Here’s the 6 Biggest Turn On’s for Men’s Dating Profiles (According to Women)

biggest turn ons for men's dating profiles

If you haven’t heard, meeting someone online is now the most popular way to meet your new romantic partner.

That’s not me talking but Stanford University.

A study of relationships that started in 2017 found that 39% of them began online. That number is only expected to have risen in subsequent years.

Even Cupid has embraced tech as he’s ditched his bow and arrow for an algorithm.

But just because dating apps are more popular than ever doesn’t mean everyone has online success.

There are still too many men that think shirtless gym selfies and photos of themselves showing off their latest catch are enough to reel in a match on Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge.

To help you score more matches, we’re going to reveal some of the biggest turn-ons for men’s dating profiles.

Biggest Turn Ons For Men’s Dating Profiles According To Women

We’ve asked the ladies of Tik Tok what turns them on most about a man’s dating profile.

This is what they said.

1) Versatility

When we took to Tik Tok recently to ask women what their biggest turns ons for men’s dating profiles were this was one of the most liked responses.

Pics of dressed up in addition to casual clothes. Tells me they can dress up or down.

As of now, you’re just a card in an endless deck of profiles. All that you are has been reduced to a romantic resume comprised of a few photos and most likely cliche prompt responses.

This is your one and only chance to stand out.

Do so by letting your humanity shine through.

Everyone on Tinder and Bumble have personalities (regardless of what their profiles convey). The issue is communicating to women that you are in fact awesome and worth spending time with.

One of the easiest ways to do so is by presenting them with a range of looks and styles.

If in every photo you’re wearing a similar style of clothing (or god forbid the same outfit!) she’ll see you as one-dimensional.

So instead, give her a range of styles to look at. 

Doing so will convince her you’re a man of depth – or at least that you own a sports jacket.

biggest turn ons for men's dating profiles

2) Words Are Worth A Thousand Pictures

Alright, maybe they’re not worth a thousand pictures, but a witty bio might be worth a thousand matches.

When they actually fill out their profile. Honesty and being genuine. Clear, current photos.

Filling out your profile means more than throwing up a few casual and GQ-styled photos — it means writing a genuine and honest profile.

Most of the men on dating apps refuse to invest meaningful time in writing a bio and responding to dating prompts.

They refuse to invest time because they don’t see the value in doing so.

Most men treat filling out a profile the same way they do filling out a customer service survey. They rush through the questions as quickly as possible before moving on to bigger and better things.

This isn’t what women want.

They’re tired of swiping left on profile after profile of men that have put little effort into their profiles.

Stand out by giving a damn.

What does that look like?

Here are a few examples.

3) Let Her Into Your Life

Right now you’re not a human.

You’re just another stranger on a dating app.

What will it take for her to see you as a human?

This is what one Tik Tok responder told us:

Pictures that share what his life is like and a completed but HONEST profile! Be direct no matter what..tell us what you are looking for.

She wants to know who you are.

If you feel like a stranger she won’t feel comfortable enough to go out with you. Squash those fears by showing her you’re a normal, cool guy worth spending an evening with.

One way to do this is with hobby pics.

Everyone has photos of themselves at breweries holding a beer and smiling into the camera.

That tells her nothing about who you are.

Instead, show off your hobbies.

If you’re a cyclist, flex your bike skills.

biggest turn ons for men's dating profiles

Or maybe you’re into Sunday pickup, great, show off your Globetrotter skills.

biggest turn ons for men's dating profiles

Give her an idea of what you do outside of the app.

Allow her to envision you living a complex existence of your own.

Now let’s talk about the second part of this Tik Toker’s response.

4) Be Honest And Direct

The first part of her response dealt with an honest profile that showed off what his life is like.

The latter part of her response deals with honesty and addressing what he’s looking for.

Be direct no matter what… tell us what you are looking for.

Online daters are tired.

They’re tired of wasting time with people who either don’t care to find someone online (despite being on the app) or whose relationship goals don’t align with their own.

I say this because so many online daters simply don’t use the app to meet people IRL.

Just take a look at a survey of college-aged Tinder users.

More than 70% had never met a Tinder match IRL.

biggest turn ons for men's dating profiles

That’s because for most people dating apps are games, not romantic tools used to find life partners.

Dating apps are most often used for procrastination purposes or to boost confidence — not for finding a date this Friday.

