10 “The World Would Be a Better Place with More…” Bumble Answers LTR Oriented Men

the world would be a better place with more

Naturally, when someone asks you how you’d make the world a better place you probably have a lot to say – especially nowadays.

Instead of shouting into the abyss about what you’d improve, you can now channel your criticism for romantic gain.

Didn’t think that was possible did you?

But it’s true.

Bumble’s newest prompt, the world would be a better place with more gives you a chance to talk about all the wrongs of the world and how you’d go about righting them.

In this article, we’ll give you ideas as to how to answer this prompt. Each prompt response is 100% original so don’t feel bad copying and calling it your own. Plagiarism is the best form of flattery.

the world would be a better place with more

Why Bother With A Bumble Prompt?

I know what you’re probably thinking.

Aren’t dating apps all about photos, do I even need to respond to a dating prompt?

You’re right.

Dating apps are superficial and your photos are 1000% more significant than what you write.

Here’s the thing…

Most guys have your mentality. Maybe they invest in taking nice photos but don’t take the time to write a quality response. This means about 75% of Bumble profiles are lacking quality prompt responses.

That’s great news if you’re among that 25%.

The right prompt response can set you apart from the men that are too lazy to showcase their personality.

Look, when it comes to dating apps you need to take every step you can to differentiate yourself from everyone else.

Responding to date prompts gives you a great opportunity to do just that.

What Makes This Prompt Great?

Bumble has a revolving list of 25+ prompts to choose from.

So out of all these prompts why should you choose this one?

Well for one, you’re not just choosing this one, but three in total. Bumble requires three prompt responses.

Secondly, this one gives you a chance to really stand out and filter out incompatibles. 

This is a great prompt response for people who are very political and want to “weed” out potential suitors. Or, for someone with strong morals and values around something meaningful to them.

Don’t be afraid to broadcast what’s important to you even if it’s a bit contentious. If you’re pro-choice, want gun control, or think that capitalism has failed us and that we need to attack the rich and redistribute wealth go ahead and voice your opinion.

This may sound intense (and it is), but that’s the point.

Being contentious online will attract compatible women and repel those that aren’t.

With that said, let’s talk about the best Bumble prompt responses.

The World Would Be A Better Place With More…

1) Less

the world would be a better place with more

Funny how this prompt was turned on its head. But it’s true, less is more especially when it comes to making the world a better place.

2) Fuck The Oxford Comma

the world would be a better place with more

Music, not the magnetic pull of the sun makes the world go round.

Vampire Weekend is one of the best bands yet can’t get their shit together often enough to produce an album. We can be content with what we have or demand more albums from the platform that is Bumble.

Referencing music is always a good idea.

Your profile should always strive to make a connection. One of the easiest ways to do this is by name-dropping a band you love. Another way is to connect your Spotify to your account.

the world would be a better place with more

Scroll all the way down on a profile to see someone else’s top artists on Spotify. If you’re ever at a loss as to what to talk about just scroll down and comment on one of their most played artists.

3) Fact.

the world would be a better place with more

A couple of things.

One, this is just true.

Spa days would 100% make the world a better place.

Secondly, all women agree.

She’ll read this the world would be a better place with more Bumble prompt response and chuckle, agree, and swipe right on your profile.

This is the opposite of taking a polarizing approach, but hey, you have three prompts to respond to, you can be polemic in another one.

4) Damn Right

the world would be a better place with more

This prompt shows that you can be serious and funny while responding to such an emotional prompt.

As we all know, homelessness is a real issue in the US and affordable public housing is a solution. This prompt response takes a turn towards humor when the author appears to suggest the main reason people need homes is so they can invite someone over to Netflix and Chill.

Gotta love dating apps.

5) GOT Vibes For Sure

the world would be a better place with more

This one’s a bit left-field, but that’s perfectly fine.

As long as your other prompt responses and the rest of your profile is a bit centered, you can afford to be a bit odd at times.

Remember that your main goal here is to stand out. Guaranteed, most men will write something lame like world peace or ending world hunger.

You on the other hand will get plaudits for your attempt at being bold and writing something a bit out there.

6) I Wanna Dance With Somebody!

best bumble prompt responses

Tell her what you’re all about.

If you’re the festival attending, 3 a.m. dancing type, who never says no to a party, let her know about it.

What she wants now more than ever are details. She wants to know what you’re about. She wants to know who you are, what you do during your free time, how you enjoy yourself, what kind of music you listen to, and much more.

Be sure to use as much of the Bumble prompt as possible. If you have an extra 50 characters to work with use them.

7) Dreaming Of A Rounder World

best bumble prompt responses

Show her your passion or your job. If you’re a city planner, developer, real estate agent, etc. show her how your profession or what you’ve learned at work could improve the world.

She wants to know who you are and what you do for work.

Even more than that she wants to know that you’re passionate about something, anything.

Take this opportunity to show her what you’re passionate about.

It doesn’t matter if what motivates you is a bit quirky. It’s not like you’re going to lose your quirkiness when you two start dating right?

It’s better to make your weird known right out of the gate. Doing so will attract similarly-odd people that you have a better chance of connecting with.

8) One At A Time

best bumble prompt responses

Sure you don’t have to sound like you work in HR, but what I love about this response is that it targets secondary ways to make the world a better place.

It would be easy to say that the best way to make the world a better place is by ending world peace and addressing world hunger, but those are no-brainers.

Show her what you consider to be important aspects of life that need addressing. If that means less SM than say so, and of course if that also means more tacos then let her know.

Just remember to list out a number of oft-overlooked ways to improve the world around you.

9) To The Point

best bumble prompt responses

What if I told you that the majority of online dating users didn’t actually use dating apps to date?

Most use it for procrastination or confidence-boosting purposes.

They don’t want to date someone this Friday, what they want is a quick hit of dopamine.

By asking her out via the prompt you show her what you’re all about. Women as much as men are sick of dating apps. Women are tired of men that make bad conversation and never ask them out (unless it’s to their house). This shows her that you want to take the relationship off the app and into the real world ASAP.


Pitch a cool date idea that shows her what you’re all about. If she likes the idea she may even comment on it to begin the conversation. Remember that women message first on Bumble. However, they’re not going to message you if they’re forced to spend a lengthy bit of time thinking about the type of message they have to send you.

10) The Curve

best bumble prompt responses

I love me a good curveball.

Just when you think it’s going one way it abruptly changes.

Take this prompt response for example.

Here we have what appears to be a serious response initially. Then it abruptly changes to a rather silly one expressing a desire for more pickleball in one’s life.

Remember that while this prompt encourages us to be serious we don’t have to be. The most important thing to remember when responding is that it’s on you to showcase your personality. How you do that is completely up to you.

But I understand how all this can still seem a bit abstract.

You want to create the best possible Bumble prompt response around, so how do you do that?

Do It With Dating Decoded

We created a dating program, Dating Decoded, that teaches men the ins and out of online dating.

We show them how to create the perfect online profile so that they can MegaDate (i.e. date various women at once).

You’ll also learn how to chat with women online, how to have amazing first, second, and third dates, and much much more.

Via our self-paced online curriculum, live weekly sessions, online community, and mock dates you learn everything you could possibly want to learn about the modern dating scene.

Book a 1-on-1 call now to talk with us about your goals and how our program can help you achieve them.

If you want to learn what your dating life could look like just a couple of months after enrolling in our program, check out our student Naeem’s new dating life.