Dating in Denver: What’s It Like & Should I Hire a Dating Service?

dating in denver

To the majority of Americans, Colorado’s capital is Denver, but to the out of luck single man, it’s known as Menver.

That’s right, the Mile High City has another nickname, one that most men shout to the heavens as yet another Tinder match cancels a date.

Denver’s a weird city for dating.

At first glance Menver is a bit of a misnomer. Denver’s gender ratio as of 2017 actually had slightly more women than men calling the city home.

That all changes once you throw the filter of “single” on the population.

Adult men that have never been married outnumber women by 19,000.

If you’re a woman, dating in Denver is a mile high paradise full of heavily bearded, fit, skinny jean wearing, IPA-drinking men. If you’re a man, Menver is a hell hole full of heavily bearded, fit, skinny jean wearing, IPA-drinking dudes that are constantly competing for the attention of a handful of single women.

No wonder you’re on the hunt for Denver dating services that will turn your romantic fortunes around.

I’ll show you who you can call to help you tip the scale in your favor.

But first, let’s dive into the Denver dating scene.

The Numbers Game: Denver Style

Let’s zero in on the numbers that really matter.

Let’s throw out data about the overall population and about the number of people already in relationships.

What matters is the number of singles out there.

It’s true that there are more single women than men in Denver. But the disparity changes depending on the age bracket you examine. Let’s take those ages 20-24 for example. There are less than 1k more single women than men in this age bracket. This probably has to do with the wealth of college-age women attending school in the Denver area.

That disparity changes bigly when we look at the age bracket of 25-29-year-olds. It’s in this bracket that we see that there are 24k women and 28 single men living in Menver. We find a similar difference when we look at those in the 30-34 age bracket, with another 4k more men than women. The gender gap lessens a bit when we look at unmarried men and women ages 35-39. It’s here we see that there are 2.5 more men than women.

Combine these age groups and we have 9,000 more unmarried men than women.

When it comes to Denver’s dating scene, it’s fair to say that it’s not a man’s world.

The Upside

It isn’t all doom, gloom, and altitude sickness for those in the Mile High City.

What Denver lacks in women it makes up in date ideas.

Every year WalletHub ranks the best and worst cities for singles. In 2019, Denver came in second. No, not the second-worst; second best.


So the study’s methodology broke each city up into three categories: economics, fun and recreation, and dating opportunities.

Its economics rank was horrible, coming in at 124th out of 180 cities. Denver’s expensive as hell and getting even more pricy. This wasn’t the factor that makes the city appealing to singles according to the study.

The fun and recreation and dating opportunities ranked 16th and 4th.

The fun and recreation took certain variables such as number of attractions, restaurants per capita, coffee and tea shops per capita, parks per capita, and other variables into account.

The dating opportunities concluded its rank of 4th for Denver by examining the city’s singles gender balance, single population, online dating opportunities, and mobile dating opportunities.

While the dating opportunities category deserves scrutiny, what can’t be denied is Denver’s wealth of date ideas.

For a first date look no further than the 20,000 acres of park space the city offers. If you’re not into the outdoors, why not try your hand at Denver’s only indoor mini-golf course, the Urban Putt. But ya know what, mini golf doesn’t exactly capture Denver’s ethos. Why not capture the city’s vibe by chucking some axes at Bad Axe Throwing.

For a second date, keep things physical. Instead of opting for the cliche coffee date, why not take a tour of Hammond’s Candies factory. You’ll get a behind the scenes tour and learn the intricacies of candy-making. Not the candy type? Fine, mix things up by rock climbing. There are plenty of indoor rock climbing gyms in Denver.

If she’s lucky enough to make it to a third date, it’s time to shower her with affection and class. Nothing says, I dig you more than dinner on a train as you two cruise through the Royal Gorge. If you two are too new-school for riding and dining, why not smoke a blunt and paint? That’s right, in unique Denver fashion you and your lady can toke and paint at Puff Pass Paint.

Denver’s Weather

A city’s dating scene is really only as good as its weather.

A few years ago The Washington Post embarked on a mission to find which city in the US had the best weather. As expected, Denver didn’t win, it didn’t even come close.

With 210 “nice days” a year, Long Beach, CA came in first.

Denver came in, well, I don’t know. It was so far away from first it wasn’t exactly ranked. Denver sees just 52 “nice days” a year. So what exactly is a “nice day” according to The Post?

A “nice day” is one that satisfies the following criteria:

  • High temperature between 65 and 85 degrees
  • Maximum dew point temperature less than or equal to 65 degrees
  • Peak daily wind (including gusts) less than 25 mph
  • Average daily cloud cover less than or equal to 65 percent
  • No measurable precipitation

52 days of nice weather a year doesn’t mean that you only have 52 chances to date a year.

Residents of Denver are used to the cold. The people of this city embrace the weather of the city and are more than willing to brave a trek through the woods or through downtown in the midst of a snowstorm. The people of Denver are ready to date, are you?

Denver Dating Services

If you’re a Denver dude, dating in the city can feel like schlepping groceries to your apartment downtown while in the midst of a slush storm.

Of course, your schlep mission could be a whole lot easier if you just called an Uber.

That’s where a dating coach comes in.

When you’re all alone and out in the cold, counting on the expertise of a dating coach and matchmaker is just what you need.

So how exactly do we at emlovz operate?

Well, we take men dissatisfied with their romantic life and turn them into superdaters that can tickle the fancy of any woman.


Perhaps we can’t confer you with all the dark arts of seduction but we can seriously boost your game.

Through 12 personal or group sessions, you’ll learn the ins and outs of modern dating.

You’ll master online dating, will be shown how to mine for dates, how to effectively ask a woman out with a TDL, how to escalate sexual tension, how to MegaDate, and of course, how to find and woo a worthy partner.

These 12 classes can eihter be private or group sessions. If you join the group, you’ll embark on a romantic journey with the help, guidance, and support of a brotherhood of wingman. Every guy in the group is in the same exact position. Together you’ll help each other and provide support while on the road to love.

But coaching isn’t the only service we offer.

We understand that some guys are too swamped with work to find women to date. They can’t go to parties, meet women in Meetup groups, or spend time everyday swiping through dating apps. For these men, we have a solution.


To be clear, matchmaking services are only offered should you also be coached.

We see little reason in setting you up with a highly compatible woman only to fail miserably on the first date.

For those that do enlist our matchmaking services, you’re in for quite the service.

Let’s say that you enroll in our matchmaking program. The minute you join we’ll begin the hunt for the woman of your dreams.

Instead of pulling a name out of a hat of pre-screened women, we don’t have a shallow database of women that are constantly recycled like other matchmakers use. Instead, we’ll comb through women that live in your town — regardless of where you reside — in order to find women of merit. We’ll source approximately 1,000 candidates, interview 50-75 of them, and schedule the best 15 of them on zoom first dates over the course of 6 months – but likely much sooner, more like 3 to 4 months

To find these women we deploy a team of e-recruiters.

After each date, we’ll analyze what went wrong and teach you how to improve on your next date.

It’s Time

If you’re ready to kickstart your dating life in Denver, schedule an appointment a 1-on-1 appointment with us via Zoom.