There are a few ways to be upfront and signal what you’re looking for.

One way is to fill out a quality profile.

That means filling in your bio and answering prompts. It also looks like uploading a range of high-quality photos.

But most importantly it means being direct.

On certain dating apps you can choose what you’re looking for.

In Bumble you’ll find what someone a looking for next to the magnifying glass. 

biggest turn ons for men's dating profiles

You can also write what you’re looking for in your bio.

Doing so may not be one of the biggest turn-ons for men’s dating profiles but it’s a solid tip as it allows you to quickly filter out women that whom you’re not compatible.

5) Light Hearted, Candid, Real

As you can see by now there’s a turn-on that keeps popping up.

Women want real profiles that showcase a user’s character.

Here’s how one woman put it:

Photos that seem genuine and candid and seem to have some semblance of their daily life. Bio is fun and light-hearted.

Too many guys take online dating too seriously.

They list out their litany of must-haves and dealbreakers without even hinting at their own personalities. Or they provide super serious Bumble prompt responses when a silly one is more fitting.


If you’re one of those guys, relax.

At least in the early stages of any relationship, you want to keep things light and breezy.

If that’s the case for the IRL it’s especially the case for the online dynamic.

No need to talk about five years plans, having kids, or marriage just yet.

Focus on cracking a joke or two and making a connection.

6) Do NOTS

I know this is a list about turn-ons, but when we asked our Tik Tok followers for their thoughts on the matter they couldn’t help but offer a few turn-offs.

There was one particular turn-off that came up a few times.

Photos without sunglasses and a nice smile

Pics without a mask

Oh PLEASE do not put a fish pic in your profile. We don’t gaf about your fish🙄 Go show your bros

As you can see women really don’t like it when you obscure your face.

They also don’t like when you pose with the fish. But more about the fish later, first let’s talk about those glasses.

Realize that she has no idea who you are or what you look like.

Your profile is supposed to clarify those two things.

But it’s difficult to show what you look like when you’re wearing glasses, hats, and other accessories that obscure your face.

Guaranteed she won’t go out with you if she doesn’t know what you look like.

Mitigate any fears she might have by creating a photo roster that looks like this:

1) HD headshot with awesome background

2) Show off those limbs with a full-body shot

3) GQ shot – dress to impress

4) The group pic – show her you have friends (and are ideally the most attractive of the bunch)

5) The sporty pic

6) The poocher — show off your dog

I can’t stress enough how important it is that she knows what she looks like.

Now let’s talk about that fish.

First off, women in general aren’t super into fishing. It’s just not our thing. Your fish pick might be amazing, but it’s more suited for IG or FB than Hinge.

Secondly, even if all women loved fishing, fish-pics are sooo cliche.

They’re as cliche as writing about tacos and margs or The Office on your profile.

Stand out by doing all that you can to disassociate yourself from stereotypes.

Biggest Turn-ons For Men’s Dating Profiles

A while back Badoo asked 5,000 female users what they liked and disliked most about a male user’s profile.

This is what they said.

biggest turn ons for men's dating profiles

Some takeaways from this survey are that women:

  • Are status-conscious
  • Can be superficial just like men
  • Love dogs

They also dislike group photos where they’re forced to play Where’s Waldo, mirror selfies, aggressively flexing their money, and aggressively flex their muscles.

Women love subtly.

We love the simple things.

A smiling man wearing a nice shirt with a nice background.



Don’t overthink it.

But that’s easy then done.

If only there was a concrete, step-by-step program that could show you how to date online.

That Step-By-Step Online Dating Program

AKA, Dating Decoded.

Dating Decoded teaches men how to MegaDate, create a quality profile, MegaMessage, handle objections, and how to properly setup date #1, 2, and 3’s.

We give you the tools you need to succeed in modern dating.

We’ll show you how to create a bomb profile, message women online, ask them out with a TDL, and of course how to date them IRL.

Dating Decoded teaches men these skills via four learning pathways:

  • Online curriculum
  • Weekly coaching sessions with yours truly
  • Online community
  • Mock dates

We don’t only cover the biggest turn-ons for men’s dating profiles but everything else you need to know to succeed at dating.

I’d like to learn more about your goals and dating history. Let’s chat via a 1-on-1 Zoom appointment so we can learn more about each other and determine if Dating Decoded is a fit for you.