5 Things to Know When Dating a Vegetarian Woman

June 8, 2018

Are you dating a vegetarian woman? Vegetarianism has become extremely mainstream in recent years. The popularity of a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle has also made dining out much easier, with vegetarian restaurants popping up everywhere and delicious meatless substitutes making their way to grocery aisles across the nations.

Gone are the days when being a vegetarian meant always ordering a salad when out at a restaurant or being hard-pressed to find a meat substitute that didn’t have the consistency of a sponge.

Tons of people have adopted a vegetarian lifestyle and there is even niche dating websites like Green Singles to cater to those looking to match with other conscious, open-minded singles.

Still, if you’re a meat eater, dating a vegetarian woman can cause some confusion. You may be worried about what can and can’t be eaten, what she considers ethical and unethical, or if you should feel self-conscious housing a burger in front of her.

But love between a vegetarian and a carnivore truly can exist. To help you navigate the do’s and don’ts when dating a vegetarian, take a look below.

Things to Know When Dating a Vegetarian Woman

#1: What Type of Vegetarian is She?

When dating a vegetarian it’s important to realize that all vegetarians are not created equal and there are several different types of vegetarians — some that even eat certain meats! So that dinner reservations and cooking don’t become a complete nightmare for you (hint: even certain salad dressings are a no-go for vegetarians), let’s run down each type of vegetarian.


This is more of a pseudo-vegetarianism, where a person will attempt to follow a diet that is mainly plant-based and try to avoid meat as often as possible. However, you will catch this type of vegetarian indulging in the occasional steak, fried chicken, or other types of meat.

Despite their current flexibility, don’t get pumped for the possibility of a dinner date at a steakhouse. This person is likely in a transitional state where they’re on the way to becoming one form of full-fledged vegetarian. Supporting their efforts and choosing places that are vegetarian-friendly will definitely be appreciated.

The next two types of vegetarian types (pescatarian and pollotarian) may also be considered flexitarian diets.


Pescatarians do not eat any type of meat from land-roaming animals (i.e., poultry, pork and other red meats). However, they do include fish and other seafood in their diet. Dairy products and eggs are often a staple of this diet, but not always.

Chloe Spencer of The Huffington Post cited several benefits that come from following a pescatarian diet, including reduced risk of cancer and heart disease. She also cited eco-friendly reasons for choosing to cut out meat from land-roaming animals, including water conservation and less deforestation.

Transitioning to a pescatarian diet can also be much easier for meat-loving individuals, as you can still satisfy those cravings with fish and other types of seafood. And this way, you can still enjoy incorporating aphrodisiacs like oysters and (other seafood) on your dates!


A pollotarian is a type of flexitarian diet that includes fish, eggs, dairy products and any type of fowl (chicken, turkey and other types of poultry).

Pollotarians avoid any type of red meat, such as beef, lamb, and pork. Somebody may become a pollotarian for dietary reasons (i.e., to lower their cholesterol and improve their cardiovascular health by completely cutting out red meat), or as a way to transition into a plant-based lifestyle.

When you’re dating a pollotarian, find out if they are choosing this route as a way to transition into a vegetarian diet that limits all types of meat consumption or if they simply have chosen to cut out red meat. The reasons for their decision will dictate the types of places you eat, as she may want to explore vegan and vegetarian restaurants as a way to better ease the transition of cutting out meat completely.

Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians

Before veganism became popular, this type of diet is what people typically thought of when hearing the term “vegetarian.”

Lacto-ovo vegetarians do not consume any type of meat, but they do include eggs and vegetables in their diet.

And the inclusion of eggs doesn’t simply mean you’ll have an easy go-to when it comes to breakfasts or brunches. Check out these easy and delicious recipes from Kitchn and Delish for inspiration.

Turns out the egg is truly incredible! And because this type of vegetarian consumes dairy products as well, you won’t have to shy away from throwing some cheddar on her omelet (let’s face it — vegan cheese can be risky territory).

Ovo Vegetarians

Ovo vegetarians exclude all meats and dairy products from their diet, but will consume eggs. Sadly, this means no pairing fancy cheeses with wines. But hey, there’s always chocolate, crackers and crusty bread.

Lacto Vegetarians

Lacto vegetarians exclude all meats and eggs from their diet, but will consume dairy products.

Hooray for cheese!


If you’re going on a date with a vegan, it’s important to know that she does not consume animal products of any kind. Also, vegans gets their protein exclusively from plant-based foods, such as nuts and beans.

