.

Furthermore, selfish women might not let their manipulative powers shine through until later on in a relationship.

You may have noticed that you have a type.

The gimme-gimme, me first, selfie-obsessed type.

I’m sure you’d consider the ability to quickly identify selfish characteristics in women you date a low-key superpower.

I don’t have a tub of radioactive guck to bath yourself in, but I do have tried and true methods that have helped good guys identify a selfish woman.

Over the next few minutes, I’ll equip you with powers even Superman himself would like to have.

But hey, if it’s not just learning to identify selfish traits in women that you’re interested in but rather how to rewire bad dating habits and jumpstart your dating life, you should check out our Masterclass.

Our MasterClass is called The Proven 3 Step System to Finding the Woman of Your Dreams Fast.

In the MasterClass, we discuss our 3-step strategy for:

  1. Revamping Your Dating Process with MegaDating.
  2. Creating an Online and Offline Strategy to fill up your dating funnel with lots of amazing women.
  3. How to Follow the Date Blueprints to make her want to be your girlfriend.

Dating a Selfish Woman…

When I ask my clients to describe their ideal partner they normally say things like, kind, loving, fun, a good mother, down-to-earth, etc.

Not once has a client ever voiced a desire to date a selfish woman.

What they have voiced is a pattern of attraction towards selfish women. The exact type of woman they wish they could identify and weed out before ever swiping right.

This is how you can identify these women before you’re in too deep.

Self-Anointed Queens

Despite what she thinks, that Snooki pouf on her head isn’t a crown.

A queen is the type of girl that sits back and reclines with their arms crossed as you attempt to entertain her.

Only will she come out of her shell and show you her personality once she believes you’re worthy.

She is of the mind that she’s better. That she deserves special treatment and to be genuflect at by aspiring suitors.

You know she believes she deserves the world when she:

  • Doesn’t offer to pay the check
  • Expects things big and small from you
  • Asks for favors out of nowhere
  • Is old-fashioned thinking
  • Is not a feminist
  • Daddy’s little girl

The above are all signs that she could be a selfish queen. If she displays a few of the signs above then you can safely say she’s too selfish to date.

Takers Never Givers

You’ll likely want to help your new flame out if she asks.

That’s a natural tendency.

You’re a nice guy and the woman you’re courting needs help so of course, you’ll oblige her.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to do a favor or two for the woman you’re dating.

But how does she react when you ask things of her?

What does she do when you call minor date audibles, request her to arrive early, or ask her to reserve a table for you?

You know she’s too selfish to pursue when she deflects even the most minor of requests.

Not only this but when you do something nice for her the words “thank you” suddenly become too difficult to pronounce.

Whenever you’re in a new relationship, be mindful of the balance of favors.

Ask yourself if you feel as though you’re doing much more for her than her for you.

You’re The Afterthought

Selfish people take others’ feelings and schedules into account when making plans.

If they really cared about creating an awesome relationship they wouldn’t text you after two weeks asking to hang out at a bar close to their house last minute.

Women that only accept dates that are convenient to them are too selfish to care about what you’re going through.

They only consider you when they have nothing else going on. And even then they’re not going to inconvenience themselves to hang out with you.

When you ask them to hang out they simply give you the same lame excuse over and over again.

Chances are this person is breadcrumbing you.

Breadcrumbing takes place when a person wants to put you on the backburner. They don’t want you in their lives as their main romantic interest but want you close enough that when they want to call upon you, you’ll be there.

Chances are this person wants to hang out with you because they don’t want to be alone. Their other social options aren’t available so they call you up from the reserves.

You Never Meet Her Many Friends

She has so many friends.

There’s Sam, Shelly, Andrea, Tim, Beth, and a billion more.

She’s always telling you about the amazing brunches she goes on and bars she visits.

But that’s as much as she’ll tell you.

She doesn’t appear to have any close relationships — but it’s not like you’d know, you’ve never met any of her friends.

They have a million acquaintances but no one in their life that really matters.

If you think this is the case, press her to meet her friends.

The next time she tells you a story of one of these supposedly close friends, tell her, “Hey why don’t you invite Jamie to get a drink this Thursday?”

Make it known that it’s okay for her friends to join you two.

If she continuously finds excuses and refuses to invite her friends out, you know she doesn’t have any close friends OR that she doesn’t think you’re serious enough to meet them.

Whatever the case may be the red flags should be waved high and flapping in the wind.

Everyone Is Boring

If you don’t have more than 5K followers, you’re too boring to be liked either online or IRL.

She could care less about who you are or what makes you interesting. If there isn’t an immediate connection she’ll forget about you.

She’s too self-centered and selfish to make any attempt to get to know you or your friends.

Sure she may keep you around, but that’s because she 1) doesn’t have any friends and/or 2) you feed her IG-worthy meals.

You’d think that in exchange for asking her out to a steak dinner the least she can do is listen when you open your mouth, but that’s not how this works.

She may nod and occasionally agree with you, but she’s not into the conversation. She’s focused on anything that isn’t you. She cuts you off, acts like she knows everything, and is never surprised or enthused by what you say or do.

I know trying to entertain her can feel like a fun competition but is that what you want your entire relationship to feel like — a competition?

She Hides Her Personality

Even more difficult to find than a needle in a haystack is her personality.

Despite spending countless hours with her you still don’t really know who she is.

She comes off nice, perhaps a little vapid, a little shy, but really she’s just scared to show you who she is.

Scared because she knows that if the real her comes out you might reject her.

Instead of showing her your true colors and allowing you to reject her, she’ll protect her ego by refusing to come out of her shell and instead reject you when she becomes bored.

She’ll always come out on top, she won’t have it any other way.

Initially, she may show genuine signs of being interested. She may ask questions, smile, and laugh.

But after a while she’ll go back into her hole.

She’ll refuse to answer texts, avoid making plans, and only hit you up when she needs something.

Perplexed And Pissed

A selfish woman is exceptionally skilled at messing with your mind.

Whether they mean it or not they’ll have you questioning your worth.

Why in the world would this beautiful woman deflect your messages only to spontaneously hit you up once a month?

Whenever you ask her a penetrating question she simply smiles and gives some vague pseudo-profound response.

It’s kinda hot, but infuriating.

You don’t know whether you’re hot or cold, in or out, in love or disgusted.

This confusing amalgam of feelings will leave you doubting your self-worth and losing self-esteem.

Don’t give in to these feelings. 

The second you start detecting the selfish signs we’ve covered it’s time to move on.

These selfish women do more harm than good.

They’re not long-term investments.

But it’s tough, especially when you’re not meeting many women.

Luckily, there’s a solution for that.


MegaDating is my coaching philosophy and it shapes my coaching program.

Our philosophy is all about dating various women at the same time in order to quickly find a suitable partner.

Finding compatible women, asking them out with a TDL, and dating them will show you that you don’t need to cling on to an unworthy partner.

It’ll give you the confidence to let go of a woman and say I can find someone better.

It’s this philosophy that shapes our Dating Decoded program.

Learning how to identify a selfish woman is one thing but completely turning out your dating life takes effort.

Through our four-pronged coaching program (online curriculum, 2x weekly coaching calls with yours truly, mock dates, and a private online community) you’ll learn all the skills necessary to find and court women in 2022.

To learn more about the program, book a 1-on-1 call with myself or a member of my team where we can talk about your dating goals and see if our program is a good fit for you.
