How to Make Him Chase You Without Playing Games

April 3, 2024

Want to know how to make him chase you ethically?

Us men are natural-born hunters.

But even men don’t have the time and energy to chase every pretty lady who walks by.

He’ll only chase after the women he’s most into. So the question becomes, how do you become the most desirable woman in his life? 

Sure, wearing fragrant perfume, working out, and drawing him in before giving him mixed signs are all appealing options, but there’s still a better way.

How to Make Him Chase You

Put the games and subtle seductive nuances on hold for a second. There’s one simple thing you can do that will have him checking his phone non-stop to see if you’ve finally responded to his message.

It’s called MegaDating.

MegaDating – What Is It?

Simply put, MegaDating is a proactive, prolific, and conscious dating approach designed to find you a super-compatible partner in 90 days. 

In practice, MegaDating looks like 20 dates in 90 days, coming up to one date every 4.5 days.

This proprietary dating approach shapes our entire dating philosophy, which you can check out more in-depth in our Masterclass.

What you need to know is that we don’t advise our ladies to mindlessly date as many guys as possible. We all know that finding a date as a woman is easy. Log onto your Bumble right now, and I guarantee that at least 50% of the first 10 men you swipe right on will be a match.

When you’re a woman you have options (especially if you’re on the dating apps).

MegaDating is all about filtering out the not-so-compatible men so you can invest time in men you’re genuinely into. This means taking the time to understand the kind of man you’re into so you can focus your search on finding him. As you MegaDate and sample all the flavors of your local dating scene continue to refine who you’re into. Soon enough you’ll find that perfect partner.

Oh, and if you’re worried about going on multiple marathon dates a week, don’t be.

If you follow the MegaDating rules you’re first dates won’t exceed one hour.

MegaDating Creates Tension

I’ll be honest.

I hate games.

Consciously toying with a man’s emotions in an attempt to manipulate him into liking you more is a sign of emotional instability. That same sexual tension and feeling like you might be slipping away can be created by focusing on MegaDating.

This is because when you MegaDate, you’re essentially turning each of your dates into gladiators and making them duke it out in the coliseum.

Back in the day when you’d date one guy at a time you had no one to compare him with. But dating multiple men simultaneously means you have legions of men fighting for your attention.

It’s not like you’re playing games and that’s why it takes you a while to respond or that you’re not super into him which is why you can’t make it this Friday. The reality is you’re just a busy, highly sought-after woman with a healthy dating life.

You don’t have time for every guy you date – even if you’re kinda into him.

He’ll feel your energy pull back as you focus on other men and that will make him want to win/want you more.

Everyone wants what is just out of their grasp. Do you aspire to drive a Honda or a Ferrari? The thing that is rare and hard to get is what we all want. Be that thing without playing games and MegaDate.

MegaDating Positions You As An Exotic Gem

It’s like the law of supply and demand.

When supply is low, demand is high. This applies to cars on the lot as much as it does to dating.

If your time is in high demand, you will be perceived as more valuable and men will be more attracted to you.

If you’re readily available, you are perceived as less valuable.

But we at emlovz don’t believe in playing games so we wouldn’t tell you to just not answer his texts or wait 3 hours before responding.

We’d tell you to fill up your life with amazing dates and amazing people and respond when you can. When you MegaDate, that will naturally help you to appear valuable because, spoiler, you freakin’ are.

Sure, maybe you don’t believe it now, but after MegaDating turns your life into a spin-off of Sex And The City, you’ll not only appear more valuable to men, you’ll believe it in your bones that you are valuable, and that is the most sophisticated kind of sexy.

MegaDating Protect You From Falling Into The Wrong Relationship

It’s easy to get attracted to the badass who rides a motorcycle, sings in a band, is tatted from his big toe to his neck, yet doesn’t have a stable job, isn’t as respectful to women as his mother would like, and has never had a serious relationship.

It’d be easy to fall for this guy if you weren’t able to compare him with other romantic prospects.

It’s easy to get tunnel vision when dating just one man. You think you’re into him, but really you only feel that way because he’s the only man in your life. Darlin’ I promise you men, yes plural men, will always want to take you dancing, make you dinner, and put a ring on that finger.

But it can be difficult to see that if you don’t put yourself out there and date around.

Let go of that safety blanket that is the man you’re been on an off dating for a while because you’re scared to be alone.

When you date around you’ll more clearly see who makes you feel good and who makes you feel like dirt.

