Do You Feel Like You’re Not Being Authentic On Your Dates?

January 17, 2017

Hi guys, it’s Emyli America’s Online Dating Coach. A lot of my clients have recently asked me: “how to be confident while dating.” This is usually after a conversation of them telling me they can’t figure out how to be authentic while dating. They just can’t be themselves. I get it, I understand. 

At times dating can be awkward and difficult. You’re gonna have to change hats every so often- but there is no need to completely change who you are, or what you stand for. So I’ve come up with 2 steps you can take to be more authentic on your dates: 

Step 1: Write Down Exactly When Each Inauthentic Feeling Occurred

If you feel inauthentic, spend some time writing down exactly when you felt that way. You can do this right when you arrive home, after the date is complete. Was it during the course of the conversation that gave you an issue, or the anxiety you felt leading up to your date, or the things you did stay out of the friendzone? Or maybe it was something else. 

Do some free-form self-reflection writing. It’s important to identify the exact moment when your feelings changed so you can tweak your approach moving forward. Once you know your sticking points, you can strategize and move past them. 

Step 2: Use an Alter Ego

Imagine an alter ego (similar to Brad Pitt’s character in Fight Club) where you are super confident and not afraid of anything. An alter ego that never worries about what girls think. An alter ego that your ideal woman cannot resist. Now tell the story of what that alter ego would do in a similar situation. Would he listen to and act upon his desires? Would he be upfront, honest and confident? 

I want you to name this alter ego and really use it during your dating journey. Anytime you feel less than 100% confident I want you to step into the role of your alter ego. Walk like he does, dress like he does, talk like he does. Pretend you’re an actor in a movie. 

You don’t have to tell anyone what you’re doing, but in your mind, you’re this rockstar guy. This will help to increase self-confidence because when you “step into this role” you don’t have to question yourself because you are playing a character. Eventually the character will become a part of you so make it the guy you really want to be. Doing this will certainly help you be more confident while dating. 

Use My Dating Resources to Help You Further

I have a ton of free dating tips on my dating blog. You can check out my YouTube channel for about 100 videos that should help you reach your dating goals. 

If you are serious about crushing your dating goals…. you will want to get started on my EmLovz Academy Online Dating Course where you’ll get 4 hours of my most premium dating strategies. You’ll also get 15 worksheets for you to complete during the training course. I guarantee after completing the course and worksheets that you’ll start seeing real change in the way women perceive you!

For those of you who are very serious about crushing your dating goals, use me as your dating coach for men (sign up for an intro 1-on-1 coaching coaching session with me). I have coaching programs geared to helping you find a girlfriend, a long term partner, or just to help you get back in the swing of things. 

Keep up the good work because You Deserve the Perfect Woman.

With Love,

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