10 “I Quote Too Much From” Bumble Prompt Answers for Men

i quote too much from

Who are you?

That’s the number one question she wants you to answer with your Bumble prompt responses.

As of right now, you’re a stranger. Even after she skims your profile, you’ll still be a stranger. But with your Bumble prompt responses you can persuade her that you’re the type of stranger she should spend time getting to know.

With Bumble, you can use up to three prompts to showcase your personality.

Today we’ll look at the “I quote too much from…” Bumble prompt.

i quote too much from

This is the perfect time to show her who you are, what music you like, what shows you binge, what authors you read, and creed you live by.

To give you an idea of what a quality prompt response looks like we’ve created 10 “I quote too much from…” responses for you to model your response on.

1) Get Her Involved

i quote too much from

Make Bumble prompts an interactive game.

Reach through the screen and seduce her into a conversation.

The less interactive response to this prompt would have been, “The Office.”

But not only is that lame, but mentioning The Office on dating apps is cliche and provides no insight into who you are. Saying you like The Office is like saying you like food… cool, how unique. 

If you’re going to mention a show that literally every human likes, at least be creative with it. Turn your response into a game that invites her into a conversation.

Oh and by the way, the answer is Dwight, but you already knew that.

2) Insightful & Funny

i quote too much from

The best Bumble prompts are funny and yet insightful at the same time.

Let’s imagine you wrote this response and how you’d present yourself in her eyes.

First off it shows that you and your family are learned people, pensive, cultured, and respect the sage wisdom of the East.

It also piques her curiosity. I mean who passes a philosophy book down from generation to generation? It’s cool and it sucks her in.

Let’s remember that the ladies of Bumble are required to message first. That’s great and all if she swipes right and you two match, but if she doesn’t message you, the match will expire along with your chances of ever meeting. Your prompt response needs to be interesting enough for her to want to message you to learn more.

The first part of this message does plenty to peel back a layer of your personality. The second part, however, shows her you have a sense of humor.

Women love a funny, witty man that can make her laugh – I mean who doesn’t?

Showing her that you’re a funny guy will convince her to swipe right, message first, and maybe ever go on a first date. 

3) Just An Amazing Quote

i quote too much from

Honestly, this is just an amazing quote, plain, simple, and powerful.

As you can see it doesn’t pair perfectly with the prompt, but that doesn’t matter.

The prompt wants us to cite who we’re quoting from first then freestyle. We’re not going to do that.

It’s okay to bend the rules and respond in a way you deem fit.

That being said, if you’re going to drop a quote with zero explanation makes sure it’s a damn good one. I’d like to believe that this quote from Marianne Williamson (author and one-time Democratic candidate for President) is powerful enough to stand on its own.

Don’t just choose any quote willy-nilly but one you really believe in. Don’t forget that the ladies of Bumble can choose to directly comment on the quote you choose. You want to choose one that displays your personality and that resonates with who you are.

4) Gotta Love A Good Misquote

i quote too much from

No… the great Mahatma Gandhi did not encourage you to be the sexy animal you want to see in the world. I’m pretty sure he said, Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

But that’s okay, I’m sure Gandhi won’t mind, and neither will the women that read this message.

A purposeful misquote can be funny, unexpected, and a needed jolt.

Too many Bumble users take these prompts too seriously. Too many give three-word answers that are dull and not worth wasting the three seconds required to read them.

At the very least, make your response attention-grabbing.

5) List Em’ Out

i quote too much from

She has no idea who you are, what you’re about, who you read, or who inspires you.

So tell her.

If you love fantasy, list out your favorite fantasy authors, if you love radio talk shows, list out your favorite talking heads, and if you love comics, list your favorite comic strip writers.

But ideally, you do more than just list a few authors.

Take this response for example.

After listing a few I write that I’m an aspiring Tony Robbins (perhaps choose a different mentor as he was accused of sexual assault). By going off script for a moment you show her your real voice. That’s what she wants to see and read.

6) Local As Local Quotes Get

i quote too much from

Show her you’re a local guy with a local sense of humor by bonding over hilarious local commercials.

Women aren’t willing to invest in you if you’re not tied to a certain area.

Women don’t like transient men that are only in the area for a short period of time. She wants someone she can invest in (how do I know? – she’s using Bumble, not Tinder). Show her you’re a local and that you’re up to date on the local culture by quoting or name-dropping your favorite hilarious local small business commercial.

There is no better way to quickly form a bond than by vibing on some niche or obscure hobby or shared interest.

7) Make It A Game

i quote too much from Bumble prompt

Here we have another instance of turning the “I quote too much from…” Bumble prompt into a game.

A prompt response like this invites her into your message queue as well as your world.

This particular prompt response is nerdy, all about fantasy, and designed to attract a woman who has shares this taste with you. That’s the beauty of the prompt. It gives you a chance to quickly and easily let her know what you’re into. Chances are fantasy lovers are more compatible than reality TV, Jersey Shore binging people.

8) My Only Rule… Never Fall In Love At The Jersey Shore

i quote too much from Bumble prompt

Look we all have our guilty pleasures right?

Some people love American Idol, others love Mike and Ikes, and some people love the Jersey Shore.

I’m not saying you need to put it all on the table so early on in the getting-to-know-you process. But what I am saying is that you want to attract a certain type of person with these quotes. If you want to attract the type of gal that loves a good reality TV show binge, it’s best to make that known now.

If she too loved the Jersey Shore and reality TV, chances are she’ll swipe right, thinking that she’s finally found her guido in a shining spray tan.

9) Get Political

i quote too much from Bumble prompt

It’s a well-known fact that people on opposite sides of the aisle don’t date. 

They just don’t.

So if you’re the political type and don’t want to date someone who doesn’t share your political beliefs, make your beliefs known.

Talk politics on your profile, be aggressive, and use your profile to make it clear that you’re not willing to date the person that dated for that other guy.

This may seem a bit forward and unnecessary. Why of course would you want to turn women off?

Your goal with creating your profile is to attract a certain type of person – a compatible person. You don’t want to attract every woman under the sun.

Doing so would swallow up all your time and lead to a lot of dead ends – so don’t.

Only attract women that you’re compatible with, while repelling women that are your opposite.

Because if there’s anything being a dating coach for a decade has taught me is that opposites don’t attract. 

10) The Swanson

i quote too much from Bumble prompt

This is a classic curveball.

At first it appears wholesome and lovely. Any woman looking for a long-term partner wants her BF to have a solid relationship with his parents. It shows he’s been raised well, is capable of love, and most likely has a secure attachment style.

This is all well and good, but if that’s all you wrote, she might be wondering if you have an edge.

That’s where the second part of this “I quote too much from” Bumble response comes in.

It shows that your parents are maybe a little out there if they sound like Ron Swanson. It also suggests that Ron Swanson is your idol – that’s odd, yet funny enough not to be weird.

Who knows, she might just swipe right.

She’ll Swipe Right (Nearly) Every Time

These prompts are examples meant to inspire you and give you an idea of what type of Bumble prompt responses are most likely to receive a positive reaction from a Bumblebee.

But if you need a bit more guidance, I encourage you to check out our comprehensive dating program, Dating Decoded.

In it we teach men how to MegaDate (date multiple women at once) and how to find these women online.

Via our weekly live sessions, online community, and self-paced online learning platform you’ll learn the ins and outs of dating apps. You’ll learn how to create the ideal profile, how to chat with women online, and how to ask them out using a TDL.

If you’d like to learn more check out our Masterclass or book a 1-on-1 call.  

Check out how our students have benefited from enrolling in Dating Decoded here.Â