A vegan diet can sound extremely restrictive but, when followed properly, it is actually extremely nutritious and is capable of providing an adequate amount of nutrients.

A vegan diet also forces a lot of creativity in the kitchen, which is fun and can introduce you to a ton of new foods. Check out these recipes from One Green Planet for some inspiration.

#2: A Vegetarian Most Likely Won’t Try to Force You to Become a Vegetarian Too

There are exceptions to everything, but — most likely — the vegetarian woman you date isn’t going to expect you to suddenly give up meat simply because she did. And if someone is trying to push that type of diet on you or considers your diet a “deal breaker,” this simply may mean that this isn’t the right match for you.

But, for the most part, a woman isn’t going to try to push her vegetarian lifestyle on you. In fact, she may be worried that her choice to go vegetarian will be looked at as odd or an inconvenience. This is why it’s best to make her feel comfortable when she lets you know about it. Show interest in her lifestyle and don’t be judgmental. And whatever you do, don’t say things like:

“Oh man, that sucks! I can’t imagine not eating meat.”

“But meat tastes so good — why would you do that?”

“Did you decide to do that to get really skinny?”

“So then, do you just eat salads all day?”

No, no, 100% NO! Do not be that guy!

Instead, say something like:

“Oh wow, that’s really cool!”

“What made you decide to become a vegetarian?”

“Do you have any favorite vegetarian spots in the area?”

If you date a vegetarian long-term, and her diet choices have come from ethical and/or environmental reasons, there’s a good chance that she will want you to at least consider the possibility of converting, or including more vegetarian items into your diet.

In this case, don’t force yourself into something you don’t agree with (that will only lead to resentment), but keep an open mind when it comes to this type of diet.

#3: You Should Research Restaurants and Bars You Want to Take Her To Before Suggesting Them

When dating a vegetarian woman, you want to make dining experiences fun for both of you. If you go to a place where the only vegetarian option is a side salad — this is not a good option.

Research vegetarian or vegetarian-friendly restaurants online by reading Google reviews and websites like Yelp.

#4: There Are A LOT of Foods That Contain Animal Products & You Probably Don’t Realize It

If you’re dating a vegan woman or anyone that refuses to consume animal products such as fish, it may come as a surprise that certain seemingly innocuous foods are a no-no. Did you know that the red dye used in Dannon yogurt (known as a carmine dye) is actually made from crushed up bugs? Yup — it is!

Here are a few other surprising foods that contain animal products, so that you know to steer clear when it comes to treating your date:

Candies that use gelatin (including gummy bears and Starbursts) would not be considered vegan or vegetarian-friendly, being that gelatin is actually made from the collagen found in cow or pig bones.

Certain beers and wines contain isinglass, which is a product that is made from the bladders of fish. Visit Barnivore to see if a wine or beer you’re considering buying is vegan-friendly.

Many salad dressings contain eggs and dairy products, and some even contain fish! Caesar salad dressing normally contains anchovy paste, and fish is also made with anchovies.

#5: Vegan and Vegetarian Diets Can Actually Be REALLY Delicious

Fretting over the “vegan dating a meat eater” stigma? If thoughts about a burger-less dinner or foregoing your favorite barbecue dishes are making you dread nights out with your vegetarian lady — never fear! 

Because vegetarian and vegan diets have become so mainstream, companies have found tons of ways to satisfy meat-lovers without actually using any animal products.

Have you heard of jackfruit? Jackfruit is a fruit that has gained popularity as a near-identical substitute for certain meats like pulled pork and taco fillings. Many vegan restaurants serve meaty jackfruit dishes and you can learn how to make your own! Check out these jackfruit recipes that do a pretty good job of feeding your carnivorous cravings.

Another great meat substitute that has been making its way across the country since last year is the much-hyped Impossible Burger. The burger uses all-natural, meatless ingredients to create an authentically meaty taste that several people have touted tastes exactly like a real burger. The Impossible Burger also uses an iron-containing compound known as heme, which makes this burger actually bleed in a way that resembles a medium-rare or rare burger!

You can check to see if the Impossible Burger is served at a location near you for an awesome meatless date night.

Dating a Vegetarian Woman Wrap-up

Would you like more individualized advice on dating a vegetarian? Whether you’ve just starting dating someone who is a vegetarian or are in a relationship with a vegetarian, we’re here to help.

Head over to my calendar and book a 1-on-1 Zoom Session with me or one of my other coaches today! During your session we’ll uncover your dating goals, create a strategy, and see if our coaching or matchmaking services are right for you!