You’ll exit the toxic situations more quickly, eventually not even engaging in them in the first place, and the men you want to attract will treat you like the queen you are because you’re choosing those men, not the ones who aren’t well-equipped to provide a happy, healthy and loving relationship.

Owning your value in this way will make you deeply attractive to the men you want to attract and incompatible with the ones you don’t want to attract. You’ll become a beacon for amazing love.

MegaDating Helps To Heal Insecure Attachment Styles

Your attachment style is how you connect and behave with the people around you.

There is the secure attachment style and then there are the various types of unhealthy attachment styles: avoidant, anxious, and disorganized. 

Each attachment style is formed in your childhood and is shaped by how your parents and those close to you showed you love. Your attachment style will dictate how you behave in adult romantic relationships as well. But even if you have an unhealthy attachment style, you do have the power to change it.

You see, when you have a goal of going on 1-2 dates a week for 90 days, you naturally become less anxious and/or less avoidant because your energy is focused on talking to a variety of people. For avoidants, it gives you an external goal of 20 dates that helps you take action and not be passive.

For anxiously attached individuals it helps you focus on multiple people so you don’t get clingy oneitis. Ultimately it helps you to not blow it with the right one by getting weird (either anxious or avoidant). This can make you seem more attractive than you would have otherwise been.

Not to mention, you’ll be able to identify men with secure attachment styles. This make take a little more conscious effort to better understand and value their way of communicating love, but once you start dating these men, naturally their healthy attachment style will rub off on you.

MegaDating Makes You Feel Your Most Confident

We love a confident man and as it turns out, men love confident women too.

They love to go out with a woman who is cool, composed, and totally under control. Maybe you feel miles away from this woman right now, but after going on multiple dates every week for a month or so you’ll organically transform into the kind of woman that all men love.

I mean imagine you were interviewing for a new job and you met with 20 different companies and all of them wanted to bring you on.

You’d have crazy confidence AND you’d have much more negotiating power.

You’d be able to easily weigh the options and feel confident because you had all the facts. But when you interview with only one company, you’re at their mercy and can’t tell whether they’re paying you fairly or offering a competitive compensation package.

Hence why you should always MegaDate, or weigh multiple options.

And what decision could be more important than your forever partner or the man you decide to marry and have children with? Or the man you bring around your children?

MegaDating Helps You Imagine What Your Life Would Be Like If You Were A Part Of Theirs

MegaDating kinda gives you superpowers. I don’t mean to be dramatic here, but when you date 20 guys in quick succession, you’re able to imagine what your life would look like with each one of them. The routines, the dynamics, the shows you’d binge, how your families and friends would interact, and all the other nuances of a relationship you want to know before jumping into one.

Your kryptonite is only dating one person at a time. Dating just one man at a time makes it more likely that you’ll overlook red flags and settle for something that’s not right for you out of scarcity.

MegaDating Makes You Feel Sexy

I know that you don’t need a man to make you feel sexy… but it helps.

Every one of our students feels more desired, confident, and sexy after going on a few dates. It’s nice to be wanted by amazing men.

Lean into your sexy and get out there and find the man you want.

Dating Decoded

Now you know how to make him chase you; now it’s time to master the romantic ways of MegaDating.

Learn how to find a super compatible man in just months by teaming up with our emlovz team and learning the ways of modern dating. 

Our Team

  • Emyli, co-founder, curriculum developer, head coach, and hosts coaching sessions every week.
  • Thomas (me), co-founder, and coach. If you want an inside look at what’s going on in his mind, just ask me.
  • Darshil is our mock date coach for women. Refine your in-date skills before your next outing.
  • Hailey is your new stylist. If you think it’s time for a wardrobe overhaul, let Hailey lead the charge.
  • Tilly is our holistic sex & intimacy coach. We all want better sex but no one knows how to get it, well, except Tilly.
  • Renee is our anxiety dating coach. Dating is terrifying. That’s why Renee is here to help you conquer your fears.
  • Mia is our social media expert. Optimize your social media platforms by tag teaming with Mia.

Our Community

And look, we realize that the single life can be difficult. If accepted into our coaching program, Dating Decoded, you’d be joining a community of supportive singles and coaches who are there to listen, support, and encourage you as you navigate the single life.

And we won’t excommunicate you from our community once you’ve found a partner. Once a member, always a member; that’s our lifetime membership guarantee. 

If you’re ready to find your forever partner, book a Zoom session with our team today. Together we’ll talk about your dating history, goals and show you how our program, Dating Decoded, can help you find your ideal partner.

Here’s how our students’ dating lives have changed since enrolling.
